Back to Work

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While Jenna loved spending days at home with Jude and Tobi, she greatly missed acting, and especially with Wednesday. But today was the day that Jenna was returning to set for the first time since taking a break for her pregnancy. Luckily for her, the third season of Wednesday was being filmed in England, infact, the set was only 30 minutes away from her house. Since it was her first day back and she was going go be taking Tobi with her to set everyday, Jude decided to go with her on her first day back to help her re-establish herself on set with a new baby and to help out.

"Jude, do you have the nappy bag, pram and other things we may need?" Jenna asked as she stressed out about getting ready. "Jenna, I made sure we have everything. Now can we get going?" Jude reassured her. "Ok, fine, legs just go." She picked up Tobis carrier and took him outside to the car, placing him in before getting into the passenger seat. Jude was soon to follow as he got in and drove off.

When they arrived on set, Jude grabs the pram and bags out of the boot and set it up while jenna got out and went to the back to get tobi. "Are you ready to see mommy work? We're gonna be spending a lot of time here so I hope you will enjoy it. Everyone here will love you, I promise." Jenna said to tobi as she picked him up out of his seat and gave him a kiss. She then walked over to Jude and put Tobi into the pram as he got the bag out of the car and put it on the underside of the pram. "You ready?" He asked. Jenna nodded before she started to push the pram into set. When they got inside, they were immediately greeted by Emma, Percy and Joy. "Jenna, Hi how are you?" Emma said as she ran up to jenna and hugged her. "Hey, I'm great, how are you?" Jenna she replied. "I'm awesome, now where is Tobi?" Emma said. "Right here." Jenna said as she picked him.up out of the pram and held him against her chest. "Oh my God jenna he is beautiful. Congratulations." Joy said with her hand over her heart. "Thank you. How have you all been?" Jenna asked as she gave Tobi a kiss and put her hand on his head as he rested his head on her shoulder. "I have been good. Just chilling and enjoying life." Percy said. "Thats good. Would anyone like to hold Tobi?" Jenna asked with a smile. "Yes, yes and yes." Emma said immediately. Jenna smiled and handed him to Emma who instantly started to hug him. "Hey Tobi, im Emma, I can't wait to spend time with you on set, were gonna have so much fun." Emma cooed as she hugged him. Jenna giggled as she took pictures of Emma and Tobi. "Well, I would love to stay and catch up but I need to head to hair and make up and so do you guys." Jenna said as she looked at the time. "Oh my God yeah. I'll see you later." Emma said as she handed tobi back to jenna.

Jenna and Jude headed over to hair and make-up. As they walked Jude wrapped his arm and jenna and gave her a kiss on her head. "This is the first time I am gonna watch you at work." Jude smiled. "I know, your giving me stage fright." Jenna laughed as they got to the hair and make-up trailers. As they entered the trailer, she was greeted by the hair and make-up people who cooed over tobi. She got into the seat and sat with Tobi on her lap as they started to put her make-up on. "So how's life been with a little one?" Her make-up artist asked. "The best. He is the best thing to have happened to me and I honestly wouldn't trade him for the world. He is perfect and everytime I see him I can't help but smile. When he was sick, I was so scared because I love him so much. But it's the best thing being a mom. And I have the best Fiancé in the world who is the best Dad in the world." Jenna smiled as she looked at Jude through the mirror with a smile. "Aw how cute." Jenna finishes up in hair and make-up before she heads over to the wardrobe department to get dressed. As soon as she was done, she walked back to Jude and Tobi. "How do I look?" Jenna asked Jude as she hugged him. "Scary, but good." Jude replied and gave her a kiss. "Thanks. Well let's head onto set now." Jenna said bursting with excitement. "Lets go." Jude smiled and took ahold of her hand. She took tobi into her arms before they walked onto set.

Jude and jenna entered onto set where she met up with Tim. "Hey Tim, how are you?" Jenna smiles as she walked up to him and gave him a hug. "I'm great, how are you and who is this little man." Tim smiled as he gave tobis chin a small tickle. Jenna smiled as she looked at Tim and Tobi. "Im great, and this is Tobi." Jenna started as she looked down at him. "Well congratulations Jenna, im very happy for you. And who is this behind you." Tim said looking at Jude with a smile. "This is Jude, my Fiancé. He will only be here today to help me settle in with Tobi on set." Jenna replied as she hugged Jude with her free hand. "Nice to meet you Jude. Feel free to come to set whenever you want. We would love to have you around." Tim smiled as he shook his hand. "Thanks, I'll try and be here when I can but I have training most days of the week." Jude said as he gave him a soft smile. "Oh yes i forgot that you play football. Well, I'm sure we will hear all about it. Anyway, would you like to sit in the chair next to me and watch while jenna films?"  Tim asked. "Sure, if jenna is ok with that?" Jude said as he looked at her. "I dont mind. Let's get going." Jenna smiled and gave Jude a kiss before she went over to Percy and Emma who were talking to the stunt directors. As jenna got ready to film. Jude got Tobis blanket out of the pram and put it over his back before sitting down next to Tim. "So Jude. How has Jenna been after the pregnancy. We all care about her and know how she is coping." Tim asked Jude. "Um, yeah, she has been doing well. She is so in love with Tobi and she is the best mother. She has been in a great mood, especially since we went to the US even though that trip wasn't great." Jude replied as he rubbed tobis back. " What happened in the US?" Tim asked. "Um, Tobi got sick. We went to the beach and as we left, he started crying and just didn't stop. After like 2 hours, we asked jennas mum for help and she noticed he had a really high temperature so we went to the hospital and he had to stay overnight. Jenna stayed with him as she just couldn't leave his side. She was beside herself the whole time, she loves him so much and him being sick just broke her heart." Jude explained. "Oh, well I am so sorry. I hope he is doing better now. How are you doing?" Tim then asked Jude. "Yeah, I'm doing well, having a son with the love of my life is the best thing to happen to me and I love my son and jenna so much so I am doing well." Jude replied. "Thats good." Tim smiled. Soon they started to film. Jenna, Percy and Emma were filming a scene in the nightshade library. About 45 minutes into filming, Tobi started to cry during a take. When jenna heard him, she stopped acting and rushed over to Jude and Tobi. Jude was trying to soothe him but he wouldn't stop crying. "Here, pass him to me, he is probably needs to be fed." Jenna said as she put her hands out to take Tobi. Jude handed Tobi to Jenna as she started to hush him. "Tim, is it ok if we take a break, I need to feed Tobi." Jenna asked as she patted tobis back. "Of course, take as long as you need." Tim nodded. Jenna thanked him before she guided Jude to her trailer.

When they got into her trailer, jenna put tobi down in his pram. "Jude can you help me take off this uniform so I can feed him?"  Jenna asked in a slight rush. "Yep." Jude replied and walked over to her. He helped her take off her jacket jumper and shirt before she went over to the pram and took tobi out. She sat down with him and started to feed him. As she fed Tobi, Jude started to flirt with jenna. "You know you look so hot when you feed him." Jude smiled as he walked over and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arm around her and started to kiss her neck. "Really? What has brought this on?" Jenna asked as she turned her head towards him. "You. Your just leng." Jude smiled as he stopped kissing her neck. He then used his other hand to hold her chin and pulled her into a deep kiss. Eventually they pulled away, "I love you so much." Jude smiled. "I love you too." Jenna replied. Jude pulled her back into another kiss when suddenly the door opened and Emma walked in. "Oh my gosh, sorry." Emma said as she quickly rushed out. "No Emma, it's fine come back in." Jenna replied. Emma came back in and sat down in one of the chairs infront of jenna. "So, We havent been able to have a good chat yet. How has life been with tobi. Tell me everything." Emma said. "Well it is a lot of this." Jenna gestured to the fact she was feeding tobi. "But it has been amazing. He is my favourite person ever. He is my little buddy and I love him. We have the best times with him. And while our US trip wasn't the best as I already told you, we had fun anyway with him. There was one night where we were just lying in bed with him and to me, those moments mean the world to me. Also when we spend time with out family, I mean we had a pool day with judes family and that was awesome." Jenna smiled. "So cute, how was the birth and pregnancy it's self?" Emma then asked. "Well my pregnancy was good, I was sick at the start but most women are at the start of their pregnancy. It was a bit annoying when It got to the point when my mobility was affected but it was so cute and special whenever Jude talked to tobi while I was pregnant with him. It was so sweet." Jenna smiled and kissed his cheek. Jude hugged her back. "Aw, cute. And the birth." Emma asked. "One of the scariest experiences of my life. I was pushing for over an hour and when I finally gave birth to him, he didn't cry." Jenna said as she recalled the moment. "Oh, that must of been so scary." Emma said. "I was in hysterics asking why my baby wasn't crying. And then he finally started to cry. And when he was placed on my chest. I was so relived and happy, I finally got to kiss my baby and Jude was by my side, holding me. It was the best moment of my life." Jenna smiled as she looked down at Tobi. "Oh my goodness, well I am so glad it worked out for you. And he is the splitting image of you both." Emma said. "How are you gonna manage with him on set, I mean obviously Jude won't be here the whole time. We will all be here to help you. Hold Tobi if you need." Emma offered. "Yeah, your help would be great. And I think that whenever I am not filming, he will be in my arms. And hopefully I will be able to go off and feed him or change him when I need to." Jenna said. "Ok, well we are all here to help you." Emma said with a smile. "Thanks." Jenna gave her a smile as Tobi stopped feeding. "Well, looks like he is done. Jude can you burp him while I get ready again?" Jenna asked him. He nodded as he took the baby from jenna and layed him on his chest, as he patted his back. "I'll go back out and say that you will be out soon." Emma said as she left.  "Thanks." Jenna replied. As jenna put back on her uniform, she noticed Jude softly talking to Tobi as she burped him. "You two are my world. You know that?" Jenna smiled as she sat down next to Jude and gave him a kiss. "I love you both too." Jude replied giving her another kiss.

Jenna went back out and finished filming for the day before she and Jude headed home.

Once they arrived, home, Jenna put Tobi down to sleep before she went over to the bed where Jude was lying. She walked over to judes side of the bed and climbed on top of him, kissing him pationatly as she pulled at his shirt. He broke the kiss to take of his shirt as well as her shirt. He threw them on the floor before he took a hold of her back and flipped her so she was on the bottom. "Jude...please." Jenna moaned out as he kissed her neck. "What do you want? Tell me." Jude replied between kisses. "Fuck me...please." Jenna breathed heavily as she turned her head into him. Jude pulled away, taking his shorts off before he removed her bra and sweatpants, leaving them both naked. Jude aligned himself up before pulling jenna into another kiss and thrusting into her causing her to loudly moan. She held onto his neck and back as he quickened his pace. "Fuck baby. I love you so much." Jude moaned as he thrusted. "I love you too. Keep going, I'm getting close." Jenna replied as she pulled him into a kiss. Soon enough Jenna felt herself release as Jude thrusted harder and harder. "Im close, hold on." Jude said before releasing inside her. Jenna smiled into him as he stopped and rested down next to her. "I love you." Jenna said as she kissed him. "I love you too." Jude replied and kissed her back. Jenna and Jude fell asleep there, in eachothers arms.

A/N: Sorry if updates are inconsistent, I'll try and update more often but as I said before, school is getting busy and I need to prioritise study aswell as football.

Jude Bellingham x Jenna Ortega | I'm sure we can make it work Where stories live. Discover now