Back to America

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Tobi was now a month old and Jenna and Jude decided that it was time to take him to America so that he could meet Jennas family.

Jude and Jenna found themselves in their room packing their bags 7 hours before they needed to be at the airport. "Are you excited for your family to meet Tobs?" Jude asked Jenna as he folded his clothes. "Super excited. My family will love him so much and will be so happy that our family is still growing." Jenna replied with a smile. Jude walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her. "Well I am very excited for them to meet him too. I'm also excited about getting there and seeing you happy and in your element." Jude smiled and kissed her again. "What do you mean happy? I am so happy. I am spending my life with you and tobi. I share a child with you. My life is wonderful." Jenna replied, curious about his statement. "I just mean that whenever we go to the states, you are extra happy as you love spending time with your family." Jude replied. Jenna nodded and pulled Jude in to another long kiss, holding the back of his neck as she did so. They eventually pulled away and zipped up their bags, aswell as the bag they packed for Tobi. "Speaking of the perfect life." Jenna said as she walked over to her baby's cot. "He is just so adorable when he sleeps." Jenna gushed over her son as Jude came over, wrapping his arms around her. He leaned his head on hers. "Your right, though. Life is perfect. Our son is perfect. You are perfect. I can't ask God for anything more." Jude softly said as he looked down at Tobi. "I know it sounds weird but I am glad that you forgot to pull out. That may have been the best thing that you ever forgot to do." Jenna softly chuckled. "Im glad I didn't as well." Jude chuckled as he leaned in and gave Jenna a long, meaningful kiss. They pulled away and hugged. "We should probobly get dressed." Jude said as her had his eyes closed, enjoying the hug. Jenna nodded, giving Jude one final kiss before they went and got into their sweats for the flight. Once they were done dressing themselves, they quickly packed their carry ons and a care bag for tobi. They then hear Tobi crying in his cot. "Can you go and get the pillow for me while I go and get him please?" Jenna asked Jude. He nodded and went to the cupboard to get the pillow. Jenna on the otherhand walked over to the cot and picked up her baby boy. "Oh baby, it's ok, mommas gonna feed you now. Don't cry." She told him as she pulled up her shirt and bra to start feeding him. She sat down on the bed with him as Jude came over with the pillow and put it under tobi. "Thanks." Jenna said to Jude as he sits down next to her. "Do you have an idea of what you are gonna dress him in for the flight?" Jude asked her. "Um, probably just a onsie, and I need to pack something for when we land because I already know that there will be heaps of pappirazi there and I don't want him covered in vomit and whatever else. So yeah, just something comfortable." Jenna replied looking up at him. He nodded and went back to looking at his phone. "Oh also, Mom said that Tobi will probably cry for a lot of the flight, obviously when he needs to be fed but the change in air pressure will cause him to feel disressed and he will cry alot." Jenna said to Jude. He nodded and rested his head on her shoulder as he drifted off to sleep. Soon, jenna finished feeding tobi, so she burped him and went to dress him without waking up Jude. One she was done, she got his second outfit and put it in his bag before going over to Jude and waking him up. "We should probobly head to the airport now." Jenna smiled as Jude rubbed his eyes. He nodded and got up, packing their items in the car as Jenna put Tobi into his seat. They eventually got in the car. "You ready?" He asked. Jenna nodded and squeazed Judes hand as he pulled out of the driveway.

Jenna and Jude drove to the airport, and parked their car at the concierge area. Jude and Jenna got out, with Jenna going to get tobi out before the service took their bags out of the car and on a trolley and parked their car in a private car park. "Do you want me to get the baby wrap out of the bag for you?" Jude asked Jenna noticing her difficulty to hold Tobi while sorting out their stuff. "Yes, and can you help put it on aswell?" Jenna asked him. He nodded and quickly got it out. Placing it on her before helping her to put Tobi into the wrap. Once done, Jenna went back to getting out their passports and then they went into the airport. They decided that now with a small baby and evergrowing attention from the media, that they were now going to fly private to avoid danger to their family. They entered the airport and went through customs and security before heading out and boarding their plane. "Ladies first." Jude said as jenna stepped onto the plane. She giggled as he followed her on and the door was shut. They sit down in their seats, Jude wrapping his arm around jenna as they waited for take off. Soon, the plane was rushing down the runway. Jenna took ahold of judes hand and squeezed it as her other hand was against tobis back as he curled up to her in the wrap.

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