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It was another early start for Jenna. She was heading back to set for Wednesday. This time though, it was without Jude, just herself and Tobi. Jude was returning to training, and Jenna to work.

Jenna was asleep, when she felt a soft set of lips plant on hers. Her eyes fluttered open, locking with the eyes of her Fiancé. "Good morning." Jude smiled at her and kissed her. "Good morning baby, how are you?" Jenna asked with a big smile as she pulled him into another kiss. "Im good, I'm just about to head off to training. I wanted to say goodbye and to remind you to get up and get yourself and Tobi ready for work." Jude said as he pulled away and raised his eyebrow. "Oh shit, yes, I forgot about that completely." Jenna said with worry filling her voice. She got up and went straight to her bathroom where she undressed to take a shower. "Im leaving now. Goodbye, I love you and good luck on set today." Jude said as he came in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. Jenna turned around with a smile and pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you too. I want you to look forward to tonight by the way." Jenna cheekily told him as she headed into the shower. "If you are suggesting what I think, then I sure am. I love you." Jude smirked. "I love you too." Jenna replied. Jude left and made his way to training.

Jenna then took her shower, and got out, getting into some sweats for filming before heading back Into her room to wake Tobi up. "Good morning baby, how are you today. Are you excited to come to work with Momma?" Jenna cooed over her baby as he started to cry. "Oh, don't cry Baby, I'll feed you now." Jenna hushed him and lifted her shirt to feed the infant. She started to feed him, sitting down and watching TV while doing so. When she was done, she got him dressed for the day, into a warm onsie as it was getting cooler. She then got her stuff and the nappy bag and made her way out to the car. She packed it in before putting Tobi into his carseat and getting into the drivers seat. Jenna turned to look at her baby. "You ready Tobi?" Jenna asked him before pulling out of the driveway.

Jenna drove to set, making sure not to disturb and wake tobi on the way. When she arrived, she got out and got the pram ready, packing the pram with their stuff before she gently took Tobi out of the carseat and placed him into his pram. "Lets go baby, I have a long day of work." Jenna cooed. Emma walked up behind Jenna and hugged her. "Hey Jenna!" Emma laughed. Jenna screamed and turned around, causing Tobi wake up and start crying. "Oh, no, baby, did I scare you? Sorry." Jenna picked up Tobi and held him to her chest, patting his back and hushing him. "Oh, my, goodness, Jenna I am so sorry!" Emma winced in sorrow. "Its fine Emma, how are you?" Jenna asked Emma as she gave her a side hug. "I'm good, how are you?" Emma replied. "I am well, I need to hush him but otherwise I am good." Jenna said as she rested her head against Tobis and rubbed his back, causing him to stop his crying. "Should we head to hair and make up?" Jenna asked her. Emma nodded. They walked to the rooms where they sat down together to prepare for the day's events.

Jenna sat down in the chair, playing with Tobi as the hair stylist did her hair. "So Jenna, how has Jude and yourself been." Emma said with a smirk on her face. Jenna gave her a smirk and laugh back, "Great, everyday has been full of enjoyment with him. Tonight I expect to be exciting as well." Jenna said with a smile, looking down at Tobi. Emma smiled as her hair was finished. Jennas hair was soon finished. Then the make-up team came in, applying the make-up to her face along with a prosthetic gash and stage blood to her face as today she was to be filming a fight scene. When she is done, she puts tobi down into his pram and heads to costume to get dressed for the day's events. Once done, she walked onto set.

On set, Emma took Tobi from Jenna and sat down with him next to Tim as Jenna went to shoot her scene. Jenna started fighting the monster along side Percy and Joy. They filmed multiple shots and takes before finishing up. "Well done guys, you all did well, that's gonna be a wrap for today. Jenna, go have a break before we start voice recordings." Tim said before walking off. "Great job today Jenna." Percy said to her with a smile. "Thanks Percy, you too." Jenna replied with a smile. "Tobi definitely thought that your performance was amazing." Emma said as she gave Tobi to Jenna. "Did he?" Jenna smiled and gave him a kiss. "Gosh Jenna, he is getting so big. He is adorable." Joy said to her. "I know, I want him to stay little forever, but I love watching him grow, it's amazing." Jenna gushed. The group talked for a bit longer before Percy and Joy left to go home. "We should probobly get out of costume and hair and make-up before I feed him." Jenna said to Emma. They walked to the department and got out of costume. Then walked to Jennas trailer.

Jude Bellingham x Jenna Ortega | I'm sure we can make it work Where stories live. Discover now