Chpt. 39

685 29 21

Riley's pov.

So we've been sitting in the waiting room for a while now Mara went in to labor about a couple hours ago and Cams in there with her. "Should I be nervous, happy, angry, or excited this baby's coming?" i whisper to Anna. "I don't know all?" She says back with a small laugh.

To be honest i'm feeling all those different emotions, and a lot more! I mean don't get me wrong having a baby sister is super exciting, but what if Cam forgets about me? I mean that child is biologically related to him, i mean i know love is what makes a family not blood but still i'm nervous for whats yet to come.

It's been such along time since we got here and my phone died about thirty minutes ago so as i'm lying across three chairs in the waiting room i'v been thinking a lot, what ever did happen to my family? I'v been so caught up in my life right now its just never occurred to me. We never had the best relationship every summer me and my brother would go to separate summer camps or I would go to my aunts house before she died, and during the school year I almost never hung around them always at a friend. Don't get me wrong they where nice people and I love them but they've changed and became distant and so did I. I still wonder where they went and i really do want to find my brother. God i'm the worst sister ever!

"Riley?" the nurse says coming out, I perk up at this as she motions me through the door. When we get to the room I see Mara lying in bed holding he baby and Cameron next to her cooing over her. They both look up when I walk in Cameron puts a huge smile on his face and goes to hug me, "Riley meet the newest member of the family, Charlotte May Dallas." okay that's pretty cute. I walk over to the bed and look at the little cutie as Mara slowly hands me here after having a small debate between Cameron with their eyes. " Hi there cutie, i'm Riley your big sister" I say with a smile Cameron smiles too taking a quick picture.

Soon there's a knock on the door and all the boys plus Anna and Mahogany come in, Yeah its pretty cramped Chloe left a couple of hours ago something about not wanting to intrude....i get it. " Is it bad that i really like this baby but not her mother at all?" I whisper to Anna "No not at all the mothers a bitch but the baby well shes your sister." she replies.

After everyone's held Charlotte they all file out "hey Taylor can you take Riley home with you?" Cameron asks "sure" he replies as we all get in and drive off.

Its late or really early in the morning but I got a whole lot of stuff to do tonight, well only one thing but i'm going to find out what happened to my family.

3 Hours Later

I'm exhausted its like 6:30 in the morning,and I have papers all over my room I'm a total mess but i found things out, things that make me want to cry and other things that give me hope. So lets start off with my parents, apparently their big shoots in the drug world, wow you go mom and dad, and my moms at a prison in Pennsylvania fr the next 38 years, well my dads at one in North Carolina for 43 years. That was pretty bad news but don't worry I only cried for 30 minutes straight , it hurts to see the ones you love for the first time in years in a mug shoot. They must be going through hell trust me they aren't prison material. I wonder if it's like Orange is the new Black? Haha that'd be weird and awkward, okay I gotta get that out of my mind.

So next I found out about my little brother, sadly he's in foster care probably been through hell that program sucks, first it split us up and then put me in an orphanage and him in foster care, according to some records that I found he's been in and out of homes, about 6 in the last two years plus one group home. But i'm trying to contact him just not really sure how to yet, but I have an idea well I always have an idea most of them aren't very good ones though but it's still an idea. I'm starting right after I shower and sleep trust me I need it desperately, I'm not good with pulling all nighters.

After I slept and showered then started the first process of the plan. Picking up my phone I dialed the home phone number of the house that my brother was supposedly living in. After a few rings someone picked up "Hello" a raspy old voice said, I can picture the man right now standing there talking on the phone,a bald and fat old guy whose probably a slob eating a bag of Cheetos and drinking beer well wearing boxers and a white tank top...eww. It made me smile when I heard him chewing on something crunchy, I was probs right, well when am I wrong? Never mind. "Um Hi is Cash there" (Guys I forgot what I named him before sorry so his new name is Cash) I ask " Who is this" he asks "A friend from school" I lie, oh gosh I really hope he goes to school "Okay well hes not here" he says "I'm done" says a voice in the background, I'd recognize it anywhere, its Cash's. "Oh well there he is may I talk to him now" I say with a smirk.I hear some grumbling and noise "not to long" the man grumbles, before a door slams. Then I hear a sweet little voice come through the speakers "Hi, how is this?" He asks "Cash! Oh my god iv'e missed you, its your sister." I say "Riley?" he asks "yep" i say "Oh wow iv'e missed you where are you are you good?" He asks I laugh a little "Yes Cash i'm all good I'm living with some good people. And how are you?" I ask "I'm fine kind of sad though, i miss you" that broke my heart he's so innocent and deserves so much better then this. But then he asked a question I wasn't prepared for.

"Why'd you leave me?" He asks, "Um well I didn't really have a choice Cash, you know that" and that's true the day we where separated was horrible we both cried and wouldn't let go in till someone pulled us apart. "I know but why didn't you come back for me aren't you good now? What took so long?" he said with hurt evident in his voice. I didn't know what to say I wasn't expecting that "I'm Sorry Cash that's all I have say, you deserve a better sister then me one that spends every day looking after you and I didn't and I regret that and wish I was there for you I'm so sorry buddy, I will d what ever it takes to get you here with me" I say sincerely "promise?" "I Promise" I say and I intend on fulfilling this promise no matter what it takes. I hear yelling in the other room"I have to go Riley, I love you bye" He exclaims super fast "okay I love you too bye" I try to get out before the line goes dead, Now there's only one thing on my mind, finding my brother.

I head down to the baby's new room, most of the boys are there helping decorate.Cameron and Mara are coming home with the baby tomorrow so everyone's rushing trying to make the baby's room perfect, its right next to Cameron's and Mara's. Did I mentioned she moved in? Well she moved in and it sucks. We are going to see them later today.

I poke my head in to see them all working on the room " Can I talk to you two?" I ask pointing to the Jacks, "sure" they say in sink and follow me out.

"Okay guys so this is going to sound really weird but I need yall's help" they just nod me to continue. "So last night after we got home I was really interested in what happened to my family so i did a lot of research and found out that both my parents are in prison and my little brothers in foster care, somewhere near us. So I talked to him for a little bit and guys he's going through hell! He's only 11 and thinks that no one loves him, no ones there for him. So I was well thinking do you think that anyone will adopt him? Maybe one of the boys?" I ask hopefully, I called both the Jacks in here because well there just a little more mature then the others, and I know its a lot to ask I mean this is a huge deal but I'm desperate man. "oh Riley I'm really sorry to hear about your family, but adopting your brother? I don't know kiddo I don't know a thing about parenting" Jack G responds well JJ nods agreeing with him. "oh okay" i say putting my head down I knew it was a long shot. "But i'll talk to the others! and i'll try all I can. Okay?" Jack G says "Okay" I mumble they pull me into a hug and send me away. That did not turn out the way I hoped. But I'm keeping that promise one way or another.



So I updated after a long ass time sorry. Well there's probably a whole lot of mistakes in this I'm to lazy to re-read.

I'm supposed to be working on a school project but.....well i'm not obviously.

Oh and honestly I don't know what age they are now probably somewhere around 14-15 idk people years have past and so have birthdays that I haven't written about.

Oh and I can't decide on a cover so I keep changing them sorry! So the main characters can be who ever you want them to be.

Well that's it, Ill try to update soon but you know stupid Finales, that last week of school! Who does that? ugh anyway love ya.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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