Chpt. 33

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"Boo" Lauren yells making me jump 3ft in the air "wtf you scared the shit out of me" I say shoving her as she laughs.

Right now we are at the haunted

house and all these creepy guys in costumes are walking around, in not going to lie it scares me.

"Next" the lady working it screams. okay keep your cool Riley I try telling myself as we all through.

A monster jumps out at me, so I grab the closes person next to me....Tristan he just laughs.

Through the house I start getting really sacred so Tristan raps his arms around my wast. "its okay" he whispers in my ear.

I really like a friend.

~After the haunted house~

"I had so much fun tonight" I say hugging Tristan "me to" we say good bye, as me Anne and Lauren go inside. "Yall want to sleep in the movie room?" I ask "sure!" we go in and put on a 22 jump street.

I was about to fall asleep when I hear a noise downstairs, Lauren was asleep but Anne heard it.

"Let's go" Anne mouths to me I nod and start to walk out. We crawl to the railing looking over the living room. "what do you see?" I whisper "I don't know it's to dark" Anne says "it kind of looks like to people" a voice next to me says "ahhhh" I whisper/yell as Anne puts her hand over my mouth. "Hayes!you scared me" I say "sorry"

The people in the living room flip a light on so now I can see them its my dad and Mara! wow and it looks like she's gained some wait.... kind of hard to tell because there in the corner making out "yuk" I say and stand up "double yuk" Anne says "triple yuk" hayes says as we look at him "really?" "what I thought it would fit the situation, I roll my eyes as we go back to the movie room.

I lie down and of course hayes followed us "hats what are you doing in here?" I ask "I'm bored can I stay it can be like a slumber party with my BFF's" he says "shhhh" your going to wake Lauren" Anne says "oops" "fine you can stay but we're going to bed okay?" i say "fine" he lies down at the end of the couch what is his problem I thought he hated me and before I know it Im asleep.

I wake up the next morning to dad coming and telling us breakfast is ready all 4 of us walk go to the kitchen "I'd love to stay but I gotta go to the barn" Lauren says "okay bye" I give her a hug and she goes out side and starts walking this new quick short cut that we find a couple days ago to the barn.

I sit down at the table every on else is there to which is wired cause we never usually have meals together, we all start eating, well my piece of bacon and pancake because of course that's all that left after the boys case through.

About half way through the meal Cam stands up, "ummm guys" he says trying to get everyone's attention soon everyone looks at him "we have some news" he says pointing to him and Mara i take a sip of OJ waiting for him to continue "well...." he starts of "i'm pregnant" Mara says throwing her hands out like ta-da WHAT!! I spit my OJ across the table "WHAT" I scream everyone's staring I hear a few congratulations as Jack G kicks me from under the table "I mean that's fabulous" I say with no emotion. "well know we now why you look fat" Anne mumbles as Taylor gives her a glare. I'm still in shock pregnant? like with a baby sibling inside if her? I hear people ask questions like how far along? 3 months and boy or girl? idk yet.

"Um I totally forgot" I say "I need to go check on sweet pea" I say getting up and trying to find the door stumbling a few times "wait Riley" Cam yells "I just need to get some fresh air" I lie "by feeling we lately"

"You sure your okay? you want to talk?" he asks "hey hone can you help me with these dishes Mara asks coming up to us "um" he starts "I think she needs you" I say trying to hold back tears he sighs and turns towards her. That's when I bolted out the door, I know I feel bad for not being happy but I don't really care, I just start walking in the cool autumn air and go to the one place where I fell at home. the barn.

I sit down in a little wooden bench right near the arena and watch Lauren ride her horse blaze. She hasn't noticed me yet, but by the end of her ride she looks over at me "hey!" she says walking her horse over to me "hi" "what are you doing here I thought you weren't coming today? I mean I'm glade your here" "ya I didn't know either till I figured I needed to get out of the house for a little bit" I say "why?" "Cam told us that Maras pregnant" I sigh.

"Ohhhh" she says "ya" i say "we want to get your mind of of things the 4 wheeler came I want to ride?" she asks "ya! that sounds fun!"

After she put her horse away we got on the one 4 wheeler "you want to drive first?" she asks "yes!" I yell with in seconds I fell relaxed with the wind blowing through my hair and I'm actually laughing, I feel free happy. After ten minutes we switch spots so I'm in the back

"which way?" Anne yells "through those trees we haven't been that way" I yell pointing to a bundle of trees we go straight through them super fast.

"Oh my god!" Lauren yells putting on the breaks but it was to late the path lead to this 5 ft drop off and as we landed the thing flipped I was on the ground coughing blood Lauren was near but I couldn't see her the next thing I saw was flames then darkness.



Cliff hanger 😵

Haha okay like 13 k views this is Amazing! I love you guys 😱 😘😘

But Mara prego 😷 sorry not sorry😋

Well luv yall bye 👋👋

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