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Riley's pov.

"I wanted to kiss you one more time Before you knew, I wanted to see the you, who looks at me like a normal human-been one last time before I told you.... I have cancer" he finishes. He has tears in his eyes I can't do anything I can't move I can't speak all I can do is sit there, my everything has cancer. I let the tears escape and manage to speak one question "what's going to happen?"

"They didn't catch it early it's already far into my lungs, they say I only have a month if I'm lucky" he says with tears down his face "when did you find out?"

"Last week my mom took me in after I threw up at your house, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" he says looking up at me. "no this can't be true" I cry not wanting to believe it "you can hold on right! make one of those amazing miracles" I say in between tears, he takes my face in his hands "I will always love you, you are the most amazing girl I could ever ask for, I will try to hold on for you Riley Dallas. I will try to make a miracle happen, but...." he trails of "but if you don't I promise I will make this month count" I finish. He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

I couldn't believe it, after all it does only take a second for your world to come crumbling down. It only takes those words before everything normal turns to something worse. I know what it feels like this is the second time I'm going to walk through hell again. But I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it for John I'm going to be there for him because I love him and that's what love is.


It's five in the morning when I get the call.

I grab my bike and start towards the hospital down town which is 30 minutes away. I don't care though that I'm in my pj's, 5 in the morning riding full speed to the hospital. I just ride, and when I get there I sprint inside. Johns parents are there with tears down there face they see me and pull me into a hug. "where is he?" I mumble "in surgery, his lungs filled up with liquid and he couldn't breath." his dad sobbed.

We sat and waited for what seemed like entirety but only a couple of hours. When the nurse calls his parents go in. I wait for another 30 minutes till his parents come out "he wants to see you" they say with a smile. I walk in and see him on his bed, the sight of him makes me want to shut down and jut cry. Wires connected everywhere, a tube in his nose. He had no hair in his head, he looked worn out, tired. "well hello" I smiled "hello John" I couldn't help it I ran over to him and hugged him "I was so scared" I sobbed "me to"

He staid in the hospital for another week, in that week I was there everyday, keeping the promise to make this month count. I would roll him through the hallways in a wheel chair and when no one was looking we'd run down the halls racing imaginary people he would always smile and laugh in the end of how big of nerds we where.

Some days we would go out to the hospital playground where no one was. And have a TFIOS moment, I would help him on the swing and slide down the slide, on the days he was strong enough to walk.

On other days when it would rain and we couldn't go out side for a stroll or go to the park, we would play basket ball in a gym they had. I got the other wheel chair and we would play, he would always win and of course I would always fall out of the chair.

On the days he felt like a spy we would sneak into the kitchen, well he was watching I would grab some candy and roll out. We eavesdrop on nurses conversations.

He would always tell me that I'm beauty and he's the beast. And I would tell him that's not true.

Ryder and Trent came one day and we all ended up playing video games and laughing. We all tried are best to be strong for John but when we left that day, we couldn't help but cry. Cry for hours after we all sat there we wanted to do something for him something that he will always remember.

The next day we all went back to the hospital and told the doctor are plans he said that John could go out to take it easy.

Next we talked to his parents they gave us an okay. Then we told John are plans. "So I promised you something, that this month will be special, so here's what we're going to do. We are going to go down to the Gulf of Mexico since it's only an hour drive, we are going to Trent's fishing boat, Which is huge and has A/C, any way of Track we're going there and sailing along to Costa Rica spend two days at Trent's house there and come back, the boat rides 3 days there and 3 days back." I explain "we got the okay from your doctor and your parents" Ryder says. I really hope he wants to go. I look up to see a huge smile on his face. "You guys are the best!" he yells pulling us into a group hug. I couldn't be more happy.

The doctor says we have to leave soon and that he should be fine for the next week and a half. Trent's dad who is going with us he is a doctor so he knows everything that should be done and what John needs to take/do. Right now John can walk just fine he can even run a little just gets tiered out easily.

We leave tomorrow morning, Cameron said it was okay for me to go, like he would care though. I haven't seen him in such a long time, really I spend my whole day at the hospital and when I come home no ones there, no ones there, no one knows what I'm going through right now, it's like I'm not even there. It isn't hard to see the pain I'm in, I cover it up though and put on a smile for 5 minutes tell everyone leaves. No one comes up and tells me good night maybe if they did they would see me cry myself to sleep every night. It's like I'm invisible only seen by John, Ryder, and Trent.

Im tiered of this I'm tiered of all this, I only have a month tell a big part of me dies.



John no😭

I hope you guys like it💫

Okay 👽


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