Chpt. 7

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Anne's prov.

After dinner I went to my room on the second floor, we're everyone's else room is besides Hayes, Riley's and Mahogany's. Ugh I was not looking forward to school, it's like hell.

I flop onto my bed with my walls painted bright pink, I scroll through my new phone, I follow all the boys. When I get to Hayes account I see he gave Riley a shout out. It's so obvious he has a crush in her.

But Hayes is mine, I am going to try and stop this. no matter what it takes.


Riley's prov.

"Wake up" dad yells at me before going to Hayes room I get up and realize today's the first day of school... ugh. I get in the shower and wash off. after that I put on my clothes.


Pair of black leggings

A grey sweater

With a Maroon scarf

Tall leather boots

With high grey and red socks sticking out the top.

I put my hair up in a high pony tail and put a head band on. I do my make up then go down stairs to eat. I grab a yogurt as Hayes comes down. "Hey what's up" he asks "going to school you?" "Sammmeee". " You guys ready to go?" dad asks "yep" I say as Anne walks down. I grab my back pack and head to the car. It's still cold out today so I run to the car.

~skips car ride~

When we get to school I get my schedule. Hayes ran off with his friends so now it's only me and Anne. who I didn't want to be around so I try to find my Locker. When I do I see a pretty girl next to mine. "hey" she says as I walk up to her "you new here" she asks "ya, is it that obvious?" I ask with a shy laugh. "No...well kinda of, but don't worry I'll show you around. I am Lexi by the way" I smile at her "I am Riley" I say after she showed me around the school, the bell rang so we went to are classes. First History.

~skips day~

After the first periods of the day were done I went to lunch....this was going to be great I thought, looking around trying to find someone I knew, when someone grabbed my wrist. I turned to see Lexi and her friends. "sit with us" she says. I out my tray down and sit next to her "I am Riley" I say. The blonde girl who looks like she's the leader of the group smiles and says "I am Claire" the other 2 girls say there name too. we started eating and talking they told me about everything I needed to know to survive middle school. " And that table over there" she says pointing over to a table "are the popular sluts of the school" I look over to see......if course Anne there.

"Hey there" a voice says from behind me I turn around to see Hayes. "Want to go for a walk?" He asks the girls all look at me giving me thumbs up. I giggle and walk out with Hayes.

"So your now in Claire's group, I am guessing" he asks "I am not in 'her group'" I laugh "we're just friends." " We'll if you keep hanging out with them you'll be popular in no time, but don't worry that popular group isn't slutty, the other one is though" I remember Claire telling me about them. When the bell rings me and Hayes walk to are next class, (we have it together) I walk in and oh look who's here, great.

Anne sits in one of the desks, she looks up and see's us. She gives me a dirty look and Hayes a flirty smile. He rolls his eyes and we go sit I'm the farthest desk away from her.

As we sit down Claire and Lexi walk in they smile and sit next to us. Class goes on, and it was super boring. I look up to see Anne and her friends all sitting together.

When the school day ends me and my friends sit out side "hey you guys want to hang at my house?" Mackinze (one of the other 2 girls in the group asks) asks "sure let me ask" I say as Shawn drives up "hey can I go to my friends house to study" I ask making the last part up. "Sure, I'll pick you up at 6 text me the address" he says.

I go back to my friends and everyone gets ini sydni's car. We hang out at her house for a while, ya know just gossiping and stuff. "hey I heard you and Hayes have a thing" Lexi says nudging me. "haha no we don't" I say blushing "I don't think he even likes me" I say "sure he does" Haley says "ya and it's supper obvious to" Mackinze adds laughing. "What ever" I say and we go back to talking.

"Okay guys so next month my parents are going to be gone for a weekend, and we'll I was thinking why not throw a party" Claire says.
"Oh my gosh yes!!" we all scream.

At 6 Shawn comes and licks me up I say bye and leave. When we get home dinners already made, and everyone comes and sits down.

"So how was the first day of school?" dad asks me and Anne. "great" I say "you make any friends?" he asks "yep" I say popping the 'p' "that's good" dad says "and what about you Anne how was your day?" "um it was okay" she says acting all sweet and shy, "I didn't really have any one to talk to" she says going on. WHAT! she had all those sluty girls with her, last time I checked.

I looked up at Hayes and saw he was confused too. "well wasn't Hayes and Riley there" JJ asks. "ya but they had there friends so I didn't walk to bug them" she replies. Everyone gives me and Hayes looks like 'why didn't you hang out with her'. ugh can't they see how fake she was. "we'll tomorrow Hayes can hang out with you during lunch and walk to classes with you" Nash says. ohhh now I see what she's doing.

That Bitch! she just wants to get closer to Hayes. "And if he doesn't just tell me" Nash says. I look over at Hayes to see him rolling his eyes. "well I am done" Hayes says getting up. I say I am done to and follow him. "wait up" I tell him. "I seriously don't like that girl" he says. "it's okay you don't have to hang out with her"
"I do or she'll tell Nash" I think it over ya she would do that.
"It's okay it's only for a couple of days" I try to Sooth him.
"But I don't want to be near her, I want to be with you Riley."
I blush and smile at what he just said "I want to be with you to"
"We'll will you go out on a date with me then, this Saturday" he asks. I just hug him and tell him yes.

I get to my room and start texting my friends.

Me: Hayes just asked me on a date!

Haley: told you he liked you.

Mackinze: ^^^^

Claire: omg so cute where are you going?

Me: idk yet.

Lexi: awe so cute my little Ry is growing up so fast.

~end of convo~

I get my pj's on and get ready for bed. I fall asleep with Hayes on my mind.



So this one was kinda long I hoped you guys liked it.

We'll I love you if you've read all this.

Okay love y'all 😚😚😚👅💩👑💜💜🐞💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💘💘

2 girls adopted by MagconDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora