Chpt. 17

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Taylor's pov.

Okay so I was thinking after watching the girls arguing today, which they shouldn't be, they should be like sisters. I think they need to bond so I talked to Cameron and we decided to send them to a summer camp together. "Okay so I was thinking that you girls could go to summer camp together." I smile. "No way" Riley and Anne say at the same time. "what, why not it'll bring you girls closer together." Cam says "is this your way of getting us out if your hair?" Riley asks. I laugh sure Riley gets into trouble and stuff, but I still love her like she's my daughter and I know all the other boys fell the same way. "No, we just think it'll be a good way for you guys to bond" I tell them. "And you two are leaving June 7th, it's called Camp Secret, and there is no getting out of this one" Cam adds.

"That's the first day if summer! Thats in 2 weeks!" Anne says "yep, so start getting ready for it" I tell them and with that they both run up to there rooms.

Riley's Pov

I am not really looking froward to camp, but if that means making my dad happy I guess I'll go. "What was that about?" Hayes asks coming into my room. "we'll guess who's going to camp first day of summer!" I say "No! how long is it?" "two weeks, sleep away" I tell him.

"Awe I'm going to Miss you so much, I will write you every day!" he tells me. "Me to" I say kissing his cheek. "I'm going to look it up stay with me." I tell him. We look up the camp. It's two hours away, on a river. Just like any other camp arts and crafts, camp games, out door activities and of course no A.C! Fun.

~two weeks later~

It's finally the last day of school. And that also means camps tomorrow. I used to go to a camp when I was like 10.

The day goes by pretty fast, all we did was say goodbye and sigh year books. But hey I'm not complaining. When the final bell rings me and my friends run out of school. I already told my dad I was going to Mackinze's house so we walk over there.

We spent the rest of the day gossiping and hanging out. "so are you all packed for camp" Claire asks. "Ya I had to pack everything last night" I say rolling my eyes. "Your trunk better be pink" Lexi says "don't worry it's hot pink with a green 'R' on it" I tell her. "Oh and you guys better write me at camp, got it" "got it" they all say back. And that's how the rest of the night went instill JJ picked me up.

"How was your day?" he asks. "Great" I reply. Me and JJ have gotten closer, I'm probably closes to him out of everyone besides hays and Cam. We talk every night after school like we're doing right now.

When I get home every ones in the kitchen getting dinner ready since tonight's are last night here so were having a family night.

After everyone sits down JJ asks what activities were going to do since we able to sign up for 5 activities. " 1. Land sports 2. Archery 3. Fishing 4. Swimming 5. arts and crafts" Anne says "cool! what about you Riley" Dad asks "okay so first Archery 2. Fishing 3. Swimming 4. arts and crafts and 5. Land sports" I say and everyone starts laughing "wow you two don't have any thing together!" Jack says. We'll duh I did that on purpose. "we'll what cabin are you guys in" Aaron asks "look out nest" I say. "Look in nest" Anne says and everyone besides dad and Taylor starts laughing. "We're going to miss you two when your gone" Matt says. I smile "I'm going to miss you guys to" I say. Wow I still can't believe how lucky I am. this is amazing. "What do you guys want to do now?" Carter asks. Me and Hayes looks at each other "slip'n slide" we yell at each other in are secret language and run outside.

There was a tarp out there already on the hill so I take a hose and spray it well Hayes gets soap and pours it down. All the boys come out as I run inside and slip on my bikini and run back out side, to see everyone already sliding down, me Hayes JJ and Carter made a human sandwich sliding down and of course I was in the middle. We had races and found new ways to slide down. In the end I was smiling like a idiot because it was probably the best night with them yet. My family is amazing.



Awe so cute❤️

Sorry that this chapters short🙈

Okay next chapter camp starts!⛺️


Okay you guys should go read my friends book @er1029 it's called Shattered👍



2 girls adopted by MagconDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora