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Riley's pov.

When I get back I open the door slowly so I don't wake anyone up and quietly walk to my bed when the light turn on. "Where we're you?" Dad asks raising his voice. "With some friends" I reply. I walk around to see JJ and Matt in there too, but no Anne. "you can't run off Riley! We where worried about you and pulse you didn't answer your phone!" JJ yells god I haven't seen him this angry before not even when I got drunk. "Sorry" I mumble. "Just go to bed" Matt says turning off the light when JJ leaves.

~Magcon next day~

I haven't talked to any of the boys, or anyone for that matter. I'm still pisses at Hayes, "hey can we talk?" I turn around and see JJ there "ya" I say "I'm sorry about you and Hayes I didn't know he was such a dick" he says "it's okay I'm over it" I lie I really wasn't but I don't want anyone to know. "that's good and sorry about yesterday yelling at you I just got really nervous where you were going and stuff I mean your like my little sister." I just give him a hug "I love you" I mumble in his chest "I love you too" he says.

Magcon was pretty boring all I did was sit in a corner and watch intill I saw a guy with a snap back in the audience, Wait no it's John he catches my eye and smiles at me. God he's amazing I know I said that a million times, but he is.

~3 days later~

We got back from Magcon yesterday it was pretty boring in till after the show when I got to hang out with John.

Right now I'm sitting with him in the living room watching sponge bob my head is on his lap and I'm messing with his hands, I know weirdo right? He just smiles and laughs though, he is so cute with that brown hair and possibly the most hottest face ever. Ryder Trent John and I are going to hang out later today.

After about an hour we get up and leave "wait so where are we going again?" I ask "I don't know Ryder and Trent wouldn't tell me" he says with a laugh. We meet them at the gas station "what up you two" Ryder says giving me a high five "hanging with two losers and a hot guy right now" I reply "Haha she called you two losers" Ryder says to John and Trent.

After are little meet up we get in the car and they drive around (and by they I mean Ryder's mom) for about a hour till we pull up to a ranch. "Wow it's so beautiful here" I gasp it truly was it had green grass for as far as you can see and a few mountains in the distance. A big house which was beautiful and a stable behind it with a bunch of horses grazing every where, I look right and see a cliff below it is a pool of water. I see some 4-wheelers in a shed and a little hot spring near the edge. "Well first thins first" Ryder says with a smile and runs to the 4-wheelers. We each get on one and head in the direction of the mountains and ride the 4-Wheelers through the trees, up the mountain and through little creeks. After that we got on some of his horses and rode around it was pretty fun I even got to kiss John we'll we where both on horses bucket list ✔️. After the horses we jumped of the cliff into the freezing cold water! I thought it was going to be warm, boy was I wrong, but we warmed up in the hot springs.

It was amazing I looked out to see sun setting I turned around to see Ryder and Trent gone. YES! John comes up to me and raps a hand around my waist and we slowly kiss " I love you Riley" he whispers in between a kiss I was going to say it back when Ryder and Trent jump out of the trees and squirt us with sill string we get out and chase them and in the end we where covered with silly string.

Today was truly amazing.

Cameron's Pov.

I was the only the only one home tonight so I decided to call Mara. I really liked her and she seemed super nice.

Phone call

C-Cameron M-Mara

C- Hey Mara it's Cameron from Dallas.

M-hey what's up?

C-I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out, just you and me?

M- I would love to I'm just finishing up volunteering at the church but I'll be there I'm am hour.

C-great bye


End of Convo

I was really happy Mara could come, she's so sweet I really want to get to know her, she gets here in an hour so I get up and go make some dinner.... Spaghetti and meatballs.

When she gets here she looks perfect her long blond hair is straightened she has on a long black skirt and a white shirt. It's like she's an angel.

~Skips dinner~

It was amazing I don't know if I'm saying this to soon but "Mara will you be my girlfriend" she smiles and nods her head "yes" she replies as I crash my lips into hers. Later that night all the boys came home and I introduced them to her.

Jack G pulls me aside "dude nice one me and the rest of the boys really like her way better than your last girlfriend." he says winking at me. In glade they like her because my last girl friend I had, she was a slut who only used me for fame then broke my heart.

After an hour or so of watching a movie with Mara and the rest of the guys, the front door opens to where we can see Riley but she can't see us. I watch her whisper something to a guy and then kiss him for 2 seconds on the lips! All the guys look at me with smirks on there faces, whatever I just want to introduce her to Mara. After she close the door she looks over at us "nice one" Carter says laughing. "you saw that" she asks "yep" Jack G says popping the 'p'. Nows the time "hey Riley come here I want you to meet someone" I say and pat the spot next to me. "Okay Riley this is my girlfriend Mara, Mara this is my daughter Riley" I say.

"Hello" Riley says with a cute smile on her face, Mara just gave a slight wave. No one said anything else. In till I heard a crash from Hayes' room causing everyone to look up. "What was that?" Nash yelled up "Just dropped something" he yells back. Oh okay when I turn back around I see Riley giving Mara the death glare no longer with a smile on her face. "well are you two going to say anything else?" I ask kinda impatient.

"Ya your dating a bitch" Riley says

Riley's Pov.

I hate his new girl friend oh my god! When all of the boys turned around she whispered in my ear "your trouble and in the end he's not going to want you only me, listen your a little brat your a worthless piece of shit so stay away" as she dug her finger nails into my skin. I just rolled my eyes, when Cameron asks "well are you two going to say anything else?" she puts a fake smile on her face and I don't know why just made me so Frieken made "ya your dating a bitch" I blurt out.

Woops everyone just say there silently. "what the hell Riley! just because I'm dating her doesn't make her a bitch!" He growls god he's angry "ya but it does make you a bitch when she tells me to stay away from you and tells me I'm all trouble and shit." I yell. I look over to see Mara fake crying. "I never said that, I'm sorry if you misunderstood" she sobs "are you frieken kidding me when you where all looking up wondering what the devil up there was doing, the devil down here was a like no one loves you, Cameron's mine, your a piece of shit" I yell. Next things I know my checks stinging. he just slapped me! Whatever I'm done I run upstairs to the only place I can think of, Anne's room.

"Hey" I say knocking then walking in "what happened to your face? it's all red and shit" she says "cam slapped me for calling his girlfriend a bitch" I explain "oh ya! Mara I hate that girl when I was in the kitchen today she told me to stay out of her way because if I ruined anything I would go to hell" she said with a laugh "so then I told her 'awe so are you going to go deliver that message yourself? cause I bet the devil misses his best friend'" she finishes. "Nice one!" I say giving her a high five. "thanks dude, now leave" I sigh of course we're still not friends but at least where not enemy's. Right?



Okay longish chapter 💜

I love y'all 💋

And guess what

Camps tomorrow🎉⛺️

I can't wait😃

But that also means no updates till the 23 😥

So see ya the😽


2 girls adopted by MagconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora