Chapter 20 Change Of Minds

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The strike of lightning split the land apart, Akili was stranded away from everyone, the bolt of lightning was directed straight to him, and it singed a large chunk of fur and he had burns all over his body. Akili released a series of coughs as he slowly made his way to his feet and was met by a deep crimson gaze from the smoke, a white lion with a spade over his right eye got closer to Akili with a bloody smile over his face.

Akili shuddered at the sight of the albino lion, "it's not possible, I'm too far away for you to have gotten here already" Akili said as he continued to shake, slowly backing away from his former friend. Spades gave a low chuckle as he took notice of Akili's fear, "you still cower in my presence, and you act like you'll be able to kill me" he laughed hysterically, "you really are a funny man, traitor" Spades added on.

"Traitor? Me? What makes me the traitor? You're the one that killed my family, that killed our friends, that destroyed our home, you are the one that killed her, not me" Akili said much to Spades dismay. The albino sighed as he watched Akili continue to struggle to his feet, "you still don't get it, do you. I wouldn't have destroyed our home if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have killed everyone if it wasn't for you, and I definitely wouldn't have killed the one I loved if it wasn't for you" Spades growled.

Akili began to chuckle, "you're just jealous aren't you, that's all this is, your jealousy, and you tried to fix it by summoning Dhalimu and taking his Rage to get a way to face me on even ground" Akili chuckled as he began to cough out blood, his back felt weak, and it couldn't hold him, but he held his ground. Spades began to speak again after he saw that Akili was down, "you can say what you want about it, but this is the truth Akili, you abandoned me, after your duties took you over you didn't have as much time as before to spend with us, which I respected" Spades said, taking multiple deep breaths as he tried to gather himself.

Spades vision shot back at Akili, and he continued speaking "but then whenever you did have your time to yourself you always spent it with Kamili, basically forgetting about me and the others and while they understood and were completely ok with it, saying how the patrol times were enough, it wasn't to me" Spades said.

Akili looked at him with a mixture of guilt and disgust, "you selfish fu--" Akili was cut off as Spades had closed the distance between them and plunged his claws into the chest of Akili, "you were my family Akili, so it hurt, but I did what I had to do, you said it yourself, 'the strong have to take the big shots, even if they know that they will be hated for it' I'm just following your guidance brother" Spades said as he slowly removed his claws from Akili, allowing the black lion to collapse to the ground as he choked on his blood.

"You want to know what's funny; nobody will believe you; your mind is mine now" Spades chuckled. Akili was left on the ground, blood leaking to the floor, his throat and mouth flooding with it, he remained on the ground watching as Spades stood over him and laughed.

Shreds of red lightning began to crack over the ground, one being sent directly at Spades, hitting him in the eyes causing his vision to be shot out. The sounds of Akili's chokes had subsided, and when Spades vision had returned Akili had disappeared, "my mind belongs to nobody except me, Spades" said Akili, whose voice echoed throughout the surrounding area.

The sound of Akili's laughter had replaced Spades as it now echoed through the white lion's head, the shine of a red Frostbourne symbol and two red eyes showed in front of Spades causing his fur to stand on end. Akili was heard sighing, causing Spades to quickly turn around and see Akili, shining red and wearing a smile coated with his own blood, "my mind has been built stronger than ever before, I don't fear you Spades, I just prey on the factor that you have been working to feed off me and now I have all the info I need" the black lion chuckled.

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