Chapter 11 Lost Feelings

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It had been just over ten days since Akili's episode, what happened was still a mystery even Rafiki had no idea. As Akili retold his story it seemed as if it was impossible, no scent was picked up from the cliff and Fuli was perfectly fine.

Akili's injuries and the pain he was in was all too real though, the fur under his eyes and mouth now bearing a slight red stain from the blood.

The claw holes now scarring over leaving three dots on his forehead, luckily it wouldn't be noticeable for long as Akili's fur would likely end up growing over it.

Akili had rarely left the Lion Guard's den sense the incident, only leaving for patrols or for the occasional hunt of his own. Akili didn't act the same either he seemed void of all his emotion, he hadn't spoken a word to anyone, and he just sat staring at the walls and taking in the paintings.

Akili still sat in the lair going back over the event, he knew what the pain he felt was but he just wondered how it was caused. Akili knew the technique Spades used, "Power Pass" it was created by Arin who founded the Fallen Guardians.

The move was saved as a last resort if the power bearer knew he was to lose the battle against the man he was against this was the move he would deliver. You use all your remaining strength to dig your claws into your opponent's head, forcing the Rage into them.

The power will then reject the new body causing them to bear a major amount of pain as their body slowly combusts from the inside out. Their blood boils, their bones snap, their muscles tear to shreds, their organs fail, and it ends with their body bursting.

Although to all the witnesses it feels like it happens in seconds but to the victim it feels like a lifetime of pain. Akili didn't understand how it worked on him; he already held the Rage so another Rage user should not be able to use that move on him.

But then again this likely wasn't the actual Spades, it was all a vision, a vision that was very real sure, but it was still a vision. Akili's mind was infected by Spades and he didn't know how to fix it. He knew draining the Rage from his body would likely work but it would kill him if he wasn't passing it to another suitor, so that was off the table as no living being was capable of wielding the Rage as of now.

Akili's thoughts were interrupted when a deafening scream was heard from deep in the Outlands. Akili felt a tug at his heart, a strain over his veins, and his blood ran cold. "Muuaji" Akili mumbled, jumping to his feet and running straight to the source of the scream.

Akili crossed the borders of the Outlands the Lion Guard following closely behind, they recognized the source of the scream as Jasiri's valley and ran to there as fast as they could. Akili approached the valley, walls of rock towering above him, a watering hole positioned at the end of it.

Not a smart location for living, sure it has the water source and being in the Outlands that was scarce, but the singular exit made any attack easy to succeed at and escape unlikely. As Akili continued walking through the valley he crossed by multiple corpses, dead hyenas all over, blood leaking from their wounds, chunks of flesh blown out of their body and their eyes were pried open and completely lifeless.

Akili walked by each body investigating their wounds, it looked like their wounds were blown out instead of caved in and with no opposing wound it made it obvious who this attacked was. The blood bearer Muuaji.

The Lion Guard ran through the valley finding Akili sealing the eyes of the fallen hyenas shut, "Akili, what happened here" said Fuli only earning a look of confusion out ok Akili. The guard searched the bodies for any sign of Jasiri not long into the search a screech from inside of a den caught the attention of the guard as they all ran to the source.

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