Chapter 3

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It's been a week since we moved, and I've been getting to know the area a bit more around us. The land was filled with beauty and life at every tree, grassy field, and moving river.

On one end, however, Chalk assigned me with some training on full control of his wind not too long ago, mentioning how the trainer wasn't good nor strong enough to teach me. So every day, Chalk has been teaching me how to move wind without thinking.

The routine would stay the same. I'd spend time with Luni, walk past the torii gates to meditate, follow Chalk's instructions, and go home to kiss Luni some more.

This had been going on for the entire week, and I had already told Luni about it at some point. For a day or two, she joined along and mediated with me, but her moon energy was already bright and potent enough.

When she did meditate with me, a visible white glow radiated off of her. Whenever I did, she said a gray and cyan aura swirled around my body. I assumed that the colored glows we both radiated stood for our the strength of our elemental powers.

Mostly because when I peeked at Luni meditating, an actual moon was looming over her head. Her radiance was so bright that I had to call it quits before I went blind.

That happened yesterday though. It was a whole new day when I decided to wake up again. Normally I would've wanted to go back out again to train, but I didn't really feel like it this time.

I looked at my side and saw that Luni was gone, and then I smelled a scent. A very... very delicious scent. Eager to find out the source, I traced the smell all the way back to the kitchen.

 Eager to find out the source, I traced the smell all the way back to the kitchen

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I took a peek from behind the corner and I saw that she was making us breakfast. Not just any breakfast though, she was making her famous moon sprinkled eggs and pancakes along with baked mutton.

She was cooking my favorite food! Feelings swelled up in my heart, making me fall for her further. And not just because she had on a really revealing apron.

I smiled at my girlfriend who was literally sweating in the kitchen, making my favorite food just for me. She knew it was too much to do all in one go, but she still did it out of my love for breakfast.

I felt the need to repay her somehow. So I quickly tiptoed back to the bedroom and cleaned up. It took a little while to straighten up the place, but it wasn't really seen as hard either.

 It took a little while to straighten up the place, but it wasn't really seen as hard either

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I was already finished with the room, but it still didn't feel like enough. I wanted to make her feel appreciated. Even more special. I took a moment to think, and rested my hand under my chin.

'What the f*ck are you doing Elsa..?' Chalk questioned me. 'I'm trying to think of scenarios I can use to show Luni how much I appreciate her.' I mentally replied.

'That explains why it's starting to feel so damn cramped in here.' Chalk remarked. I exhaled, tired of his smart sh*t. 'Welp, good luck on that. Remember to train when you have the chance.' Chalk fell silent.

Thankful I had a moment of silence to think, I resumed my thought process. Seconds passed before I could finally think of something worthwhile. Then, it hit me.

I found a vase full of roses on the dresser, and covered the roses in snow. Next, I plucked all of the petals off one by one, and spread them out all across the room. Carefully, I made sure that every petal was distributed evenly.

Next thing I did was make it snow in the room using both air and ice. I only did this to test something though, so once I did that, I immediately receded. One more thing was left for me to do.

I made my hands face each other, and created a solid beautiful ball of ice shaped like the moon. I then made it float above the bed using the air to manipulate it while the sun shined through the window, making the icy ball shine a little.

Everything was basically set at that point. For what I had in mind, it would fit the mood perfectly. "Silver! Breakfast is ready!" Luni called me from the dining area.

I took this as a moment to appreciate her cooking and quickly ran all the way to the dinner table. Once I had arrived, I saw that 2 plates full of food were already set up for us.

"I made your favorite. My famous moon side up special!" Luni smiled with joy. I could still tell she was exhausted. I walked over to her and slowly grabbed her arm. "Lets eat on the bed." I gazed at her in a way that said; 'I love you'.

Luni smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she made our plates float as the followed us to our bedroom. Thankfully, I stopped her right in front of the door before she saw anything.

"Okay. Now before we go inside, I have something to say to you. I've been working on a little something that shows how much I appreciate you, and today I wanna make it all about you." I said excitedly.

"But first, it's all gonna start in here." I finished as I finally allowed us to enter the room. I gave her a moment to see the decorations, and her face basically said it all.

She almost let the plates drop on the floor, but I telekinetically held them up along with the food. Luni took a moment to absorb all of what she layed her eyes upon.

From the handcrafted icy moon ball above our bed, to the rose petals scattered across our room. "I really hope this isn't too little for you. I'm of course planning to make the entire day about you, so there'll be more-" Luni wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me before I could finish.

"This is amazing Silvy!" Luni had a small set of happy tears fall down her eyes. There wasn't a sign of lust that lied within her pupils, just pure utter joy and happiness.

"I'm glad you like sweetie." I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a kiss. "Wanna go and eat on the bed my king?" Luni giggled. "As long as you will it, my queen." I happily agreed.

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