Chapter 4

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The entire day was a blessing to both me and Luni. We started off with having breakfast in bed and enjoying the decorations and enchantments I had set up for us. That wasn't the end of it though.

After that, we went outside behind our house and covered almost the entire field of grass with moon residue, and snowflakes. It was cold, but at the same time it felt so close to home for us.

We then began to play around the field, chasing each other on foot to see who could catch who. I kept getting caught because she was CHEATING by pulling me in with her powers.

I tried pulling her in at some point with air, but she get blasting me away! Luckily, I caught her a few times. And whenever I did, bit her on the arm for CHEATING. All she did was laugh and smile... typically.

I had another thing in mind for her though, and that was a classic ice sculpture show. Luni always loved when I did these because she knew I had a wild imagination. And since I now had wind on my side, I was able to make them move too.

Then I started sculpting a few animals from little to big. First things I had sculpted was a mouse and a bunny. Luni couldn't help but fawn over the cute little critters, somehow fighting her urge to eat them.

Next thing I sculpted was a dog. We played with the dog for a bit and snuggled with the ice cold creature. Then when it disappeared, Luni suggested that we should have a pet to complete us. I agreed, but saved that topic for later.

Now at a current time, a horse was next up on the roster. Me and Luni decided to take turns riding the horse around the forest and sight see a few things. Then finally, me and Luni wished to ride the horse together.

"Would you like to come with me on a trip m'lady?" I offered a hand. "I would love to, kind sir." Luni took my hand. I helped her up on the horse, and then got on it myself.

"Next stop: all around the forest we go!" I announced as the glacier stallion started trotting ahead. Luni held on tightly to my waist to keep balance. I smiled as she slid her hands over to the front of my torso.

The moment was so perfect for us. A romantic ride out in the forest. Surrounded by plants, animals, and occasionally some naturally running water. My dream landscape. It could've been a little colder, but oh well.

It felt so perfect, I was able to picture us going home after this ride and making love to each other for the entire night. And not in just any typical horny way either. I wanted to make genuine heartfelt love with her.

Still, I found no need to ruin such a wonderful time we finally had to ourselves without letting our hormones cloud or wants. It truly was a beautiful day outside.

The way everything was set up, I couldn't get enough of it. When I looked back at Luni, she looked back at me. We couldn't help but get lost in each other's eyes.

"Your eyes... it's like I'm being hypnotized by a beautiful blue moon." I complimented. "No sight can compare to yours. It's like a cool and calm blizzard in there... a blizzard I'd love to get lost in." Luni hugged tighter.

I smiled at her compliment and we nuzzled noses, heads, and ears together. While we admired each other, I noticed that the ice cold steed was neighing at something.

"What is it boy-" I looked forward, and saw a small castle past the woodland trees.

"What the-" I was caught by surprise for a moment, but then I realized how familiar the structure looked

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"What the-" I was caught by surprise for a moment, but then I realized how familiar the structure looked. "Wait is this..." Luni was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

Sooner or later, we didn't really have to think about it anymore. As I stopped our noble icy steed, we saw two familiar faces standing on top of the towers.

 As I stopped our noble icy steed, we saw two familiar faces standing on top of the towers

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It was Leo and Lele

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It was Leo and Lele. "Wait a minute... I remember now. This is their castle-!" We got tackled at lightning speed by an excited Lele. "You guys are here! You finally arrived!" Lele squeezed us tight.

"Hehe, we actually arrived about a week ago." I let her know. "What?!" Lele frowned. "Aw, and no visit from you guys?" Leo flew down towards us with a grin.

"I'm going to be completely honest here.." I spoke as Lele finally let go of us. "We really didn't know you two were living in the same territory as us." me and Leo pulled off the bro handshake.

"Still, a visit would've been the least you two could've done." Lele put her hands on her hips. "Sorry about that sister, we've just been enjoying the scenery here. It's really easy to fall in love with." Luni glanced at me for a split second.

"Yeah.. the 'scenery' is indeed nice." Leo implied how he caught on. "Still, you're not wrong. This place is beautiful. It's got animals for hunting, rivers for drinking and swimming, and has a lot of space to train and transform, and absolutely no humans left in sight!" Leo listed.

"Amen to that brother. F*ck them humans." I commented. "On God." me and Leo fist bumped. "Oh yeah! I couldn't help but notice that you have a living horse made of ice." Lele pointed at the horse.

"Yes, we do. Actually, we made him pretty recently." I replied. "Awesome! I bet you two are getting really strong during your stay here." Lele speculated.

"Yeah, same to you. Your aura feels more... electrifying." I tried describing. "Luni's aura is just downright shiny, no debate. You? Your aura feels more controlled, but still looks cold." Lele explained.

"How's that little parasite stuck in your head by the way." Leo mocked Chalk intentionally. 'I swear I'm gonna kill him.' Chalk said subconsciously.

"He's fine, still more raunchier than ever as always. He ain't gettin out anytime soon." I uttered. "Good." Leo nodded. "YOU HEAR THAT CHALK?! YOU AIN'T GONNA DO SH*T YA LITTLE F*CK NUT!!" Leo yelled in my ear.

'Sleep with one eye open tonight b*tch.' Chalk growled. I rubbed my ears, eager to say something, but I was too amused aside from the noise to do so.

"Anyways, when are we gonna have a sparring session again?" Leo asked us. "Yeah! I wanna show you two how strong I've gotten." Lele punched her fists.

"One day, but not today." I got back on our lovely tundra pony. "It's really romantic day today for us so..." Luni finished for me, "We can spar another time if you'd like."

"Sounds like a plan. Enjoy your ride!" Leo walked towards his small castle. "Have nice trip!" Lele waved before following her husband. "See ya!" Me and Luni said our goodbyes and rode back home.

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