Chapter 5

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It's been a whole other week since me and Luni had spent a romantic day together. Not only that, but we witnessed a surprise when we found out that Lele and Leo were basically our neighbors through the trees.

Ever since that day, sometimes they would come by and visit us to see what's going on, or at least to see if we had settled in properly. They weren't annoying about it though. Whenever they came they left just as quick.

Now me and Luni took this new day to finally have some more meditation training done. We left the house and went on the same usual path that lead to the torii gates, and all the way to the torii lerovup.

We had gotten used to the routine overtime, and we already knew most of the area's layouts so there was an extremely little chance that we would ever get lost or off track.

Once we finally made it, we hopped the gate. Which wasn't hard to do since we're dragon bloods. "Are you ready hon?" I looked at Luni who almost had her gaze lost in the torii lerovup for a moment.

"Oh-uhm, yes!" Luni snapped out of it. "Okay, let's do it." Me and Luni sat down and closed our eyes. Then, the meditation began. 'Chalk, how much of this is necessary?' I asked mentally.

'If you desire control and self discipline, then always. But for what I'm trying to teach you, this is necessarily the last time you'll have to do this.' Chalk answered.

'Still took you too f*cking long though. Like what gives? I was able to get this sh*t down on the first week.' Chalk sighed, 'I guess I can't expect too much from a wannabe air bender..' he wouldn't let me hear the end of it.

'Anyways, keep meditating. I'll tell you when it's safe to stop... maybe.' Chalk finally went silent. Grateful that I could embrace the sweet voluptuous silence in my head once more, I reclaimed my focus and kept meditating.

I kept envisioning a storm. A snow storm, that I was inside of. I was no where near affected no scared, but instead I just wanted to embrace it as rage on and on and on. But whenever I did, blades of wind would try to cut me down.

First it started at one, then came multiple from almost every side. Ice was at my disposal in the storm... but so felt no need to use it. Instead, I dodged and weaved almost every single wind projectile that came my way.

By the time I had enough, I caught two blades of wind by hand somehow. So when the others came rushing at me, I jumped and struck them down with the ones I held in my hand. For as long as this went, the bigger and wilder the storm grew.

I heard somebody screaming my name from outside, but I couldn't tell who. The only concern I had... was to control the storm. 'YOU WILL OBEY ME!!' I mentally yelled with all of my willpower.

Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and let out a loud and powerful roar. It was so powerful, that the trees started waving rampantly and irregularly, the rocks started tilting, and the water backed away from me momentarily.

By the time I had calmed down, I was greeted by an extremely worried Luni while things were going back to normal. "Honey what happened?! Are you okay?!" I saw her eyes show a sign of red for a moment, but quickly went back to blue.

"I-I'm fine... just-how long have we been meditating..?" I asked rubbing my head. "For a total of two hours..." Luni looked below me. I looked at where I was sitting as well, and saw that the ground I sat on was covered with snow.

"I see... what about you?" I asked Luni about her experience. "Uh, I'll tell you when you're ready to hear." Luni sweated a little. Aware that she was nervous, I still wanted to know, but stopped myself from asking. "Okay" I let it be.

'Oblivious pieces of sh*t...' Chalk started talking more trash. 'Watch your f*cking mouth. What do you even mean by that anyways?' I grew tired of his crap.

'It's obvious that you two are starting to understand more about the elements you possess, leading to more control and more options with your powers.' Chalk explained.

'For you it's because you now have air at your disposal to the higher degree, but as for your woman, it's different. She's a primordial dragon blood, and since she's a key that only means she'll get more powerful as she starts unlocking different modes of power.' Chalk finished.

'Okay first of all, what modes? Second of all, you know all of this how??' I tried my best to absorb any amount of knowledge he gave I out.

'One, there are different types of moon phases, meaning she's going to inherit new forms for her power to complement them all. It's simple logic. Second, I've known about the 8 keys far longer than you have dumbass.' Chalk snapped.

I basically nodded, considering the fact that he was right. "Is Chalk talking to you again..?" Luni questioned. "Yeah, I think he wants me to try something." I guessed.

'Damn right I do. Now imagine that your pulling the surrounding towards you and into your body, and allow yourself to become one with it. Be the wind.' Chalk instructed.

I didn't know how he wanted me to do that, but I still took a chance. I stood up, closed my eyes, and let the wind take over me. All of the surrounding air, I let myself fuse with it. I let the breeze touch my soul.

Then, my soul felt the breeze itself. I was the breeze. When I opened my eyes, I noticed how I was slightly see-through, like a ghost. I was baffled, but Luni was just absolutely shocked.

'What're you waiting for? Try running around.' Chalk said. And just about a second later, I was as fast as the wind. It felt like everything was at a normal pace, but I was above everything.

It felts so exhilarating. So exciting. So... free. I wanted to run around forever, to become one with the wind and fly. Heck, I even started flying at some point, but I dived down and landed on the water, turning the section I landed on frozen.

"WOAH, baby did you see that?! I was so fast you'd think I was a lightning dragon!" I looked at her with gleaming eyes of excitement. Luni looked at me with a smile, and her bodily aura shifted into visible blue and purple one.

After that, she started zooming around the place. I was barely able to keep track of her as my newly collected breeze wore off. Next thing I knew, she stopped on a tree and vanished.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly turned around. It was Luni, who's eyes were glowing a strong flare of blue. "W-what the.." Luni put her finger over my lip. "You're not the only one who can become a ninja." Luni kissed me on the cheek sweetly.

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