Chapter 10

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Simamkele's pov:

"No Lukhanyo,I'm not cooking that" I sulk and he crosses his arms across his chest

"Lukhanyo yeka umkami and get your own(leave my wife)" Thami interjects

"Come on bro. If she can make lasagna,then she should make it now. Are you going to fight with a cripple?" he says back making me laugh. So having cancer is considered a disability now?

"Since when are you a cripple?" Sindi asks. Do not ask me why they are always at our house,I also don't know if maybe Mrs Mthembu kicked them out. Lukhanyo fakes not being able to breathe and I roll my eyes. He always does this,when it happens for real we won't be able to believe him

"That is being a cripple" he says after his performance making us all laugh

"So we're ordering in?" Sindi asks

"Yes" "No" at the same time l and Lukhanyo is the only person that said no

"What!?" he exclaims when we all look at him "I love your food Sima,shoot me for loving your cooking" he defends

"I'm not cooking for one person. Sindi order the food" everyone laughs at Lukhanyo's sulking. We were about to watch a game of rugby and Thami's siblings were all coming over,tiring if you ask me. That blabber mouth will be here,I've never met a guy that talks that much.

"Honey I'm home!" as if on cue,he shouts all the way from the gate. Mnisi is so forward hey,and he's over 25,I think he's 29. Everyone erupts in laughter. It's no secret that Mnisi and I don't get along,but,that doesn't mean I hate him. He parks his car infront behind Lukhanyo's car. He is with Kwanda in the car. Greetings and hugs are passed around.

The delivery van hoots outside and Lukhanyo and Mnisi race to get the food. Why didn't they eat before they left the house?

"Watch,the food will get here when they're full" Sindi announces and we all laugh

"The game is starting" Thami shouts. I don't know half the players here, I was so used to rugby players on the other side

"Damn,this pizza is so good" Lukhanyo says

"Lukhanyo!" everyone scolds

"Relax,I'm joking guys" he puts the five boxes of pizza on the table and Mnisi is carrying a cooler box and plates.

"Damn,they scored a 5 in the first ten minutes" Kwanda says diverting his eyes from the pizza he is eating to the TV. I dish up for myself and my husband. Mnisi comes back with a glass.

"I told you that I'm with them forever,one loss won't make me lose loyalty" Lukhanyo says in a proud voice. That must be his favorite team

"Lukhanyo we know that,you played for the team so duh" Sindi says rolling her eyes. Oops I was wrong,he actually played with all those hot men?that's why his friends are so damn gorgeous

"Sindi,the juice is for you,the only teenager here" Mnisi says and Sindi rolls her eyes. Yes,she's 15 and she has a gazillion crushes.

"I also don't drink" I announce and they look at me like I'm crazy,well,except Thami.

"What,why?" Lukhanyo asks

"I've never found it pleasing" I respond

"Ilokuthi uwu mlungu (it's the fact that you're white)" Mnisi replies and I roll my eyes

"Angisuye umlungu(I'm not white)" I say again and they all laugh,probably at my attempt at speaking their language

"We can all hear that" Lukhanyo adds,teasing me with a smirk. He's been doing this since they got here

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