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JULIANNA TORETTO is a well-known racer in the community. Her real name is kept locked up, and she preferably goes by Jules. The people who test her on the streets usually get their asses handed to them.

The only person who can beat her is Dom. From a young age, they always competed, whether that was in video games or board games, and Jules found herself on top.

Racing was the one thing she just couldn't beat him at. She did refer to him as the #1 illegal racer because, let's be honest, they're not racing for the cops; they're more than likely racing from them.

Ever since Jules was a teenager, she had this interest in cars. She didn't know if it was because of her brother or father, but every time they were in the garage, she'd join them and watch what they did and how they did it.

It wasn't until her father died that she started falling in love with cars. She'd make Dom teach her everything he knew, and she'd make Jesse look up racing videos. Even though it's how her father died, she just couldn't let it go.

It was a drug, and she craved it.

Fast Track ∞ B. O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now