003 - long-ass night

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place. Jules didn't know where she was since she never came down this way. Brian grabbed Jules' hand, helping her out of the car, and as they looked around, they both noticed the guns present.

"I thought we had an agreement. You stay away, I stay away. Everybody stays happy. Ain't that right, princess?" Johnny Tran said, looking Jules up and down as Brian took a step closer to Jules.

"We got lost, Johnny. What do you want me to tell you?" Dom responded, ignoring the remark made about his sister. "Who's "we"? Johnny asked as Dom pointed to Brian. "Uh, my new mechanic. Brian, meet Johnny Tran. The guy in the snakeskin pants—that's his cousin, Lance." Dom told Brian.

"So when are you gonna give me a shot at that Honda 2000 of yours?" Dom asked, hoping to take some heat off the situation. "This your ride?" Johnny asked, avoiding Dom's question as he stepped closer to what used to be Brian's car.

"It was. It's his now." Brian nodded to Dom. "No, it's not. I haven't taken delivery." Dom responded quickly. "Then it's nobody's car. Somebody put in the wrench time. What do you think, Lance?" Johnny asked his cousin from the other side of the car.

"It's an amazing machine." Lance answered with the gun still pointed at Jules. "Yes, indeed." Johnny agreed, patting Dom's arm as he walked to his bike. "I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you." Johnny threatened.

"You're gonna need more than that crotch rocket." Dom replied. "I got somethin' for you. Bye princess." Johnny smirked at Jules' way before giving her a wink and riding off into darkness.

"What the hell was that all about?" Brian asked, looking between Jules and Dom. "Long story. I'll tell you later. Let's get outta here." Dom said. Jules goes to open the door, but the sound of motors stops her.

"You've gotta be shitting me." Jules groaned, annoyed, as Lance and Johnny came back with guns pointed at the three. The two bikers shoot up the car as Brian grabs Jules' wrist, pulling her behind him.

The two problems drive away as the car irrupts into flames. "Oh shit." "NOS!" Jules and Dom shouted at the same time, backing away from the car as it exploded. "We better start walking." Jules told the two boys as she got up from the ground and started to head off.

As Jules walked ahead, she could hear Brian pestering Dom about what had just happened. "And he slept with his sister." Jules added as she stopped to look at the two boys. Dom rolled his eyes at his sister. "Why does he call you princess?" Brian asked, looking down at the girl.

"What? Jealous?" Jules smirked as Dom walked ahead of the two. "When I raced every weekend, people would start calling me 'the racing princess'. Once I stopped, Princess was the only name that stuck around." Jules confessed.

It wasn't like she was lying. Racing was a high she loved, and she raced every time she could. Jules won every race she did except for Dom, whom she lost to all the time. The first time she raced Johnny, she beat him, and he only called her princess instead of racing princess like everyone else.

It was the first time she actually wanted to kill him because she was no princess to him and never would be because he didn't like her brother and she didn't like him.

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