004 - the buster

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later the three racers were finally able to catch a cab back to the house that was hosting a party. Brian said goodbye to the Toretto siblings before starting to walk again.

"After all the shit we've been through tonight, the least you could do is offer a beer." Jules said to her brother, crossing her arms. Dom sighed. "Yo, Spilner." He called as Brian turned around. "You want a beer?" Dom asked. "Yeah, sure." Brian responded, catching up with the two as the made their way inside.

Jules left the two boys running upstairs to find Mia. "Yo, little M, you good?" She asked, leaning against her sister's doorframe. "Yeah. I'm sorry I left you behind." Mia glumly said, feeling bad. "It's all good. Frankly, I'm glad you did." Jules replied with honesty.

Jules left Mia and walked back downstairs, where she noticed Brian all alone and Dom arguing with Vince. "This your beer?" Her brother asked. "Yeah, that's my beer." Vince answered, confused as to why Dom picked it up.

Dom had individual conversations with his friends as he got closer to Brian. Jules, on the other hand, was closing the door behind Brian. "Yo, Dom! Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince yelled. "Cause the buster kept me and Julianna out of handcuffs." Dom snapped using Jules' legal name. Silence filled the room, and the only sound was music.

"He didn't just run back to the fort! The buster brought us back." Dom finished walking over to Brian. "You can have any brew you want—as long as it's a Corona." Dom smirked, handing Brian a bottle. "That's Vince's, so enjoy it."

Jules watched Brian wrap the opening of the bottle with his shirt before taking a sip, staring at Vince. Jules couldn't lie; it was the hottest thing she'd seen in a while.

Brian trailed off to the bathroom as Dom took a seat. "He's got no call bein' up in here. You don't know that fool for shit." Vince accused, like he knows everything. "Vince, there was a time I didn't know you." Dom retorted. "That was in the third grade." Vince snapped.

"Watch it, Vince." Jules warned, taking a step closer to her friend. "Get him outta here." Jules whispered to Letty. "You got it, pretty lady." Letty said, smirking. As Letty was able to get Dom to go upstairs, Brian was already walking down.

"Yo. You know you owe me a 10-second car, right?" Dom laughed as Letty joined in pulling him up the stairs. "Did you wipe the seat?" Vince shouted. "Jesus Christ! Back off, would you?" Jules said, getting in between the two boys and pushing Vince back a couple steps.

"Come on. Let's go get me a drink." Jules gave Mia, who just entered the room, a look. Jules took Brian's hand, leading him to a room. "So, what do you want?" Brian asked. "Uh, anything, long as it's cold." Jules answered as Brian popped the cap of a Corona off, handing it to her.

"You know my brother likes you. He usually doesn't like anybody." Jules told the blonde-haired boy. "Yeah, he's a complicated guy." Brain said, walking around the table and getting closer to her. "We all are, just like you." Jules said, taking a sip. "I'm simpler." Jules laughed, saying, "You're a shitty liar."

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment." Brian said, taking a seat beside Jules and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "There's a couple problems." Jules said as Brian leaned closer. "What's that." He asked, his voice just over a whisper.

"You need to get some sleep. And you definitely, definitely need a shower." Jules said, looking up at him. "Come on, I'll take you home." Jules offered, starting to walk out. "And stop looking at my ass." Jules joked as Brian chuckled behind her.

The next day, the group of longtime friends were all working on cars at the auto shop. Jules stopped what she was doing and rolled from under a car, sitting up as she heard a car tire screech. Getting up, she wiped the grease from her face with the back of her hand.

What was parked in front of the auto shop was a beaten-up red car and a smiling Brian. "What do you got there?" Dom asked, leaning a hand against the wall. "This is your car." Brain answered. Dom laughed, "My car? I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."

Jules walked beside Jesse to see the engine. Brian watched the girl as she walked; he liked the fact that she could get her hands dirty and not give a shit about what others thought. "You could push this across the finish line or tow it." Jesse said as Jules tried to pop the hood.

"Couldn't even tow that across the finish line." Brian shook his head and said, "No faith." "Oh, I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage." Dom reminded Brian. "Jules, pop the hood." Brian told the girl. "I'm trying smartass." Jules grunted, giving the hood one strong lift before it fell off.

"You're gonna need a new one." Jules laughed. "Two J.Z. engines. No shit." Jesse said, continuing to check it out as Jules stepped back. "And what did I tell you?" Brian asked, smirking.

"I retract my previous statement." Dom replied. "You know what? This will decimate all after you put about 15 grand in it—or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan." Jesse told the two boys. 'Anything for cars," Jules thought.

"We'll put it on my tab at Harry's." Dom said as Jesse cheered happily. "I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass. You too, Jules." Dom said pointing the wrench at his sister. "Not any time soon," Jules told her brother.

"There's this showdown in the desert called Race Wars, and that's where you'll do it." Brian smiled, shaking his head, not answering. "I'll tell you what. When you're not workin' at Harry's, you're workin' here. If you can't find the right tool in the garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car." Dom told Brian, smiling.

"You're his bitch now, Blondie." Jules whispered in Brian's ear, smirking, as Brian gave the brunette a confused look. So the group got to work on changing the 10-minute car into a 10-second car. They grabbed the needed tools, and Brian and Jesse looked at a possible layout.

Jules walked to the room where Brian and Jesse were, leaning against the door frame. "Man, you should be goin' to M.I.T. or somethin'." Brian told Jesse, amazed by his work. "Yeah, right. No, I got that— oh, what's it called? That attention disorder—" Jesse stuttered.

"He has A.D.D." Jules said, joining their conversation and walked closer to the pair. "Thank you, Jules." Jesse said, smiling at her as he took a puff of smoke.

"You know, I was good in algebra... and, like, math and shit. Everything else I failed. Dropped out of school. I don't know. It's just something about engines... that calms me down, you know." Jesse explained to Brian.

Jules would never admit it out loud, but out of everyone, she cared for Jesse the most. He never got the care he should've gotten, and every day since the day she met him, she took it upon herself to learn more about cars than she already did. She did it for Jesse and no one else.

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