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meet up with Bilkins, Jules needed to change her outfit. She didn't want to be in Brian's clothes any longer. It made her feel dirty. Suki stopped by and gave her some spare clothes to which she gladly changed in to.

The three made it to the building and as they walked in, they were greeted with blank expressions. "Nice shirt, Bilkins." Brian complimented. "It's my day off." Bilkins responded, sourly. "Yeah, well, anyhow, this is the deal." Brian started.

"Last night, Verone threatened a cop into giving us a window. We're driving to an airstrip, in the keys, off of Nallwood Avenue. Verone has a plane there, and he's taking off for good." Brian explained. "Wait a minute. How do you know this?" Markham asked.

"Monica." Jules replied as Brian looked down at her. "She's doin' her job. She warned us," Roman added. "She warned you about what?" Bilkins asked. "Verone plans to kill us after we give him the money." Brian stated. "Driving into an ambush was never part of the dead. I'm calling this off." Bilkins demanded.

"Like hell you are. This is a customs case, Bilkins. No one's calling this off unless I do. Look, this is real simple. You make the run. You get Verone and his cash together. So I can move in for the bust." Markham yelled while walking to the three with walkies.

"All right? You don't. I will find enough charges on the three of you to make you disappear. Take these. We're gonna have G.P.S on you the whole time to make sure you don't get any cute ideas." Markham said, handing the three G.P.S's. "And to make sure nothing happens to them, right?" Bilkins asked as Markham only gave him a nod.

"Load of bullshit." Jules said as the three left the building and watched Markham leave. "The guy's a dick, man," Roman added. "Yep." Brian agreed as they all walked to the end of the boardwalk.

"Let me get this right. If we don't do this, then we go to jail. But if we do it, then Verone's gonna kill us." Roman restated what Markham was yelling about." "it's a hell of a deal, huh." Brian said as he watched Jules look at the water.

"But I know this guys got an ass full of loot that he's ready to dump in our cars. And I can think of two reasons why Verone doesn't need that money anymore." Roman said, as Brian smiled. "Ah, here we go." "You and me." Jules snapped her head to them at being left out.

"Just like the old days. What do you think?" Roman asked Brian. "I think they messed with the wrong two guys. That's what I think." Brian said as here go on the phone. "And girl, assholes." Jules said, sending them both a hard glare.

"You're always involved, doll," Roman said, putting his arm around her. "Yeah, but this time I get my car." Jules said sternly, getting a thumbs up from both racers.

The three made it to a storage garage that was completely empty and big enough for a diversion. "Look fool, if y'all really wanna carry out this plan, it's definitely the best place to do it. So, what do y'all think, man?" Tej asked.

"I think it's perfect. What do they store here?" Brian asked, as Jules smirked. "A great distraction." She laughed.

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