011 - a new job

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BRIAN WAS SAT IN AN interrogation room after being brought in by police for getting caught racing. It had been almost three months since he let Dom go and last saw Jules. Brian would have moments where he wished he could go back and change it, but he couldn't.

"So, how long you been in South Florida?" Agent Markham asked, pulling Brian from his thoughts. "A while." Brian responded bluntly. Agent Dunn leaned forward, placing his hands on the table, trying to seem intimidating. "Before that?" Markham asked, getting no response from Brian.

Markham sighed, opening the folder in his hands. "We know you're Brian O'Conner, formerly of the L.A.P.D." Agent Markham told Brian. "You've got the wrong guy." Brian answered. The last time he got involved, he ruined the girl he loves.

Bilkins knocked on the door before entering, causing Brian to look at him. There was no getting out now. "How you doin', O'Conner? Let's take a walk." He said, catching the keys thrown to him. If Bilkins was involved, so was Brian, and he hated it.

"Carter Verone. Born in Argentina. But he's lived most of his life in Miami. Now he owns the biggest import/export business in the state. Unfortunately, the cartels have been successful getting drugs into Miami. But they've had a hard time gettin' the cash out." Markham informal Brian with a picture and file of Carter on the big screen behind him.

"We've been surveilling him for a year, but we've never been able to put him and the money together. We've swept his house, his warehouse—" "—Nothing." Bilkins cuts Markham off. "Customs here has done a great job of getting us this far. I'm just here to help get them over the top." Bilkins said as Brian listened intently.

"I was able to get an agent undercover, working travel and logistics for him. Recently, Verone put her in charge of finding some new drivers." Markham said. "Right, although we can't confirm her status right now." Bilkins explained.

"You think she's flipped?" Brian questioned turning his head to the side. "She's one of mine. She's all right." Markham jumped in. "She's been in with Verone nearly a year. Even lives at the compound with him now." Bilkins spoke in a distinct tone.

"Look, it was the F.B.I.'s idea to bring you in here." Agent Markham told Brian, pointing a finger at him. "I'm against it. But we need some good drivers that can put this asshole and his money together. You're gonna roll with Agent Dunn here." Markham said, directing his hands to the agent beside him.

"And if I don't?" Brian asked, running a hand over his jaw. "Well, here's a list of the laws you broke in L.A." Bilkins said, handing Brian a file. "Obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting. You know the rap sheet. Now, we can make this all go away in the interest of justice if you're willing to play ball." Bilkins said, trying to persuade the blonde boy.

Brian sighed, looking through the file. "So what's the idea here? Dunn and I are supposed to be street racers?" Brian asked, looking up to Markham. "That's right." Markham nodded. Brian averted his eyes from Dunn, who was watching him as he drank from a Gallo's Pizza cup.

"So Dunn," Brian started, standing up and walking closer to Dunn. "Looks like we're gonna be partners, bro." Brian shakes his hand. "Could you tell me right quick what would be a better motor for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?" Brian asked him, lying. "Um, the 24," Dunn answered.

"I didn't know pizza places made motors." Brian smirked at Dunn's stupidity. "See, man, come one. I can't do this. I mean, seriously, if this is what you're gonna give me, I may as well take my chances in Chino." Brian told the agents.

"We will get someone else." Bilkins said as Agent Markham snatched the cup from Dunn's hand. "No way, man." Brian took a seat. "The only way I'll do this is if I get to pick the drivers." Brian said, having two people in mind. Bilkins sighed, "All right, O'Conner, who you got in mind?" Bilkins asked.

"This dude I grew up with in Barstow and this girl they call the 'racing princess'." Brian stated. "Who's that?" Bilkins questioned. "Roman Pearce and Julianna Toretto." Brian said it with no emotion. "Toretto! What's saying we won't bring her in to find her brother?" Markham threatened.

"'Cause if you do, I won't do the job. Hurt her, and we got problems." Brian stated protectively with hooded eyes. "If we can't find her?" Bilkins questioned, ignoring the blonde's statement. "You will; she lives here." Brian told Bilkins, placing an address on the table.

The last time he saw Jules was when she was entering an apartment. She was still beautiful but missing her spark. If Jules wasn't there, he'd still do it, but with Jules, he was able to have her close again, and she had a mouth that could end lives.

He was going to bring that spark back, even though she hated him for what he did to her.

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