020 - roll out

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just stay cool, keep focused. Remember, the airstrip's on Nallwood avenue. It's the third exit after the bridge." Brian said into his walkie-talkie as Jules sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window where Roman was.

"Got it," Roman replied. "So what's up, man? You ready for this?" Brian asked, this time talking to Roman through the rolled-down window. "Come on, man. Guns, murderers, and crooked cops? I was made for this, brah," Roman said with a big smile.

"And you?" Brian asked, looking towards Jules. "I'll live." She answered with a shrug as Roberto and Enrique pulled up. The group Followed Verone's men to a trailed park as they pulled out sledgehammers and ordered a man out before breaking down a wall.

Enrique and Roberto threw bags of cash at Brian and Roman, telling them to load up as Jules sat back, eyeing the neighbourhood. "Yo, we're 'bout to get company." Jules called as they all stopped at the sound of sirens.

"Get in the back, don't go up front." Brian said in Jules' ear, to which she nodded, jogging to the backseat. "What is he doing'?" Enrique asked as Roman got a rock and headed to Roberto and Enrique's car, sending it forward so it collided with the cop cars.

"Add that to a list of felonies." Jules said, laughing while Brian took off onto the highway. "They're catching up, man!" Enrique shouted as the cops got closer. "Shut up, man!" Brian yelled back. "Brian, we have a serious problem!" Jules shouted as she watched a helicopter fly over with guys holding ESD Harpoon Launchers.

The helicopter soon flew over the cars facing the front of the cars as they shot at them, hitting the side of Brian's Mitsubishi. Jules stuck her head out the back window, seeing the devices pinned to the door. Jules ripped a part of her shirt gripping onto the device, giving it a tug.

"Brian! It won't budge!" Jules yelled, pulling on it. Brian ordered Enrique to take control of the wheel as helped Jules. "Jules, you gotta pull with me!" He told her. As the two pulled, they were slowly going off the road.

The two have it one big pull before it came off and Brian threw it at the cars chasing them. Jules fell back laugh at the cause of adrenaline as they got closer to the parking garage. "Tej, get ready." Jules said into her walkie once they got to the garage and the doors were opening for them to go in.

As the cops ordered for them to exit, Jules got into a nice red Nissan waiting for the cue. When the doors opened, the biggest trucks and car flew out, followed by all the other racers, causing a distraction while Brian, Roman, and Jules got away.

"Finally, some action." Jules said, punching her roof out of excitement. "Have fun, boys." She said into her walked as Roman got rid of his extra weight and all they needed was for Brian to do the same.

Jules was the first to get to the destination where she met up with Jimmy and Roman coming up behind. The two waited for Brian, but he was taking longer than usual. "Yo, Jules, Rome. There's a new plan." Brian walkie-d in. "What the hell?" Roman asked furiously as Jules gave him a questioning look.

"We're meeting them at the Tarpon point exit, not the airstrip." Brian explained. "So what are you saying?" Roman asked as Jules leaned against her car. "Like I said, there's a new plan." Brian responded.

"Yo! What the hell is he doin'?" Jimmy asked. "The feds are in the wrong place. Brian's woman is on her own with Verone." Roman explained. "So-" "So Brian's not coming!" Jules cut Jimmy off.

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