Chapter 1

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~Loid's POV~

It's been a year. One full year of operation Strix. Anya is now a 2nd grader and doing better in her studies. Yor and I's "marriage" has been going smoothly. Anya will be starting school in one week and she has collected 3 of the required stella stars. 

"Loid! Anya and I are ready to go!"

"I'll be there in a second!"

Right now Anya, Yor, Bond and I are heading to the beach.  I decided to take us here as a reward for Anya doing so well last year in school.  We got a taxi, to take us there, I sat in the front while Yor sat with Anya and Bond in the back. When we arrived at the beach Anya immediately faceplanted in the sand while Bond ran after her. It was maybe just a little bit cute.  We set up our beach towels and umbrellas.  

"Loid, they have a pina colada stand, want me to get you some?" Yor asked.

"Sure Yor! Just don't drink to much!" I chuckled.

Yor dashed off to the pina colada stand. 

"Papa, whats a pina colada?" anya asked.

"oh it's just a drink that us adults like." I responded to anya.

"Can I try one!" Anya asked excitedly.

"uhh no." I responded.  

Yor came back with our drinks. I was watching Anya and Bond run in the waves. They were jumping over them and screaming because its cold. It was kinda relaxing listening to the waves crash against the sand and having Yor by my side. Wait what am I thinking. I can't think like that. I'm a spy. Handler would not approve.  I can't disappoint the full metal lady. I heard Yor calling my name which made my snap out of my thoughts.

"Loid wanna walk along the beach?" she said with half drunk smile. 

"sure." I chuckled, she looked cute with her half drunk smile.

Wait what! these thoughts again. Why do I keep thinking like this, i have never, not ever in my time of operation strix that i have felt like this about Yor.  I got up to follow Yor Anya and Bond.  After walking around for about 30 minutes the sun started to set. 

"Wow! The sky is so pretty!" Anya exclaimed.

"Borf" Bond barked as he tried to bite a crab.

"You're right Anya, the sky is really pretty." Yor replied,

We started to head back to our beach towels to pack up. I carried the umbrella to a taxi and we started to drive home.

"That was such a fun ooting!" Anya yelled.

I responded, "that was very nice."

As soon as we got home I went into the kitchen to start on dinner. I am going to make Anya's favorite dish. After about 30 minutes dinner was ready and the table set. We all sat down and started to eat.

"YAY! THE FOOD IS AMAZING PAPA!!!" Anya exclaimed.

"I'm glad you think so," I replied with a smile.

"It is really good Loid," Yor commented.

Yor poured herself another glass of wine.

"Loid do you want a glass?" She asked.

"Sure!"  I responded.

She tried to pour the glass but sadly misaimed.

"Whoopsie!" she giggled.

"Its ok, I will clean it up and pour my own glass!" I responded to drunk yor.

She is acting pretty adorable i thought to myself.

"Mama and papa are FliRtiNG!" Anya exclaimed.

"No we are not!" both me and Yor exclaimed while blushing. 

"where did you even learn that term?!" I asked Anya.

"... BECKY!" she exclaimed then ran off to her room giggling. 

"uhm, well how about we go relax on the couch for a bit." I suggested

"Yea! That's a great idea Loid!" Yor responded.

We slowly headed to the couch and sat down. I turned on the TV and we watched it for about 45 minutes before my eyes started feeling heavy. I wondered if Yor was getting tired. I leaned back and my head drooped to the side. My eyes closed to the sight of Yor blushing.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to feel a small weight on my head. I tilted my head up to see Yor sleeping peacefully. I don't know how to get up without waking her. Then, Anya runs out of the hallway and slides right next to Bond.

"Good morning Mama and Papa!" Anya yells

"You seem happy," I yawn.

"Papaaaaa. Cann you make me pancakes?" Anya whined.

"sure, but Yor has to wake up first." 

"oooooooh, papa really likes mama!" anya smirked.

"uhhhh I don't know what you are talking about!" I said flusteredly

"uh huuuh" Anya smirks once more. 

I turn away and try to cover my blushing.

Yor finally woke up, she immediately jumped back and apologized.

"Loid I am so sorry about last night!" she yelped.

"No its ok!" I quickly reassured her.

"heh," anya smirked from a dark corner.

"what are you laughing at Anya," I asked.

"heh, just you and mama," Anya replied.

I pretend to ignore her and continue to eat my breakfast. I think Becky is a bad influence on her. Maybe they should stop hanging out. Well anyway, I might hang out with Franky. If he isn't going on any dates. I think I have a meeting with Handler today. She needs info on how the operation is going. 

~Time Skip~

I finally made it to the meeting spot where Handler was waiting for me. 

"Good afternoon Twilight." She said calmly.

"Good afternoon to you to Handler." I replied.

Handler and I talked about how the operation was going, but it was hard for me to stop thinking about Yor.

"Twilight, are you listening?" she questioned me.

"Yes, just...tired." I said, reminiscing about last night.

"That's an obvious lie Twilight..." she says.

"W-what are you talking about." I responded, trying my best not to sound nervous.

She is right though, it is a lie. 

"Stop lying to me Twilight." She responded in a stern tone.

"There...there is just a lot on my mind right now." I responded, trying my best to not look suspicious.

"Hmm...ok." she said, not sounding entirely convinced.

I walked back to the apartment being unhappy with myself, how did I let myself slip up in a meeting with handler.  She would've not been happy if she new the real reason why I was not paying that much attention. 

I arrive back to the place I call home.

"Hello Loidy..."


More parts coming soon! :)

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