Chapter 14

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It has been a week and Loid isn't sick anymore btw. Also there will be alcohol in this chapter. 🍷 OH MY FREAKING GOD THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YALL ARE SO AMAZING TY! WE WILL WORK EXTRA HARD TO GET A NEW CHAPTERS OUT!!!!

~Loid's POV~

Today Yuri is coming over, yaY, I'm dreading it. Anya won't be here and they might get drunk, I don't know if I can handle two drunk Briar's in one house. Once Yor got home from work, we started cooking.

"How was work?" I ask her.

"It was good! How was your day?" She replies

"Pretty good," I responded.

We continued to have some small talk until the doorbell rang.

Yor stands up to open the door and I mentally prepare myself for two drunk briars.

Yuri walks in with five bottles of wine.

"Hello Yuri!" Yor says.

"Good evening Yuri." I greet him.

Five bottles of wine, I got a really good feeling something bad is about to happen. Yuri uncorked the first bottle of wine, it was a really good tasting pinot noir. I don't want to get drunk so I will only have one or two glasses of wine. By the time dinner finished cooking, Yor was on her fifth glass I was on my third, this would be my last glass... I think...

When we brought out dessert I think I was on my fifth glass, I can't remember. That's not good.

"Yuri, the wine is really good!" I say.

"Thanks Loidy!" He responds with a drunk tone.

Another glass could not hurt...right?

We keep talking for a while until Yuri says that Anya is very dumb for a 2nd grader, he also said how he thinks she is really annoying. When I heard him say that Yor and I almost punched him in the face. How dare he insult our child. How dare he insult Anya, in our house?

"YuRi WhY Do YoU saY ThAt??!?!?" Yor said tipsily.

"Because, it's the truth," He calmly states, unaware of the danger he is in.

"Anya is the perfect child, she is better than you ever were!" I yell drunkenly.

"sHUT iT LoIDY, YoU pRobAbLY DiD noT GeT a GoOd EdUcatIOn!" He yelped.

That was what made me do it, I punched him right in the face. I mean he deserved it. I felt bad after seeing Yor's face but it was worth it. The situation must have made poor drunk Yor so overwhelmed, so she started crying into my shoulder. I don't think she really realized what had happened yet. She must have just heard two drunk men yelling at each other, and that is when it dawned on me, I'm drunk, or anything but sober. I think this is the first time I have been drunk during a mission. I ran my fingers through her hair until she stopped crying. Her face is so cute. I think she might have fallen asleep. Wow she must have been really drunk.

"Yuri, I think you should leave," I state.

"NO." he states in a tipsy tone.

"Yuri, don't make me force you,"


"Huh, what happened." Yor said sleepily.


"Awwwww!" She says, pulling me in for a kiss, I kiss her back.

"THAT'S IT I'M DONE HERE!" Yuri yells, while getting up for the door.

"Finally," I mutter.

Thats when i hear a familiar "Heh"

"That was some nice free entertainment!" Anya says happily.

"A-anya, how long have you been standing there?" I ask.

"Ever since you punched uncie!" She says.

"So what did Mama and Papa do while I was at Becky's?" She asks while going to take a seat next to us.

Me and Yor eye each other. We could not just tell her that me, Yor and YuRI got into a drunk argument.

"Err, we will tell you that, maybeeee some other time." I say, still feeling a little tipsy, the effects of the alcohol is slowly wearing off.

"Yea, Maybe some other time, Anya!" Yor joins in.

"Yup!" Me and Yor both say awkwardly.

"Mama and Papa are acting WeIRd, so i'm just going to head to bed..." She says, backing away slowly, then darting off towards her room.

I turn to face Yor.

"I don't feel sober anymore." I say, trying to make her feel a little better. She still seemed a little upset from what happened with YuRi.

"I don't either." She laughs, but then goes back to the same upset face.

This time I take her hand and ask,

"Are you ok, you can always talk to me."

This time she sighs,

"No, I guess, this is my first time truly being upset with YuRi, I am not really sure why he would say something like that."

"I get that, sometimes siblings can be unpredictable and we don't always share the same opinions, maybe we can have him over again sometime and work it out." I respond

Anya walks back into the room, "Can I be there, I want to get a taste of sweet revenge."

"Of course Anya!!!!!!" Yor exclaimed.

"I guess you're right," Yor said, seeming deep in thougt.

I was a little concerned because she seemed like she was planning something. I shouldn't worry though. It's probably nothing.

"Well, it's getting late and today was eventful so we should probably go to bed now." I say.

"Thanks, Loid, for being there for me." She said, throwing her arms around me, giving me a hug.

I almost died of cuteness right then and there. I am so happy I can't believe I married this wonderful woman. Me and Yor exchanged good nights and headed off to bed.

~Time Skip~

I woke up a little later the next morning, feeling a little hungover, but not as bad as Yor though. I made her a nice breakfast and gave her a glass of water. I hope she feels better soon. Anya was still asleep. I am dreading the moment she wakes.

"I just got off the phone with YuRI," She says ominously.

"What did he say?" I asked, hoping it was nothing bad.

"He wanted to know if he could come over and apologize." She says, looking not very thrilled at the idea

"As long as he doesn't bring any wine I should be okay," I replied.

I can't deal with a drunk YuRi again. I did feel a lot better after punching him though. Yor looks like she is deep in thought again maybe it's just the hangover. Weird. Well I guess Yuri is coming over again. This will be interesting.

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