Chapter 15

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I GOT SO FRICKIN TERRIFIED. So wattpad posted chapter 14 before 13 and I had to copy and paste the whole thing but then I thought I lost one of the chapters. Luckily I got it back and fixed it :) or we would have had to rewrite chapter 13. Also this chapter was fun to write hehe.

~Yor's POV~

I have been thinking for a while. On how to plan my revenge on YuRi. I know that he hates the thought of Loid and I being affectionate towards one another so, I have a plan. When he comes over today I will act super flirty to Loid. YuRi will never suspect it. I can't wait to see the look on his face. I heard her heavy footsteps before I saw her. A sleepy Anya entered the room. Her whole face lit up when she saw me and Loid.


Loid and I both started to blush,

"W-what makes you say that?" I stutter.

I just heard a 'heh' before she plopped down at the table, waiting for breakfast.

"What time is YurI coming over," Loid asks.

"He never really specified. He just said he was coming over again to apologize."

"So what you are saying is that he can just come over at any given moment?" He says in response.

"Yep..." I say.

"Uncie is coming again?? What is he apologizing about?" Anya proceeded to ask.

"Err, he is apologizing about last night." Loid says, seeming like he is trying to avoid the question.

"What happened last night?" Anya questioned once more.

"Well, uhh, uncle Yuri was not the nicest..." I say.

"Ok..." Anya says suspiciously.

Loid finished making breakfast then we ate. Anya proceeded to her room to go play spies with her toys. Loid and I went to the couch and talked about work and other things.

"So how is work going, Loid?" I ask.

"It's going pretty well, how about you?" He asks.

"My work is going pretty well too!" I responded.

"How is Fiona doing?" I ask.

"She is ok I guess, I have not spoken to her recently. How is Camila doing?" he replies.

"Camila is doing well." I say in response.

We continued to talk for another hour and a half, until the doorbell rang. I must've looked visibly nervous because Loid asked:

"Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine, I'm just nervous because this would be my first time confronting Yuri on something." I say in response.

"It will be ok, I will be right there with you." He blushes, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

We got up to answer the door together. We see the sight of a YuRi with his eyes closed, rubbing his head. He must have a pretty bad headache. But that doesn't matter. He still insulted Anya and that is not ok.

"Come in!" I exclaim while grabbing Loid's arm.

The look on YuRi's face was priceless when he saw me holding his arm. I think Loid might have been blushing too. I might have been seeing things.

"So we need to talk about what happened last night," Loid started.

"I am sorry I insulted your very wonderful child," He says a little too sarcastically.

"YuRi, this is serious. Can you say it like you mean it?" I ask nicely while leaning on Loid.

"Well maybe I would if you weren't all over LoiLoi!" He yells.

"Maybe you need to be less of an overprotective brother, I. CAN. HANDLE. MYSELF!" I shout back.

Loid just squeezes my hand reassuringly while YuRi fumes.

"I can't believe you and that boy toy of yours got married and had a stupid kid, I expected better from you,"

"What the heck Yuri! I wouldn't be over up in your business if you got married, I wouldn't cause problems for YOUR relationship!" I cry.


That's when Anya walks in, "I don't like it when you guys fight,"


"Don't speak to my wife or amazing daughter like that," Loid interjects.

I look up at him gratefully. I hate how absurd YuRI is right now. So, I do what any good wife would do and I peck him on the cheek. I see YuRi's face go red with rage. I have to admit he looks really funny when he is mad.

"Wow, Mama! Makin your move" Anya winks.

"Let me guess... something BECKY taught you." Loid laughs.

"Why are you all making jokes now?"

"YuRi, you need to apologize to Yor, Anya right now," Loid says I lean closer into his chest.


"Is he drunk?" Anya asks.

"Sober but hungover , I think." I responded.

"Anya, you should go to your room." Loid says.

"Awwww, but I wanna watch the action!" she pouts.

"What if we ask Becky to hang out with you?" I suggest.

"Oh gosh, is that another annoying brat?" YuRi questions angrily.


"Probably your only friend." Yuri mumbles under his breath.

"Say that again, I dare you," Loid huffs.

"What are you going to do Loidy, punch me...again? And in front of that pink haired brat?"

"Maybe I will let him, you honestly deserve it after how you have been acting," I almost yelled.

"I honestly don't mind! It will be fun to watch!" Anya yells.

"Ok i correct myself, a violent pink haired brat." Yuri says.

"YuRi leave Anya out of this! Anya, you should really go to your room now!" I say in a more distressed tone than I meant to.

Anya huffs then sighs and finally heads back to her room. Not before grabbing a big bag of peanuts to munch on.

"Finally the pink haired scoundrel has left," YuRi mutters.

"THAT'S IT, I'M GONNA SLAP YOU!" Loid yells.

He raises his hand and Yuri dodges. I close my eyes. I don't want them to fight.

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