Chapter 4

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OMG TY SO FREAKIN MUCH FOR 71 WHOLE READS!!!! like tbh i thought we would only get like 2 so tysm!!!!!!

~Loid's POV~

I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It's not my fault they're so loud. I couldn't help but overhear what Anya and Becky were talking about. I mean, once I heard they were talking about who they liked I couldn't not listen. I actually find it kind of funny that Becky likes me, but when it came to Anya saying who she liked I felt worried. I don't know why though. But then it hit, she is a second grader.

"Loid, why are you eavesdropping?" Yor whispered. I whipped around and she was right behind me.

"Uh no reason.." I responded.

"Loid, you're a terrible liar." She chuckles.

"You know , you can always tell me!" Yor smiles.

"Fine, I just happened to overhear, not eavesdrop Anya and Becky talking about who they liked. And I just had to listen." I replied to Yor.

"Let me guess you were worried about Anya?" She queried.

"Yes, I mean she is only in second grade!" I said.

"Aww how cute, you're being protective over Anya!"

I blushed a little, she called me cute! Wait! What the heck am I thinking?! I need to get these STUPID thoughts out of my head! Besides, this is just a fake marriage.. Right?, what if this was all real. No Twilight, stop thinking like this. I'm just tired. That's all., right?

"Loid, you seem very lost in thought you all right?" Yor asks worriedly.

"O-oh, I'm alright, just a little tired," I whispered.

"Do you hear anything Becky?" Anya asked from behind the door.

"Just my sweet Loidy!" Becky Chorused.

"Becky, that's too far!" Anya exclaimed in a concerned tone.

"Loid, what does Becky mean by that..." Yor asked.

"Well, you see. When I overheard Anya and Becky's conversation," I explained, "Becky said that, uhm, well she has a crush on me,"

"What.." Yor said with the most confused face.

"That's concerning." Yor chuckled nervously..

"That's Becky for you!" I replied.

"My Loidy is talking about me!" Becky blushes.

"Becky, you are not ok!" Anya laughs nervously.

~Time Skip~

Becky finally went home. Yor had to step out for a work emergency so it was just me and Anya at home. "I wonder what kind of emergency could happen at a city hall" I thought to myself.

"It had to be pretty urgent if she had to go at nine pm." I thought to myself.

"Anya, time for bed." I said . She was watching her spy show like usual.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?" She whined.

"You have school tomorrow." I responded firmly.

"Hmph fine." She huffed.

I went to tuck Anya into bed then went to sit back on the couch to watch tv.

"It's pretty lonely here without yor." I thought to myself.

"Borf." Bond barked.

"Oh hi Bond!" I said to Bond.

"Borf." He said while getting onto the couch and curling up right next to me.

"This is nice." I said while petting Bond. I felt me self start to doze off.

~Time skip~

I wake up to the door creaking, and to Bond laying right on top of me

"Hi Loid." Yor smiled while looking over at him.

"Oh Yor it's just you! You scared me there for a second!" I say, still slightly on edge.

"Wait yor, is that blood on your face?" I asked with a concerned tone.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about!" She says In a defensive tone. "You must still be a little tired since you just woke up!" she said with a slight panic in her voice.

"Oh ok. What time is it anyways?" I questioned.

"Oh it's just ten." She responds while glancing back at the clock.

"Ok, what was the emergency at city hall?" I ask.

"Oh just a false alarm of someone breaking in!" She replies. "They made everyone who worked there come and look around for the guy who supposedly broke in.

"I'm glad it was a false alarm," I responded.

"Yea, it was a bit of a pain having to make sure no one was there though," Yor mentioned.

"That makes sense, especially since it's late at night," I commented.

"Well, we should probably head to bed. It's pretty late,"

"Yes, you're right," I responded before standing up.

I wished Yor goodnight before heading into my room. I sat on my bed, thinking. I mean what am I doing blushing when she calls me cute? Ugh, feelings are dumb. They can wait until morning.

~Time Skip~

I sat up, yawning. I don't think I have work today. Maybe I can spy on Anya at school. I think I'll go make breakfast. I grab eggs, cheese, butter, ham, onion, and tomatoes. I turn the stove on and put the butter in the pan before cracking the eggs. As the eggs cook I leave the edges from the side of the pan so the runny eggs can flow underneath. I chop up tomatoes, onion, ham, and I grate the cheese. Then I sprinkle the fillings inside and repeat the process for two more omelets.

"Breakfast is ready!" I called.

I hear pounding footsteps and then I see Anya burst into the kitchen, ready for school.

"YAY! PAPA MADE OMELETS!" Anya yelled.

"Yup, I did," I chuckle.

I then see Yor sleepily waltz into the living room and plop down on the couch, she must be tired.

"Mmm! The omelets are amazing Papa!" Anya exclaimed.

Anya, after demolishing her omelet, runs out of the house yelling 'I'M GOING TO SCHOOL!'

"Well, I should go to work now. See you around Yor!" I called.

"Ok! I might stay here for a little bit and then head to work as well!" She replied.

I head outside and start walking. (Lets just pretend Loid can walk to work) It really is a beautiful day today. I wonder how Anya is doing at school. The sun is very bright, it's warm today. I see birds in trees and I see some small streams. The water is glistening as fish swim through. There are some bakeries that look really good. Maybe on my way home I will be able get something for Anya and Yor. I am almost at the hospital when I hear something absolutely horrifying...

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