Chapter 7

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A/n Hi yall!  I hope yall liked the last chapter! Btw I am feeling way better, so chapters will be posted more frequently!-the other writer

Lets just pretend Anya is tall enough to go on the rides lol. Also I have no idea if they have a car or not so we are also gonna pretend that they do.

~Anya's POV~

YAY! Papa said we can go on an ooting today! I'm so excited, he said we could go to the amusement park! I grabbed Mr chimera and we headed out to the hallway, Mama and Papa need to hurry up! They finally met me by the door and we got in the car.

"Thank you so much Papa! I can't wait to ride all the rides!" I exclaimed.

"It's really no problem," Papa chuckled.

I smiled, I wish Becky was here to enjoy the park with me. But, it's okay because I have Mama and Papa to have fun with!  

"When we get there can I get cotton candy and other sweets?" I questioned. 

"sure!" Mama answered.

We finally arrived at the park, me and Mr chimera are so excited! I don't know which ride to go on first though, a lot of them looked tall and scary, but it also looked really fun!

"Mama, Papa, can I go on that ride?" I ask, pointing to one of the tall looking rides.

"Sure Anya!" Papa responded.

"yea...sure.." Mama said very nervously.

"I wonder if Yor is ok, she seems awfully nervous."  Papa thought to himself.

"Yay! Lets go!" I say darting off towards the line.  It was luckily very short.  We finally made it all the way to the front. 

"uhh on second thought this is to scary looking." I say with a quaver in my voice. 

"Thats ok Anya, you can go wait by the exit!"  "Me and Loid can still ride this ride, to tell you if it was scary!" Mama says.

"Ok!" I say cheerfully.

I trot off towards the exit area.

"Hmmm I wonder if Mama and Papa are going to flirt..." I think to myself

"Wait! maybe i can still hear their thoughts from here! Then I can know if they are flirting!" I excitedly thought to myself 

I quickly tried to listen in.  Luckily I was able to hear them, well at least their thoughts.

Mama kept thinking how scary it was and papa was thinking about how nervous mama was acting. 

 ~Meanwhile with Yor and Loid~ 

~3rd person POV~

Yor looked very nervous, she might be afraid of heights. Loid, he just look worried. It's sweet he was worried for Yor though. As the ride started to move forward Yor instinctively grabbed his hand and quickly let go, then Loid blushed and grabbed her hand again. The ride started going faster and faster, Loid and Yor smiled at each other and screamed when the ride went down a huge bump. They then threw their hands up together on the next one. Yor is finally warming up to him. As the ride went down the final drop Yor screamed the loudest and squeezed her eyes shut. Loid saw she was scared and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. The ride finally slowed to a stop and they both shakily stepped out of the ride and reunited with Anya.

~Anya's POV~ 

I noticed that both Mama and Papa both came out blushing.

"WERE...MAMA...AND...PAPA...FLIRTING?!? I ask in a demanding tone.

"NO!" Both said in a panicked tone, blushing even harder.

"uh huh" I said.

I knew they were lying.  According to Becky, blushing means flirting.  why don't they ever tell me anything!  I guess I am just going to have to read their minds a little more!  We continue to go a couple more rides and Mama and Papa continue to blush and smile at each other...AND THEY CLAIM THEY ARE NOT FLIRTING.  Every now and then I tune into their thoughts and hear stuff along the lines of:

"Aww she is soo cute!"


"aww he is so handsome!"

If this was not flirting, I do not know what is.  We continue to walk around and ride rides.  That is when we pass a ride called LovE tuNNeL. I smirk (smirking is what I do best). 

"Mama and Papa, you guys should go on that ride!"  I say pointing to the "love tunnel" ride.

"Oh uh er...Sure, If that is all right with you Yor! Papa says nervously.

"Sure Loid!" Mama replies.

I wait near the exit. Something felt off thought, like I was being watched.  I looked around and saw that important lady, the one who let me have Bond!  I had no idea why she was staring at me, honestly kind of creepy.  I take another quick look behind me and she was gone.  Mama and Papa finally got off the ride and did the unthinkable...THEY KISSED.

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