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~Yor's POV~

When Anya came home from school today there was a fancy car outside. She asked me if she could go study at her friend Becky's house. I obviously said yes. Anya deserves some time with her friends. It also leaves me and Loid alone for the night, maybe we can hang out again like our date. I think we will pick up food tonight because we both don't feel like cooking. Loid comes back to the house with food and we both sit down to eat.

"Hey, maybe after we clean up we could watch a movie together," Loid suggested.

"Sure! What type of movie?" I asked.

"Hmmm, how about horror?" Loid asked.

We finish eating and head over to the couch. I grab a blanket and throw it over us while Loid grabs the remote. He turns on a show called 'Tales from the Crypt'. (Also I am just googling horror show names. I dont usually watch horror, the only horror I know is the other writer lol) We start watching the show for about an hour before I start feeling scared, and then there is a jumpscare. I jumped and grabbed onto what I thought was a blanket. I close my eyes but open them to see Loid's arm trapped in my embrace. (I feel like embrace is too fancy but I don't know any synonyms for arms, we tried to google a synonym it came up with weapon related stuff lol. ) I quickly released his arm with a bush on my face. He smiled and laughed a little. We continued to watch the show for another half an hour before I started to feel tired. The show was almost over anyway and I wouldn't miss anything if I did fall asleep. So I leant my head against his shoulder and fell asleep. The next thing I knew Anya was screaming and asking if we were flirting. I hope our neighbor's ears were ok, she was screaming pretty loudly. I'm surprised we have not received a noise complaint yet. I just decided to ignore her, not because I found it annoying, it was because I wanted to go back to sleep. So that is what I did. Work was tiring today, not only did I have work at city hall, I also had to assassination contracts ro fulfill back~to~back. Luckily I came home before Anya and Loid, so I had enough time to wash myself up.

~Time Skip~

I woke up in my bed that morning, Loid must have carried me back to bed. I slept pretty well. I walked out of my room, to go see if Anya was up and ready for school. I knocked on her door a couple times with no response.

"Anya time for school!" I say while walking into her bedroom.

"Ok mama." She grumbled, she was not a morning person.

Once she got ready I made us some breakfast. Loid had to leave a little earlier, due to a work emergency. I wonder what it is. Once me and Anya finished eating I walked her to the bus stop and started walking to work. Then that is when I ran into someone very unexpected.

"Hello Fiona!" I say.

"Oh...Hello Yor..." She said with a glare. She seemed to have a lot on her mind.

"How have you been doing?" I say, trying to make some small talk with her.

"Oh, I have been...ok." She says tiredly.

"How has Loid been doing?" She asks, a little more enthusiastically.

"He has been great! Truly the best husband!" I say cheerfully, thinking about last night.

"Well that's nice." she says, returning to her same dull voice.

I wondered what her problem was. I bid her goodbye and continued on my way to work. Fiona was never the friendliest towards me, I wonder why. I made it to work and started my work. It was also kind of strange how she perked up at the mention of Loid. It's probably nothing though. I continued to work until Camila came up to me and asked how my relationship with loid was doing. I responded with:

"It's going pretty well, we watched a show together last night!"

That's when Millie ran into the office looking really panicked.

"What's wrong?" Camila says in an annoyed tone.

"There is some weird lady with white hair, with bangs covering one eye, who is refusing to leave! She is just standing there looking through some windows!" she yelped.

"Should we call security?" Sharron asked.

"Yes!" Camila shrieked.

I stayed silent, I knew exactly who it was. I wonder what Fiona was doing! She should be at the hospital! Once security was called, we all went home. On the way home I stopped by the grocery store to buy some stuff for tonight's dinner. I got home around 3:30. I put the groceries I got into the refrigerator and went to sit down on the couch. I sat down for a good fifteen minutes then the door unlocked.

"Hello Yor!" Loid says.

"Hi Loid! Your home early!" I remark.

"Because I had to go in so early I got to go home early!" He replies.

"How was work, Yor?" He asks

"It was well...interesting." I say, thinking about today's events.

He takes a seat next to me and asks

"What happened?"

"Well, someone was trespassing and would refuse to leave. They were also peering through windows." I say

"Do you know who they are, or at least what they look like?" "Are you hurt?" Loid asks, taking my hand.

"No, I'm fine!" I say reassuring him. It was cute that he was worried about me.

"I know you might not believe me on this part, but I think it was Fiona. The description matches her, white hair with bangs covering one eye." I said nervously.

His face filled with frustration and said

"It's ok Yor, I believe you, she was not at work today. I will talk to her tomorrow."

"Hi Mama Hi Papa!" Anya said while opening the door.

"Hello Anya!" I greeted her.

"Hello Anya, do you have any homework?" Loid asked her.

"Yes, I do, I will go do it right now." She said with an annoyed tone.

Loid pulled me in for a hug and apologized for what happened today. It was very strange how Fiona was refusing to leave. Maybe she is jealous. I'm not sure.. It was very strange. Loid will probably tell me what happened tomorrow...

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