Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

!TW! Blood, death, knives, rich snob

~Loid's POV~

Ugh. Handler is making me go meet with one of our informants. Which sadly isn't Franky. Even though he can be a pain at times. To make matters worse the informant is a rich snob. I can't wait to get the meeting over with. Anya has school today and Yor has work so hopefully I get home by the time Anya gets back from school. I'm letting Anya choose what I make for dinner, hopefully it's nothing peanut related, but i should not get my hopes up. All she wants is peanuts. I can head over to the hospital before I drive to the rich informant's house. I honestly don't understand why Handler wanted me to attend this, when she told me about this meeting it seemed like something she should be attending. Now that I think about it, maybe Handler did not want to attend the meeting, so she made me. From the way she described the guy he sounded extremely galling, arrogant and full of himself.

~Time Skip~

I finally arrived at his house. The moment I got there things felt off, the air felt tense, like something bad would happen. It's probably nothing...right? I walk into the house, he greets me but does not seem happy with me being here. He offered me some expensive top shelf scotch but I declined. I just want to get the information and get out. Especially when everything feels off. We continued to talk until we heard something. Almost like something shattering. I huff before standing up. More distractions mean more time at this house. We walk into a hallway and see a knocked over vase. It shattered on the floor. Strange, it looks like someone knocked it over.

"Oh, must have been a clumsy butler. They can be so annoying sometimes." The rich snob complains.

"You should try being more respectful to the people who are working for you" I say with an annoyed tone..

He huffs and rolls his eyes, how immature. Turns out his name is Mark Harred. We continue to talk some things about operation strix and other things I need to know before continuing any further in my mission.

He stands up really fast then falls over. I quickly stand up to see, Yor. She's The Thorn Princess! It all makes so much sense now. But, now she knows I'm a spy. This is not good.

"Uhm, Yor?" I ask while looking down at Mark.

He has a golden knife stuck in his back. A small pool of blood started forming under him. She just killed one of our best informants.

"L-loid?! What are you doing here?" She questions.

"I could ask you the same question," I retorted.

"W-well you see, I had a job to do." She explains.

"And was that job killing an innocent man?!" I yell.

"Do you really think he was innocent?!" She shouts back.

"He was a rich snob who hurt people?! Do you call that innocent?" She exclaims.

She does have a point.

"You didn't have to kill him though," I reasoned.

"Was THIS what you were doing all those nights where you came home a little later than normal?!" I interrogate

"YES it was! I've had this job ever since it was just Yuri and I, ever since my parents died! With every kill I do I am making this world a better place!" She answers.

"Just because they aren't a good person doesn't mean they have to die!" I responded.

"That's how I survived! That's how I made sure Yuri and I didn't die!" She yells.

"It's still not okay!"

"I don't care what you think! You can't be criticizing me about my job when you're a spy," She shouts, "How many people have you killed?"

She's right, I can't be yelling at her.

"I- You're right. I'm sorry." I told her.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else and talk?" She calmly asks.

"Yea," I replied.

I mean, her being an assassin doesn't change the fact that I love her.

We started walking to somewhere else I could feel her tenseness, this was all extremely unsettling. I knew for a fact that Anya will somehow figure out that we get in an argument, so what should we tell her?

"So, I know that we were just married because it benefited us but, I think I have actually grown to like you.," I confess.

"Is this really the time Loid, or should I say Twilight?!?"

"I think you forget I know you are an assassin," I begin, "we both have secret identities."

She huffs, "I guess we should both apologize,"

"I'm sorry for hiding that I am a spy," I reluctantly said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you I am an assassin."

I smile, "Maybe we could actually get married sometime."

She smiles back and we start driving home.

~LooOOOooOOoOoooong Time Skip (7 months)~

"MAMA AND PAPA ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Anya screamed, spinning around in her dress that we got her. She was going to be our flower girl!

"Mama, Papa, instead of being the flower girl, can I be the peanut girl, and throw peanuts on everyone instead of flowers. I would be blessing everyone with the power of the majestic peanuts!"

"Sorry Anya, people might not like being hit with peanuts, flowers are okay," I tell her.

"People might be allergic," Yor added.

"Aww," Anya sighs.

There are about 6 hours before the ceremony, Yor is leaving soon to get ready. I will never understand why people take that long to get ready. So about 4 hours later here I am in a suit waiting. In a couple hours We will be actually getting married! I'm kinda nervous. But mostly excited! We haven't invited too many people, Franky, Nightfall, some other WISE members and Handler (She finally warmed up to the idea of my and Yor getting married). I honestly can't believe this is all happening all so quickly. I have been through so much with Yor, so i'm glad we are finally tying the knot! Everything is all set up and the guests are here. Since Yor and I don't have parents that are alive the officiant will go out first. After that I walk down the aisle. I can't wait to see Yor! Even though Franky annoys me a lot, I asked him to be my best man. He walks down the aisle slowly and elegantly. Now the groomsmen enter. Then the bridesmaids. After a couple minutes the maid of honor enters, a member of garden who I have never seen before, and walks down the aisle. Finally Anya walks down holding a cute basket and wearing a dress, throwing flowers. The best man and maid of honor were holding the rings because we don't have a ring bearer. Finally Yor appears with a beautiful flowing dress that ends around her feet. The top has pretty lace roses and a veil is draped behind her head. She just takes my breath away when I see her. She makes it to the altar and I grab her hands.

"Now it is time for the vows." The priest starts.

"I, Loid Forger, take you, Yor Briar, to be my wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow," I recite.

"I, Yor Briar, take you, Loid Forger, to be my husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow," She lovingly repeats.

We exchange the rings and say: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love; and with all that I am and all that I have I honor you.

"Now you may kiss the bride"

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