Chapter 10

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This is dedicated to our Bond obsessed friend. Also, I googled it and apparently loid is in his late 20's for some reason I thought he was older.

~Bond POV~

I slowly opened my eyes to see Anya and Frankie still passed out on the couch. I was hungry, and Anya and Franky forgot to feed me. I mean, I could just go eat Anya's peanuts, she has so many of them, never bothers to share. I walked to the kitchen, stood up on two paws to reach the counter, yoinked the bag of peanuts and ran. Luckily the bag was already open. I devoured the peanuts, they were delicious. No wonder Anya likes them so much. I mentally snickered because Anya will be so worried about her peanuts. It's funny but I should be scared when she finds out it was me. It seems that Anya is awake, so I hurriedly throw the empty bag of peanuts on the counter and run back to the couch and lay down. Anya sits up right beside me and ruffles the fur on my head. I let out a quiet borf. She stands up and looks for her peanuts and grabs the bag from the top. She doesn't realize it's empty till she reaches her hand in. I whine and cover my ears as she lets out an ear piercing shriek. Which probably woke up half of the building. I feel bad for our neighbors. Loid and Yor rush out of their rooms and see what happened, it is hilarious seeing the fear on their faces. Franky somehow managed to still be asleep, even though anya screeched at the top of her lungs.

"Anya what happened?!" Loid asked worriedly.

"M-my peanuts!"Anya wails.

Oops, Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all of them. Oh well, that's what she gets for not feeding me.

"What about your peanuts!?" Yor asked, with the same worried tone Loid had.

Were some eaten peanuts really that big of a deal?

"T-t-they're gone!" She yelps.

I slowly back out of the room with a borf. This could not end well for me.

"Bond, do you have something to-do with this?" She asks in a suspicious tone.

"Borf." I borf.

She peers into the bag and pulls out a white piece of fur, my fur.

"BOND HOW COULD YOU!?!" She says in distress.

"I guess that means I have to eat your food..." she says ominously.

Uhh what is this crazy child going to do now!? I love her because she is my owner. But eat my salmon flavored extra protein with omega-3s dog food?! Wow, peanuts must mean a lot to her. I don't mind, that stuff is nasty anyways, maybe it would teach her how to share. Loid and Yor both yell no as Anya grabs a handful. And what do I do? I stand there and watch. I love free entertainment. She gags on it but swallows.

"That's what you get Bond, now we are even..." she says evilly

"BoRrFfF!" I borfed.

It was so funny seeing her swallow the food. The looks on Loid and Yor's faces were PRICELESS. As for Franky, he was still asleep. How? I don't know. Loid realized Franky was still sleeping and threw him onto the floor.

"Heyyyy, what the hell man." Franky mumbled.

~Time Skip~

Loid came home from work, it was just him and me in the house. Plopping down next to me, he ruffled my fur and sighed. I wonder what's on his mind.

"Hey Bond, I'm so conflicted, I know I can't have real feelings for Yor. But I really like her." Loid says.

I let out a comforting borf. I truly felt bad for him. He let out a sigh

"I'm crazy for talking to a dog..." he mumbled to himself while getting up.

I personally found that offensive, but I let it slide, afterall he was going through a lot.

~Time skip~

Yor came home from work and Loid seemed to forget all his worries on sight of her. I don't understand why he can't be with her. There are a lot of things I don't understand, like that girl Becky or Anya's peanut obsession, but not understanding this made me worry... a lot. One of the reasons why I worry so much about this is because I could not see into the future for this exact matter. When I look into the Loid's future I see a big sign saying 'wise' it could be the name of the company where he works. That might have something to do with it. I don't know, I'm just a dog. Anyway, I'm getting hungry. I let out an annoyed borf and Anya runs over to give me food. These humans should show more respect to dogs. As I gobble up my food I wonder where Loid gets it. It's horrible. Anya's peanuts were better than that. Loid made dinner, thank goodness, it means I can eat the scraps off the floor. I'm a lucky dog and a wild one too! Anya is a very messy eater so it's easy for me to put my snoot on the table and steal stuff that has fallen off her plate. Tonight Loid made meat and cheese ravioli with pesto sauce and garlic bread on the side. Pesto pasta is one of my personal faves that Loid makes. I don't wanna know how horrible it would taste if Yor tried to make it.

"Mama, Papa, why do you guys keep staring at each other like that..." Anya questioned suspiciously.


"Anya, how do you even know what flirting is?" Loid raised his eyebrow.

"B TO THE E TO THE C TO THE K TO THE Y... BECKYYYYYYYY" Anya exclaimed way to enthusiastically.

"I don't think she is a good influence on Anya," Yor laughed while whispering.

I almost choked on the last of my food scraps when I heard Anya say that. I knew Becky is probably a hopeless romantic. She probably likes old men, ew. Loid and Yor are very old. I let out a tired borf before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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