Chapter 5

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sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter lol. Since I love to make ppl suffer we r gonna have a Yor's POV chapter and then a Loid pov ;D

~Yor's POV~

I stood up from the couch and grabbed my assassin outfit. I have to assassinate another rich snob. Their name is Benedict Astor. I like to think of this assassination job as a way to get rid of all the vile people out there. I picked up this job when me and Yuri were still just kids when our parents died. At first it was a little side job to make money for me and Yuri to buy food and his school supplies, but now I do it to help get rid of the vile people on this planet. Shopkeeper called me earlier today and said that this time my assassination mission would be held at some fancy hotel. I started to walk to the place where the guy was. I finally arrived at the place where this Benedict Astor was. Luckily there were no guards.

"That makes this easier." I thought to myself.

No one seemed to notice me, I was just another face in the crowd. The only problem was, he was not alone.. But you know what was alone, a bottle of wine!

"No Yor! This is not the time to drink! You can drink when you get home with Loid!" I scolded myself.

I walked past the bottle reluctantly. I decided that I just had to catch Benedict alone. I decided to go introduce myself to him, not to seem suspicious, it would be weird being the only guest who has not at least said a hi. I walked over to where he was getting some food, my best guess is that it was caviar. I decided I had to come up with a different name than Yor, just to protect Loid and Anya.

 "Hello! My name is Penelope Arnolt! It's nice to meet you," I exclaimed.

"Hey, how are you on this beautiful evening?" He asked with a wink.

"I'm doing amazing! What about you?" I responded.

"That's nice of you to ask. I'm doing good," he replied.

"So, are you single?" He asked bluntly

What a creep, last time I checked he was married, with children. I could say yes, it could be a good way to be alone with him, get the kill and leave. There was a an awkward silence till I blurted out:


"Perfect want a tour around the hotel, my dear?" He asked, sounding a little too drunk.

Perfect time to get alone and assassinate him.

"Sure!" I say.

He shows me around then we get into a room.

"And this is the last place." He said proudly.

"I am not who I say I am..." I say ominously.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

I kicked him to the ground and stuck my needle into his throat, blood gushing out.

"Whoops." I say.

I walk out of the hotel blood everywhere. Surprised no one noticed, but before I left I grabbed that bottle of wine I was eyeing.

"This should be a good little surprise for Loid." I said to myself.

I walked home in the warm post summer breeze. The sun was setting behind the buildings as I strolled back to the apartment.

"I hope Loid and Anya don't notice the blood on my hands." I thought to myself.

I tried my best to scrub off the dry bits on my face in a public restroom. I tried to get home as quickly as possible to not raise a suspicion of me being out kind of late. It was a close call last night, luckily I was able to think up that quick lie right on the spot. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not even realize that I was at the apartment building. I unlocked the door and went inside. No one was home so I was assuming that Loid decided to get Anya and take her to work with her after school. I placed the bottle of wine inside the refrigerator. While putting it away I decided to get some ingredients and start cooking. After about 30 minutes of cooking the chicken came out burnt and the roasted vegetables looked questionable, not to mention that the apartment smelt like burnt chicken.

"I hope it tastes good..." I said, sounding a little disappointed.

I placed the chicken and vegetables on a plate and sat down at the table. I grabbed a fork and started to eat. I gagged, it's horrible! Maybe I can follow a recipe online. I grab butter, chopped onion, flour, salt, pepper, chicken broth, milk shredded cooked chicken, and mixed vegetables. I melt the butter in a pan and add onion, flour, salt, and pepper. I mix in the chicken and all the vegetables. I prepare a pie crust and pour in the chicken mixture into it. I then seal the crust and poke holes into it. I put the pie in the oven and wait for 35 minutes. 


Looks like it's ready! I grab it out of the oven and it doesn't look too bad, I hope. I cut myself a slice and take a bite. It's surprisingly not bad! I can't wait for Loid and Anya to get home so they can try it! I plop down onto the couch and sigh. I grab a blanket and turn on the TV. 

"Borf!" Bond exclaims while plopping right on top of me.

"Awww! Bond you're so cute!" I tell him.

"Borf <3" He says.

I stay on the couch for 10 more minutes before standing up and grabbing my empty plate. I wash it before putting it on a towel to dry. I heard the door open and Loid walked in.

"Hi Loid!" I chorused.

"Hello Yor," He greeted.

"I made some chicken pot pie! I tried my best and I think it turned out ok!" I said excitedly.

"Hi Mama!" Anya yelled.

"Hello Anya!" I acknowledged.

Loid and Anya sat down at the table and I grabbed them each a slice of chicken pot pie. They each hesitantly picked up a fork and stabbed the pie with it. They slowly put the fork up to their mouths and ate a bite.

"So, um, do you like it?" I questioned.

"IT'S AMAZING MAMA!" Anya screamed.

"Well done Yor," Loid complimented.

"So, how was your day Loid?" I asked.

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