Chapter 3

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~Anya's POV~

I'm so happy that Becky was able to come over today! Hopefully she won't be weird around Papa. That would be bad. I wonder what Papa is making for dinner tonight. I think Papa is making Hamburg steaks! Yay! That is one of my favorites! 

"Papa! Is dinner ready yet?" I asked as me and Becky ran into the kitchen.

"Yes, you guys came at the right time," Papa spoke.

"We have Hamburg steaks with a bunch of fruits and veggies!" Mama added.

"Oooh! Sounds good!" Becky said.

I plopped down at the table and dug in. Papa's food is sooooo good! I don't like broccoli though.

"The food is so good Papa!" I yelled.

"The food is amazing" Becky added.

"Yes Loid, the steaks are amazing," Yor commented.

Once I finished eating Mama and Papa took me and Becky's dishes to the sink.

"You two can go play in Anya's room!" Yor suggested.

Becky and I ran off to my room.

"Have you finished your homework?" Becky questioned.

"Ummm, let me check," I replied.

"I'm almost done!" I exclaimed.

I'm so confused on one problem, like how am I supposed to know what 597-85 is??

"Becky, are you any good at math?" I asked.

"I'm okay," she responded.

"Can you pretty please help me with the homework," I begged.

"Okay, but I'm not giving you the answers!" She answered.

I sat down and showed her the problem, we were done in about 5 minutes.

"So, Anya, we need to talk about drama at school," Becky declared.

"W-what kind of drama is at school?" I questioned.

Knowing Becky it was probably going to be romance. She is weirdly obsessed.

"Oh, you know. Who people like, if people got rejected," Becky said as if I should know this.

"But we are in second grade!" I exclaimed, "We should be focused on school, not dating!"

"But that's no fun!" Becky whined. 

"How about we at least share who our are crushes," She suggested.

"Hmph, fine," I reluctantly agreed.

I knew she would never stop pestering me about it until I told her.

"You should go first," I told her.

"Okay," She exclaimed, "well, it's Loid!"


"Uhm, ok. I don't think you have much of a chance though. Papa is married to Mama," I uttered.

"I'll make it work!" She yelled.

"Uh ok?" I asked.

"Now its your turn!" She exclaimed, "How about that Damian boy?"

"You mean Second Son?" I questioned.

"Yea! That guy!" She said.

"Well, uhm I like-


With the chapters in Anya's pov they will be either 400 or 500 words btw, I will try to post either daily or every other day

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