Chapter 18

832 9 12

!TW alcohol!

~Yor's POV~

I am so excited, today Anya, Loid and I are going out to a restaurant as a family. I think Anya and Franky have become friends so we might invite him to tag along too. We won't leave till later because we made dinner plans. Shopkeeper called earlier and said he had my next assassination contract to fulfill. He said that tomorrow around 8 the target will be at some sort of meeting, in some sort of office near the restaurant we are eating at today. I think Anya will enjoy it more if Franky is there so I should ask Loid.

"Hey Loid," I start while walking over to him.

"What's wrong Yor?" He asks.

"I was just wondering if Franky wanted to come to dinner with us today. I think Anya would enjoy it." I suggest.

He thinks for a moment before responding, "I guess she would enjoy it. Fine he can come."

"Awesome! I will go tell Anya."

Anya is one strange child. When I told her she just laughed and smirked. She definitely confuses me sometimes. Anyway, since we have a lot of time before dinner Loid said he would finish up some work real quick. That means Anya and I can spend some time together. She said she had an exam coming up, so I decided to help her study.

"Anya, what is the exam on?" I ask.

"History." She responds, she did not seem thrilled about it.

I helped her out with some of the questions on the practice she got to take home and study.

"It's not that hard, see Anya!" I said happily.

"Yea! You're right Mama! Thank you!" She happily said.

It felt nice being able to help her. I had full faith in her that she would pass her exam. I am so proud that she is studying hard and trying to keep her grades up. Soon enough Loid came into the room and did stuff.

"Papa! I am ready for my exam tomorrow!" Anya exclaimed.

"That is amazing Anya! Maybe you will earn a stella star!" He cheerfully responded.

I smile, their father daughter bond is so sweet!

~Time Skip cus we are lazy~

We were almost ready to leave for the restaurant. I can't wait to witness the chaos. I will definitely feel bad for the waiter/waitress who serves us. I know I get a little crazy when I'm drunk and Franky is crazy when he is sober. I almost feel bad that Anya will have to witness this but she will survive, but I guess she will fit in with the crazy too, the one that I really have to feel bad for is Loid. Once we arrive at the restaurant Anya runs inside excitedly. I wonder how she always has so much energy. We all eventually sit down. Then, we order drinks and food. I hope they hurry with the food because I see Anya's eyes burning through the table with a glare of intense hunger. I don't think she will eat the table. Right? You never know with Anya... Anyway, we made small talk for a while. The food finally came, I thought Anya would eat one of us. I see a glistening glass of beautiful red wine. It's just calling my name. A few seconds later I'm calling the waiter over for my second glass. Then third, and fourth. Maybe even fifth I can't remember.blushing

"Ooooh Mama is going to get drunk, Franky is next👹," Anya exclaims, "Wait he's already drunk"

I giggle before responding, "I would never get drunk!"

Loid just sighs and shakes his head. For some reason I feel regret. Like I feel bad for making him deal with drunk Franky and I. Eh, he brought us here, it's his fault. Then I call the waiter over again for some tequila. A little for me and a little for Loid. Even he needs to loosen up sometimes.

"Yor, you should really lay back on the wine." Loid suggests

"I am, that's why I ordered the tequila."

Loid just sighs again. I can imagine him mentally facepalming. It makes me grin cheekily. Hopefully I won't remember this in the morning. It's kinda embarrising being drunk in front of Loid. I don't know what I'll say next. Finally we finish eating dinner and the waiter/waitress brings out dessert. I'm terrified to see Anya on a sugar high. It's going to be very chaotic. Before I know it Anya is devouring 2 slices of a triple chocolate cake and drinking a caramel milkshake. She will sleep well once the sugar wears off. It's like her eyes start sparkling.


"S-sure," I slur.

I don't know why I handed her another slice. Then, I see Anya shoving the slice of cake in Franky's face! Loid needs to loosen up. I want to give him some more drinks but we do need someone to drive us home. I then call over another waiter/waitress and get Loid just one more drink. He just looks at me and sighs. He has been sighing a lot this evening. Anya just loves to annoy him >:) I think Loid finally decided he'd had enough of Franky and Anya's shenanigans. (He did have bits of cake in his hair and milkshake on his face) He asked for the bill and made us leave. >:(

~Time Skip~

We finally arrived home. I stumbled into the living room to see Bond peacefully sleeping.. Unaware of the sleepy Anya about to use him as a pillow. He'll be fine. I hope.

"G'night Loid and Anya," I mumble before staggering to my room.

I hope I don't have too bad of a headache tomorrow. I do have a assassination after all...


Just a little foreshadowing for next chap. Something will happen at the assassination. I am so so so sorry for not updating at all. I was super busy cus me and other writer had a lot of tests and stuff that we were stressed about. We also had writer's block and couldn't think of any ideas for this chap. We are gonna try to finish this book soon. We kinda got our hopes up for making another book about making our OC's but in my hero academia. So sorry if it feels rushed. We kinda have a plan but it might seem rushed. Sorry about that. My comp was acting weird and wouldn't let me post chap so sorry ab that.

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