Chapter 6

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So when Loid tells Yor ab his day in this chap, if smth ab the hospital is mentioned it's actually stuff ab operation strix, if that makes any sense. Also when I say we, thats bc there r two authors :) Also the other writer is sick so srry if im taking longer to post. I just realized after being like 3/4 through with the chapter that it should be anya's pov. I'm too lazy to redo it so we can have anya after this chap lol.

~Loid's POV~

"So, I started walking to work, I was just enjoying the peacefulness until I heard Fiona say hello," I explained.

"The weird energetic lady?" Anya questioned.

"What did you guys talk about?" Yor queried.

"Then, she asked me how I was doing at the hospital and some stuff about my patients," I elucidated.

Anya yawned before saying she was going to go to bed. She left as I told Yor that Fiona asked how she was doing.

"I told her that you are doing great! You are right?" I asked.

"I'm doing amazing! How is she doing?" Yor answered.

"She is doing well," I said while thinking about how weird she was being.

"After that we made it to the hospital and parted ways," I told her.

I thought about how weird Nightfall was being today.  She seemed extra clingy.

~Time Skip~

I just got done with work and I think I will head to a café to pick up a treat for Yor and Anya. I walk into the shop and grab a small slice of cake for Anya. I also grab Yor a apple pie and a cookie for myself. As I'm walking home I notice Yor walking home with groceries.

"Yor! How are you?" I say.

"Oh! Loid, I didn't see you there. I'm doing good, what about you?" She responded.

"I'm good, I just grabbed some desert for all of us." I told her.

"Oooh! Anya will be so excited," She pointed out.

"Yea, I got her a slice of cake and you an apple pie." I said.

"Oh my gosh how thoughtful!" Yor exclaimed.

We arrived at home and I put the pastries on the counter while Yor started on dinner. She grabbed buns and put them in the toaster while I started on the chicken. I grabbed 4 small skinless chicken breasts. I cut them into two even cutlets. As I was doing that Yor put barbeque sauce, apple cider vinegar and water into a bowl and mixed them together. I poured the sauce onto the chicken as it cooked. After 5 minutes I flipped them and they continued to cook. I transferred the chicken onto a cutting board and let it rest for another 7 minutes before I shred it. Then I sat down and let Yor cover the chicken in sauce and put it on the buns. I stood up and grabbed the plates to put them on the table.

"Anya! Dinner is ready!" Yor yelled.

"YAY!" She called back.

She wolfed down dinner and jumped up from her seat. 

"Wait Anya, before you leave I have a surprise for you." I told her.

I grabbed her slice of peanut butter cake with cream cheese frosting. I also grabbed my cookie and Yor's piece of apple pie.

"PAPA! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Anya exclaimed.

"It's no problem," I chuckled.

Then as soon as Anya went to take a bite the cake fell off the table and went splat against the floor.

"My cake!!!!!" Anya cried.

"Oh my goodness," Yor shouted, "It will be ok, me and Loid can make a cake that is even better!"

I don't think giving Anya access to all this sugar was a good idea but I wanted to make her happy. So I reluctantly grabbed the ingredients for cake and started to mix them together. After about 15 minutes the cakes were in the oven and Anya was watching her spy cartoon. I heard a ding and brought the cake out of the oven to frost. Once I was done frosting the cake I cut it and gave a slice to everyone.

"YAY! Thank you so much Papa!" Anya yelled.

She took a bite and her face lit up with happiness.

"PAPA! This is so good! It tastes like peanuts," She smiled.

"I'm glad you like it," I replied.

She finished her slice of cake and jumped up saying she was gonna go study.

"I'm glad she is focusing on her studies!" Yor exclaimed.

"Yea, hopefully she will get better grades this year," I responded.

Yor yawned before saying she was heading to bed. After about 10 minutes of cleaning up I headed to bed as well.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and stretched, today is a weekend so Anya doesn't have school and I don't have work. I stand up and walk into the kitchen. Since today is a weekend I will make Anya pancakes for breakfast. I open the cabinet and grab the pancake mix, I also grab a bowl to mix. I pour in the pancake mix with one egg and some milk. Once it's all mixed I grab a pan and put the pancake batter in it and turn on the stove. Anya came into the room yawning and said she wants 3 pancakes. So I grab chocolate chips and whipped cream for her pancakes. 

"YAY! PANCAKES! THANK YOU PAPA!" Anya exclaimed.

"It's really no problem," I chuckled.

Yor then sleepily walked into the kitchen and sat on the couch.

 I called, "Yor, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Oh, can I have some eggs?" She asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

I grabbed a pan and 3 eggs, I decided to make scrambled. With the eggs cracked in the pan I just had to wait a couple minutes until they were ready to be broken apart. Once they were ready I put them on a plate and told Yor that breakfast was ready. She sat down at the table and finished the eggs.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Yor worriedly asked.

I chuckled, "Don't worry, I already ate."

After she was done I grabbed Anya and Yor's plates and washed them. I think today we should go on, as Anya calls them, an ooting.

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