Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


So guys we're planning to end the fanfic soon, i think yall will like it. After this we will make another story where our oc named agent supernova (who appeared in other author's dream) is Anya's babysitter due to the failure of her first mission.

~Loid's POV~

Yesterday was so fun! I can't help but wonder if Handler was watching me. I kept thinking there was someone watching me. It was probably nothing. Anyway Anya keeps bugging me about taking her on ootings. I guess we could go on a family trip sometime soon. I get up and make breakfast for everyone. I don't want a hangry Anya running around the house. I still have flashbacks from one day where she came out of her room yelling for breakfast. That was terrifying. I remembered I had the meeting with Handler today. All I had to-do was just tell her that I have lost all feelings for Yor, which is a lie. That might be hard but I am a great liar. I know Yor won't be able to find out. Maybe I can convince Handler to let me and Yor go on dates. I mean, it will help with our cover story that we are actually married. One thing that I do hope is that Nightfall is not there. I think that it would be awkward to have her there, ever since I have discovered her feelings for me. I finish making breakfast as Anya comes storming into the kitchen. I am so glad she saw that there was food on the table before she started yelling. Yor was still sleeping. She must be really tired. I hope she isn't too worn out from our date yesterday. I ate quickly and headed out the door. I was not elated about today's meeting. I just have a feeling it is going to be awkward.

I arrive at the agreed upon meeting area. I see a woman sitting with an old newspaper in hand. That is probably her. So I walk over and sit next to her. She immediately starts questioning me.

"So, you haven't been on any other dates this week,"

"No, I don't have feelings for Yor at all," I confirm.

"Ok so if you don't have any feelings you are fine with me replacing her with Nightfall?" She questions.

"No, but it would see suspicious if I remarry soon after I separate from Yor," It hurt me to agree with Handler about not having any feelings for Yor . But I didn't let it show.

"You do have a point there twilight, it would make it seem like you are cheating. And if it seems like you are cheating you can get reported to the secret police." She agreed.

"So, you don't have to agree but I was wondering if me and Yor could go on a few dates, it would make it look like we actually care about each other," I suggest.

Her face filled with confusion then went to a face of deep thought. I hope that she agrees.

"Fine..." She says with a suspicious tone in her voice. I was ecstatic that she said yes!

"Well this shall conclude our meeting Twilight." "I trust that none of your sHenaNigAns with your "wife" will not happen from here on out." She said.

"You have my word handler that nothing of that sort will ever happen again." I said while getting up from my seat. I wished her a goodbye and I was on my way to the hospital, to work for the rest of the day. I actually can't believe she bought it. I am so excited that I will be able to go on dates without the fear of being watched. Since I don't have much left to do for the rest of the day I decide to pick up groceries before heading home. When I get home I make dinner. Then I hear the doorbell ring, must be Anya getting home from school. She enters the room and smiles. I am guessing she had a good day at school.

"Becky is such a good friend," She practically screams.

"That's nice, what did she do?" I ask.

"She taught me how to do my decimals!" She yelled

"That's nice! Now tell me, what is 125.06 + 5.087?" I asked.

She thought for a moment and said:


"Wow, good job Anya!" I said.

Becky is being a good influence for once. We finish dinner when Yor walks through the doorway. She looks stunning even in her work uniform. She sits down and we make small talk while she eats. She finishes up and I grab all of our plates to wash them. Maybe we could all play some card games or watch a movie as a family. I realize we haven't had any dessert in awhile so I grab some ice cream from the fridge and we sit down to watch a movie. (doesn't matter what movie, u can choose) Once that is over it's about 6 pm. So we decided to play some card games for a while. I grab a random box and guess what. It's uno. I shuffle the cards and deal for everyone. It has been about 10 mins and Anya has 5 cards and Yor and I have 7. I then notice bond acting suspicious. He looks like he is stuffing something in his mouth. I call him over to me and pry his mouth open to see almost all of Anya's cards. I look up and see that she now has 3. SHE HAS BEEN CHEATING THIS WHOLE TIME.

"Anya, you are disqualified. You cheated by feeding Bond your cards," I calmly state.


Me and yor couldn't help but laugh a little. Anya had a priceless look on her face.

"Awww am I really disqualified >:(?" She asked in a whiny tone.

"No! Of course not!" Yor exclaimed.

"Anya, we were just joking with you!" I laugh.

We eventually finish the game and say good night. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

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