Chapter 9

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OMG TYSM FOR GETTING #1 IN YORXLOID STORIES!!!!!! AND OVER 400 READS! That is so frickin cool I literally thought we would get like 2. I didn't think anyone would read this lol so thank you guys so much. Also sorry for not posting, I left on a trip with my family and I couldn't bring my comp. There is also a little surprise at the end of the chap hehe. The other writer was feeling nice, not me, so there is no cliffhanger. This time.

~Loid's POV~

I can't believe I asked Yor out and she said yes. I mean we are technically married but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we can enjoy a nice dinner together. I hope Franky and Anya have fun together. Anyway, Yor and I are heading out to the restaurant, we will have dinner then I will take her to a sweet shop so we can have dessert afterwards. Once we make it to the restaurant we sit at our seats and look through the menu. Yor orders a pesto pasta and I get a chicken alfredo, she also gets some wine to drink. I hope she doesn't get drunk. We order our food and make small talk until it arrives.

"So, how was work today?" I questioned.

"Oh, it was great. Everyone kept asking me where I was going because I left work early," She responded, "How was your work today?"

"Work was kind of boring, it was a little slow." I replied.

"That must suck," Yor says.

"The food is amazing!" She exclaimed.

"You're right, it is really good,"

After a few moments of silence an employee comes over to our table and we order some fries and onion rings. I forgot to order appetizers when we ordered our main course. They came back with amazing looking garlic fries and crispy onion rings. I had some and they tasted heavenly. I took a sip of my wine and it also tasted really good. It was a cabernet. Yor already finished her first glass and poured herself another.

"I wonder how things are going with Anya and Franky." I thought outloud.

"I'm pretty sure things are going well!" Yor responded.

"It is pretty nice having an evening to ourselves!" Yor commented.

"Yes it is." I say while smiling.

We finish eating our food and talking.

"I can pay for the bill!" Yor offered.

"Oh no, it's ok, I can!" I quickly said.

"Are you sure, it's ok I am fine with paying it!" Yor says.

"No please, this is my treat for you! For you being such a great mom to Anya...and being such a great wife to me!" I say, blushing a little bit.

"Aww, Loid you really think that? She said, blushing a little bit.

"Yes I do!" I exclaimed, blushing a little more, this time reaching out to hold her hand.

"Thanks Loid, that really means a lot to me." She said, while also blushing, then reaching out to hold my hand.

I paid the bill and we exited the restaurant.

"There is one place I still need to take you, Yor!" I say in a happy tone.

"Ok!" She says enthusiastically.

Luckily, the walk to the sweets shop was not that far. We held hands while walking all the way there.

I was really enjoying this and did not want it to end!

"We are here!" I say.

"Wow, everything here looks really good!" She says.

We ordered a piece of cake and split it.

"Loid you are really good at finding good places for food!" she exclaimed.

By the time we finished our slice of cake it was already 10:23 pm.

"It is already getting pretty late." I commented.

"Yea, you're right." Yor replied.

"We should probably head home now," I suggested.

Luckily, the shop was walking distance from our house so it was easy to get back. Opening the door, we were greeted by the sight of Franky and Anya passed out on the couch. It took all my willpower not to aww at them. I bid Yor a goodnight before heading to bed myself.

~Time Skip~

I was heading out to another meeting with Handler about how operation Strix was going. When I got there she did not look the happiest. I wonder what could be on her mind.

"TWILIGHT I KNOW WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP TO! SMOOCHING YOUR "WIFE"?! HOW DARE YOU! You should be ashamed. Letting personal feelings get the best of you..." Handler looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"It was for the operation!" I say quickly.

"Then I also assume that taking her out for dinner was for the operation too?!" She says in a questioning tone.

"Yes!" I say, this time sounding a bit more nervous.

"How did you know I kissed her," I questioned,

It was like the roles were reversed now, I was interrogating Handler. I should not though, but what is done is done.

"I was making sure YOU weren't doing anything suspicious. I was right to check on you," She exclaimed.

"What was I doing to make myself look suspicious?!" I said more nervously.

"You kissed her! How was I supposed to know that you still don't have real feelings?" She yelled, "I might have to get nightfall,"

I heard her whisper the last part and it sent chills up my spine. Nightfall would be a terrible motherly figure for Anya and Yor would be heart broken... and so would I.

"But, it would look suspicious to the school if I suddenly got remarried," I shot back.

There is no way that Nightfall would be a good mother. And if there even was a way to get Nightfall to work out in operation strix, it would be very obvious that I don't have any feelings for her, and people would suspect me of adultery, and I would get turned into the secret police, a way I would not want to go down.

"Hmm, I guess you're right," She considered.

"So, is there anything else we need to talk about?" I asked.

"I just also wanted to say how you went and used your W.I.S.E. Budget for your date with her, a little disappointed with that too, Twilight.

I blushed and sheepishly rubbed my neck. Yor deserves to be spoiled so I don't feel too bad. With that, we each headed our separate ways.

~Handler's POV~

I arrived back at W.I.S.E head-quarters, feeling deep dissatisfaction in Twilight. I'm thinking about talking to Nightfall. Even though Loid doesn't like her, he could make a disguise that looks like Yor for her. I grab my phone and dial her number. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Nightfall, Loid has let his feelings get the best of this operation." I told her ominously.

"What do you mean by that Handler..." she says in a worried tone.

"He. Has. Developed. Feelings. For. Yor." I choked the words out of my mouth.

"WHAT!?!" She yelled, almost bursting my eardrum.


"I might have to have you step in," I could almost hear the smug grin on her face.

"With pleasure, just text me when you need me," She replied smugly before hanging up.

This is going to be a long week.

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