Chapter 2

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~Yor's POV~

Yuri called me earlier today saying he wanted to come over. I couldn't refuse so he is staying till dinner.  I am going to make my famous tasty stew. Hopefully he likes it!

"O-oh Yuri, I didn't know you were coming over," Loid spoke.

"I'm just staying for dinner!" Yuri smiled.

"I'm going to go start on dinner," I told them.

"Ok!" They both chorused.


"Ugh this little brat child." Yuri thought to himself.

"I can help in the kitchen Yor." Loid offered. 

"Oh, thanks Loid!" I blushed.

"ARE...MAMA...AND...PAPA...FLIRTING????" Anya screamed.

"They better not be" Yuri mumbled.

"Can you stir the stew while I cut the rest of the ingredients?" I asked.

"Of course," Loid replied.

I cut the beef, garlic, carrots, tomato, potato, and thyme. Loid stirred the broth and added salt and onion. I set the stove to simmer and put the ingredients in.

"The stew will be ready in about 10 minutes," I remark.

"Ok!" Loid exclaims as he sits down.

As the stew heats up I crack 4 eggs onto a pan. They look cooked enough so i turn the stove off and grab bowls. I take a spoon and dish out the stew into each bowl. I then put one egg on top of everyone's bowl.

"Dinner is ready!" I call.

"Ok!" everyone exclaimed.

  We all went to sit down at the table.  Loid and Yuri started to have a glaring contest.

"Guys stop, please just try to get along." I say.

"Fine, only for you sis.." Yuri says.

"Fine only for you Yor.." Loid says.

I blushed a little when he said that. I wonder why he doesn't like Yuri...

"I hope the stew tastes good!" I smiled.

"It's amazing Yor, don't worry," Yuri reassured me.

After we finished eating Loid and I grabbed the dishes and put them in the sink. Then Anya insisted we watch her spy cartoon with her. I don't think Yuri liked it very much... After about an hour of that Yuri had to head home.

"Goodbye Unkie!" Anya exclaimed.

"Drive safe Yuri!" I called.

"Goodbye," Loid uttered.

After he left Anya yawned and said that she was going to go to bed. She has school tomorrow so I hope she gets lots of sleep.

"I will finish cleaning the kitchen and then head to my room," Loid said tiredly.

"No, it's ok I will finish. You look tired." I responded.

Loid nodded before heading back to his room. I finished cleaning the dishes and kitchen before walking into my room. I made sure to hide all my needles and knives in case anyone accidentally wandered in.  I changed into my pajamas and went bed.

~Time Skip~

I woke up early that morning for some unknown reason.  I got up and out of bed to go make myself some tea, I remembered that tea was a remedy for when Yuri could not sleep.  I stumbled out of my room and into the kitchen.  I started to boil the water until Loid walked out. 

"Oh, hi Loid. You cant sleep either?" I asked. 

"yep, I don't know why though."

"Well I am making some tea right now, if you want any. That usually helps me sleep." I offer. 

"Thanks Yor that is so sweet of you!" He replied.  

"Mama, Papa, you guys are being very noisy." Anya said sleepily.

"Sorry Anya!" Both me and Loid said at the same time.

"Its ok, just be more quieter." She said while stumbling back to her room. 

I started to sip on my tea. It had a small hint of apple and honey. It was very relaxing and calming.

"How is the tea Loid?" I whispered.

"Its very good Yor!" He responded.

"What time does Anya need to be ready for the bus?" I questioned.

"She has 15 minutes," Loid replied, "I will go check on her." 

Loid left the room as I finished my tea. I have work today and so does Loid. Anya walks out in her school uniform and we all head outside.

"Bye Anya!" Loid and I called.

"See you later Loid!" I exclaimed.

I headed towards city hall. Another boring day as an ordinary clerk. Though the girls gossip a lot so work isn't all that boring.

~Time Skip (cus i dont wanna write her at work)~

I'm heading home. I think Loid will make dinner tonight. I wonder what he'll make. I know it will be good. Especially because it's Anya's first day of school.

"Loid!" I called.

I see him walking home aswell. Maybe we can walk together.

"Hi Yor! Do you wanna walk together?" He asked.

"Of course!" I replied.

"You know, I was thinking that Anya should have some of her friends over soon." Loid mentioned.

"Ooh! That's a great idea Loid. Maybe she will feel more motivated to study!" I remarked.

"What are you going to make for dinner?" I questioned.

"Hmm, I was thinking we could stop at the market to pick up ingredients for hamburg steak." He commented.

"That sounds delicious!" I spoke.

We arrived at the market. We headed to the meat section to pick out hamburg. Then we grabbed vegetables and fruits in the produce section. The sun started to set as we made our way out of the market.

"Wow, it really is pretty at night," I commented.

"Yea," Loid whispered.

"Kind of like you.." Loid mumbled.

"hmm, what did you say Loid. I didn't hear you," I questioned.

"What- oh I didn't say anything," He replied.

We finally made it back to our apartment where Loid started to cook the hamburg steaks and I cooked broccoli, carrots, and peas. I think we had to wait about 20 minutes for the steaks to be done. While we waited we watched TV and talked about random things.

"It's weird, I haven't heard anything from Anya's room. I would've thought she was playing spy with her toys," Loid observed.

"You're right, I don't hear anything coming from Anya's room," I responded.

"I wonder what she is doing," Loid questioned, "maybe studying, perhaps."

"Maybe," I chuckled.

"Oh, I think the hamburg steaks are ready!" Loid exclaimed.

"I think the vegetables are almost ready as well," I add.

I pull the vegetables out of the oven and put them on plates. Loid grabs the steaks and plate them. I was about to yell that dinner was ready until... I heard... Maniacal laughter coming from Anya's room...

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, Becky's here," Loid said ominously. 

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