Chapter 13

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Once me and other author finish this book we are thinking about making a spy x family reader insert, would you guys like that? Also I have no idea how long I am making the weeks so idk if it should be a weekend yet lol.

~Yor's POV~

I woke up to the sound of violent coughing coming from Loid's room. He might be sick, so I should check on him. As I am walking to his room I can hear faint snores from the opposite direction. It's good that Anya is still asleep. Opening the door, I peer inside to see Loid sitting up with a slightly red nose and seeming out of breath.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?" I softly ask.

"Y-yea," He coughs.

"You should probably stay home from work today, I can take care of you," I suggest.

"No, I don't want to bother you," He hurriedly responds.

"You could never bother me, and I have the day off from work too." I smiled.

"Hmph, I guess," He huffs.

I leave the room and grab Loid a glass of water for his cough. I also grabbed him some eggs and toast to eat. Then I told him I needed to drop Anya off for school. When I got back I saw that Loid had moved to the couch and had a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey loid, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm feeling a little better," He mumbled.

"That's good, is there anything else you need?" I questioned while taking a seat.

"No, I think I'm okay,"

I barely managed to catch him whispering that he wanted me by his side, I almost died of cuteness.

"I can get you a blanket and you could try to sleep," I suggested.

He mumbled a small mhm before I got up and grabbed him a blanket. When I came back with his blanket he grabbed my arm and the blanket in the process. Which means he forced me to sit down right next to him. I tried to get out of his grip but it's surprisingly strong. Considering he was already asleep I just lay my head back and tried to fall asleep too.

~Time Skip~

I woke up with a weight on my stomach, I looked down to see Loid's arm draped across me. I study his face for a few moments before he wakes up and starts coughing. I hurriedly stand and get him a glass of water (with ice) and cough syrup. (Let's pretend it actually tastes good) Loid drank the cough syrup and fell back into the couch. It was now around lunch time so I made us a quick lunch. Anya will be home in a couple hours so Loid and I sit back down on the couch to watch a movie together.

~Time Skip~

Loid fell asleep again and his head was on my shoulder. Hopefully he will feel better with all this rest he is getting. Anya then bursts through the door and screams that she did really well on her test. I'm so proud of her. Unfortunately she woke up Loid.

"What's wrong with papa, did all the flirting tire him out?" Anya questioned.

"What? no!" We both simultaneously yelled somewhat.

"I'm just not going to question anything anymore..." Anya said while walking off to her room.

"I think Becky is a bad influence," I laugh.

Loid starts coughing again so I go refill his glass. Then Bond jumps onto Loid's lap and borfs sadly. I hear the phone ring and we all jump. I tell Loid I will answer it so I get up from the couch. When I answer the phone I hear the voice of my brother. He asks if we could have dinner one night together. I realize one night Anya is going over to Becky's house for dinner so I tell him we can do it on that day. He agrees and I hang up.

"Who was it?" Loid asks.

"It was Yuri. We are going to have dinner together in about a week," I smile.

"Oh, that sounds great,"

It is almost dinner time so I make some macaroni since it's easy to make.


I hear loud footsteps before I see Anya emerge from her room with Mr. Chimera.

"I SMELL CHEESE!" Anya exclaims.

We all sit down and enjoy the mac and cheese. Hopefully Loid will feel better tomorrow. I have never seen him look so helpless. But it feels nice to do something for him for once.

"I can help you clean up." Loid said tiredly.

"No its fine ba- er Loid. You should go lay down." I stuttered.

Oh my gosh I can't believe I almost called Loid babe. I mean we are married but that would have been so embarrassing. What if he thinks I am weird because we aren't actually married. I need to be careful.

"Ooooooooooh mama said a flirty word!" Anya points out.

"No." I say

"Yes." She smirks.

I totally forgot anya was here, so of course she is going to call me out. She is so perceptive sometimes. I don't know how she does it. But it is impressive. I poured myself a glass of wine. I would've poured Loid a glass but I don't think it is good to have alcohol while sick. I sit down with my wine and turn on the TV, Loid and I can watch a show for awhile till we fall asleep. I don't know what to do to pass the time anyway. Anya heads to her room when she sees me with wine. I think she is going to bed.

~Time Skip~ (again lol)

I wake up feeling a weight on my shoulder and an empty wine glass in my hand. I turn my head and see a passed out Loid leaning on my shoulder. I mentally awww. He is so cute. I then see a sleepy Anya enter and yell 'MAMA THINKS PAPA IS CUTE!' 

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