Chapter 8

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~Yor's POV~

We walked out of the love tunnel ride and I was blushing so hard, we were still holding hands so I think that is a good thing. I hope Loid doesn't think of me any differently. Well, enough dwelling, Anya is probably worried about us. I see her over there smirking. I wonder what happened.

"Hey, Mama and Papa. How was the ride?" Anya asked mischievously.

"Uhm, er, it was good. I liked it," I responded nervously.

"Yea, I liked that ride as well." Loid smiled.

I smiled back and blushed a little, Anya smirked once more. I wonder why she's smirking so much. Does she find something funny, or is it because we just walked out of a ride titled "love tunnel". Oh well I guess I will never know.

"Loid, it is starting to get dark, maybe we should go on a couple more rides then head back to the apartment." I suggest.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea." Loid responds.

We continue to walk around and ride rides, but I just can't help thinking about when I kissed Loid!

"It is now getting pretty dark, we should now start heading back to the car." Loid says.

We all start heading to the car when Anya spots an ice cream store. She begs us to go get her some. Loid tells her to wait in the car while he and I get some for her. She asks for chocolate peanut butter with marshmallows and chocolate chips on top. Loid and I walked into the store and while we waited he asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner with him tomorrow night!

"Of course!" I exclaimed, while blushing a little bit. I could not believe this was happening.!

"I could see if Franky can watch Anya tomorrow!" Loid replied..

"Ok!" I said in response.

"I know this cute bar that serves dinner!" He says with a happy tone in his voice.

"Ok, that sounds fun!" I said.

"I guess it's a date then!" Loid says, blushing a little bit.

They finally finished making Anya's ice cream, we grabbed it, and walked back towards the car.

"Were Mama and Papa flirting again?" We heard as we got back to the car.

"Maybe!" I say.

"I'm going to take that as a yes!" Anya responds, while smirking.

Me and Loid smiled at each other the whole way home. I just could not wait for tomorrow! I was planning to get off of city hall work early, so I could get home and get ready! I am also going to make sure I have no assassination plans tomorrow.

~time skip~

We got home around 9:10 pm. We hit some traffic making the ride home a little harder than it truly had to be. I could tell Loid was really happy that we were going on a date tomorrow. I was glad to see that. Him being happy made me happy! Me and Loid both went to tuck Anya into bed, then headed off to bed ourselves. It took me a while to actually get to sleep, I just could not stop thinking about tomorrow! I never expected this day to come! After about an hour of thinking about tomorrow, I finally drifted off to sleep.

~Time skip~

I woke up that morning a little early, so I could walk Anya to the bus-stop, since Loid had to get to work a little earlier than usual. I walked over to Anya's room to knock and see if she was awake.

"Anya, are you awake?" I ask.

"Yes Mama." She said drowsily.

I made her a quick breakfast, and finished right when she walked out of her room.

"Thank you for the breakfast Mama!" She said.

"Your welcome Anya!" I chorus.

"Well we should probably start walking to the bus stop, so you're not late." I remark.

"Ok Mama!" she exclaims.

I walk her to the bus stop and tell her my goodbyes and then start walking to city hall. When I get there I am greeted by Camila asking

"So why are you getting off so early?"

I am not even sure how she knew.

"Yes good question, why are you Yor?" Millie asked.

"Me and Loid are just going on a little date tonight, that's all!" I say, not expecting to be bombarded with questions the minute I walk in.

"Oh ok then." Sharon says.

I was a little confused why they wanted to know so badly. But oh well, it is what it is.

It feels like I spent the whole day staring at the clock, counting down the minutes till 2:00 pm, the time I get off to go home. Once the clock hit 2:00 I did not hesitate to say my good-byes to everyone and pack up my stuff. It took me about ten minutes to walk home. Once I got home I got out of my uniform and slipped on my dress. Now all I have to do is wait for Loid to get home. About 20 minutes passed and Anya arrived home.

"Hello Anya!" I say cheerfully.

"Wow mama, you look really pretty!" She exclaimed.

"Aww thank you Anya!" I say.

"One question mama." She says.

"Yes Anya?" I questioned.

"Are you going to be flirting with Papa tonight?" She asks while smirking.

That question caught me off guard.

"Yes." I say smirking right back at her.

Her response to that was running off to her room giggling. After that I proceeded to help her with her homework. For second grade, they gave pretty hard math equations! I mean I guess they are a little harder because Eden college a very prestigious academy.

~Time Skip~

The time was now 5:03 pm, so Loid should be home any minute now. I just could not wait any longer! While I was in the middle of that thought the door opened! I jumped out the couch to go greet Loid.

"Hello Loid!" I say, while smiling.

"Hello Yor, you look really good!" We both blushed a little.

That's when anya ran out of her room and said

"Are Mama and Papa Already flirting?!?" This made me and Loid blush a little more.

"Yor, I just need to get ready and we will be ready to go! Franky should also get here soon, so we don't have to worry about Anya being alone!" Loid says in a happy tone.

I can't wait for our date,

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