Chapter 16

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~Anya's POV~

I remember hearing shouts and screaming coming from the living room. But that doesn't really concern Mr. Chimera and I. After about an hour the screams died down and I went back into the kitchen to check on Mama and Papa. I walked in on them agreeing to go on a date tomorrow. I hate how they always go on ootings without me. When Franky comes to baby sit me tomorrow we will devise a plan. I can't wait to know all the juicy secrets that they think/talk about on their date. I will ask Franky if we can follow them and if he does not agree, I will bribe him with peanuts!


"Hi Bond!" I say

"BORF." He borfed loudly.

Uncie YuRi stayed and continued to argue for a while, it was almost 9 pm. So I decided it was best to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I woke up around 4:00 am for some unknown reason and struggled to go back to sleep. I tip-toe out of my room to get some peanuts. I was really hungry. I found some then waddled back to my room where Mr. Chimera and I enjoyed them. We played spies for

a bit before I started feeling tired again. I plopped down in my bed and closed my eyes.

~Time Skip~

I woke up again. But this time around 7 am. I hope breakfast is ready, I'm hungry. I walk into the kitchen to see Papa and Franky with raw egg on their head and Mama freaking out. I think Franky and Papa threw eggs at each other. Heh that's funny.

"Papa, when will breakfast be ready," I laughed.

"Uhm, I think you two have it on your heads," Mama commented.

"Aw, I don't want a head egg for breakfast," I whined. Papa huffs before reaching into a cabinet and grabbing pancake mix. Heh, I always get my way. After I ate my pancakes Papa and Mama left because they wanted to spend the whole day together. Now I shall tell Franky my devious plan. I am a mastermind.

"So, Franky I am tired of mama and papa hanging out together, we need to spy on them," I say.

He thinks for a moment before responding, "I like the way you think, kid."

"Do you know where they are going?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure they went to a little café downtown." He says.

"Ok, to the café!" I yell, running to the door.

When we get to the cafe we immediately see Mama and Papa enjoying some food together so we dive behind some bushes before they can spot us. I can't hear them talking from this distance but I can hear their thoughts.

"I can't wait to spend the whole day with her!" Papa thought to himself.

"Awww he looks so cute and handsome!" Mama thought to herself.

Bleh, flirty thoughts.

"Ugh, they look so cute together," Franky grumbled.

"Lets just hope they don't act this flirty at home." I said.

"Yea." Franky laughs.

They finish eating and then call a waiter over for the bill. I think they might leave the restaurant and go somewhere else.

"I think they are leaving," I whisper.

"Yea, I think you're right." Franky responds.

Then the unthinkable happens. Camila just spawns out of nowhere. I guess she was going to the cafe too. Then they spend HOURS (or at least it feels like hours) talking. I hate when that happens. Stupid adults. Anway, they leave and start heading over to a carnival looking area with a bunch of fun games. Why in the world did they not bring me? That just makes me sad. I decided to try to read their thoughts again.

"I hope that Handler is not watching me right now." Papa thinks to himself.

I'm pretty sure Handler is the important lady who let me have Bond. Why would Papa have to worry about Handler watching him? I hope everything is ok.

"Awww, Loid is so sweet, I can't believe we are spending the whole day together,"

Ew flirting is kinda gross now that i think about . I wonder why Becky likes that stuff.

"Ugh, Loid should have taken me to a carnival," Franky whined.

We continue following them through the carnival while grabbing random objects to disguise ourselves with. We finally see them stop at a booth that says 'archery range'. I wonder why they stopped there. Then I see Mama looking at a giant stuffed platypus. Aw, I think Papa is going to win it for her.

"Ugh, love," Franky fake gags, "How does he get all the girls,"

I laughed and continued to watch them. Franky is really fun to hang out with. We should spy on Mama and Papa more often. Papa finally won the platypus for Mama so they headed off to a booth with food. I noticed a big stage with some random people singing on it. The song went kind of like "laSt niGHT" (it's a good song, go listen to it, we are not sponsored.) Once the song was over they left and new people started to sing. OOH! MAYBE IT'S KARAOKE. What if Mama and Papa see it and then they sing! Maybe Franky and I can once they get farther away. Mama and Papa notice the stage and sit down with some food and drink in their hands. They watch people sing for a while before Papa pushes Mama onto the stage. She panics before quickly choosing a song called '5 o'clock somewhere' I never knew Mama was a good singer. I like her voice. They eventually leave to a booth where they race by throwing balls into a hole to get points. Once they reach a certain number of points they win. If you win again you get an even bigger prize. I can't wait to see who wins. Mama and Papa are both really strong.

"Ugh, when will they do anything interesting," Franky whispers.

"Be patient Franky," I whisper yell back.

It's starting to get late, I nudge Franky before standing up and heading toward the exit.

We finally get home and to our surprise, minutes later a tipsy Mama and sober Papa enter the room. Franky says goodbye and that today was fun before he leaves. Hopefully we can spy on Mama and Papa again.

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