Better not be.(Valeria)

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( Requested.   Feel free to correct the Spanish, I'm using a translator.) 

You rested your head on your forearms, the water bubbling around your body. The view from the spa was breathtaking, it viewed the sea. The beautiful red's, orange, white and yellow's in the sky looked like something out of a painting. 

It pulled a smile on your lips, you don't have much time to admire the beauty of the world while you worked alongside your girlfriend.  It was so nice to finally be able to semi relax...the thoughts of what could be going on while you and Valeria were on this vacation. 

Damnit I can't go even a day without worrying about what those fuckers are doing. You must have been very obviously stressing out because Valeria scooted over to you from her spot, her arm draping over your shoulder. 

"Mi amor...Relax. For once in your life."

Her words were as smooth as cream on hot skin, slipping right off her tongue and to your heart. You let out a sigh and nodded, sitting fully in the pool of warm water, your skin glistening in the dim light. 

"I'm trying."

You muttered as you leaned into her touch, staring up at the soft pale ceiling. Her hand ran through your damp hair, splitting the tangled strands. 

"¿Recuerdas ese pájaro que querías?" (Remember that bird you wanted?)

You nodded, pulling your knees up to your chest, your feet resting on the ledge you sat on. She leaned closer to your face, a slight smirk on her face. 

"I might have gotten that for you up in our room, but we go eat once we get out of here. I'm starving."

You stared blankly at her for a few seconds, trying to process what she just said to you. You hoped it wasn't true. You didn't have time to take care of a bird with the job you worked. You sat up and rolled your eyes, going back to looking out the window of the spa room. 




"You eat like you haven't eaten in days."

Valeria glared at you and sat up straight in her chair, changing how she was eating her meal. Like a decent human being. 

"Thank you."




You stood in front of your hotel door, the sound of a bird faint from where you were standing. 

"Open the door already, I'm tired."

Valeria groaned and snatched the key from you, unlocking the door and walking into the room. You could hear the sound of a cage rattling, a chirp of some small bird. If this is true...may god have mercy on your soul.

You closed the door and stayed as far away from the chirps and cries, hoping it was some kind of joke.




"Are you coming to bed (Y/N)?"

Valeria called from the other side of the suite, you were tired and wanted to sleep in that soft bed. Oh what does it matter, you'll have to face it one day. 

"Yeah, I'm coming."

You groaned and got up, dragging your feet the whole walk to the bed. You didn't dare look in the corner, you could feel it staring at you. You climbed into bed, your back facing it.

"Avoiding the truth, I like it"

Valeria snickered, her arm draping over your waist and pulling you closer. You only nodded,  moving closer to her so she could properly hold you. 

"A bird will be fun, like a kid but better"

She pinched your chin and placed a kiss on your nose, you frowned and shook your head. Sure it would be 

"I'm not taking care of it. It's your responsibility not mine."


"lo que sea que digas bebé (Whatever you say baby)"






You smiled, taking the bird out of the cage and placing him on your shoulder. 

Maybe it wasn't the worst idea to get a bird.

You had grown to love the small guy. 

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