Don't speak to me like that P2(Soap)

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"Job well done, right lad?"

Soap elbowed Ghost's arm, the taller man glancing at him from the side of his eyes.

"I agree, and it's finally done."

You stood back with Laswell, watching the group celebrate. Your arms were crossed over your chest. You didn't show any slight emotion at the moment, but internerly you were happy, proud of the whole group and their hard work. Seeing how well they all got along made your heart just a little less cold. 

"Ready to close out this case, Colonel?"

Laswell's hand patted your shoulder, making you look at her. 

"About time."

You nodded, turning around and heading to your van. You couldn't wait to get back to your office and close out this case, couldn't wait to stop worrying about it too. 




You grabbed your empty mug, walking out of your office and down the hall. You were going for your 6th cup of coffee in the span of 2 hours. You just wanted to get this case closed already so you were staying through the night, you could get some sleep once you were done. 

You placed your cup down and poured yourself another cup, almost falling asleep while pouring. 

"You're going to spill."

You jumped at the sound of Soap's voice, placing the coffee back. You looked to your left, he was sitting in one of the lounge chairs, just looking at you. 


You mumbled, picking up your cup and taking a few sips of the warm coffee. 

"You feeling okay? If you don't mind me asking."

You rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of that tired feeling, right now all you were trying to do was not fall asleep, had to give the coffee some time to kick in. 

"Yeah, just a bit tired. I got work to do so..staying back late."

You kept drinking what was in your cup, your eyelids feeling way too heavy at the moment. 

"Don't overwork yourself, Colonel."

You hummed in agreement, taking that as your leave back to your office but not before you refilled your cup again.




He hadn't seen you leave the building, your motorcycle still parked out front. Were they really still working? Soap looked down at his watch, 3:45am, okay that was enough. 

He was a bit scared to even think about asking you to go home and get some rest, your harsh tone ringing through his mind. 

He pushed those thoughts aside, walking down to your office, gently knocking on the door. 


No response. 

"I'm sorry to bother but you should go home."

Still no response. 

He sighed and slowly opened the door to see you sleeping at your desk. Your papers and laptop all over your desk, your head straight down on your desk. You quiet breaths and the buzzing of the air conditioner the only real sounds in the room. 


He smiled, the sight of you was something he couldn't get over. Even after you hurt him, he never really got over his love for you, just kept his distance. He stood there, contemplating waking you up and telling you it was time to go home, but he didn't do it. He didn't want you riding your motorcycle back home while you were tired as hell. 

He looked at you and then to the small couch in your office, that would do for now. He gently picked you up from your desk chair, walking over to the couch and placing you down onto it, making sure to make you as comfortable as posable, without waking you of course. How embarrassing would it be for you if you woke up to someone carrying you. 

He pushed your hair out of your face, taking in your peaceful sleeping face (Like a creep) 

He pulled off his jacket and placed it on top of you, he wouldn't want to sleep without a blanket, why should you?

You curled up with the jacket, your hand gripping onto the sleeve. You were semi awake that moment, trying to cover yourself more with the jacket. 

"It's cold."

You mumbled, stuffing your face into the jacket to try and gain some warmth. 

Soap took that into account, turning off the AC as he left your office. He had enough of watching you sleep. He'd come back to get his jacket another day, for now you could use it.




You took the jacket off the hanger, putting it on, buttoning it up. You had done whatever it too to keep that jacket. You didn't want to give it back, it was something that kept you close to that felt like waking up, on you couch, wrapped in his jacket was some sort of break though. Something your heart needed, someone showing they cared about you still. 

God you felt pathetic, hiding from someone you swore was lower than you in mentality. Oh but the things your heart wanted you to do, to say. 

You couldn't live up to it. Not after what you said to him at that sushi restaurant. You were sure he didn't like you in that kind of way anymore, he was just being nice to you. Nothing more, nothing less. 

"Fucking hell, John."

You muttered, getting into bed and turning off your lamp. Even after you washed the jacket, it still smelled like his cologne, faint but still there. 

I need to find out what cologne this is so I don't lose this.

Weird when I think about it. 

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