You'll survive.(Price)

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(Someone asked for Price! Here you go!)

You felt the bed shift and then rise again, slight footsteps leading away from the bed. You could hear the intakes of uneven breaths.

You decided to stay in bed, it's been hard enough for your husband, all that grief he was harboring inside. You could hear him crying more clearly as time went on, it broke your heart to hear him in such a state , but you would let him get it out before you went to comfort him.

It felt like years you laid there, listening to that man sob, of course he wasn't keeping much in. He was in shambles and it was understandable to be such a way when you lost so many of your closest friends. They were more then friends, brothers, maybe not by blood but by their situation.

You sat up in bed and looked at him, his frame coated in moonlight. He was so beautiful, in any way he presented himself...he was angelic.

"John, sweetie?"

You mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

He quickly turned his back to you when he realized you were awake, wiping his face of the tears that were just sliding down his face.

"Sorry, I'll be right back."

He waved at you and walked towards the door. You frowned and shook your head, getting out of bed and standing at the window he was just at.

"John, come here, don't hide it from me"

Price stopped in his tracks, your words made him feel some kind of way. It was like that was something he really needed to hear. He turned back around and walked towards you, his head hanging low to the ground. 

"It's alright ,it's not your fault."

You wrapped your arms around his shaking body, you held him in your arms as he sobbed into your shoulder, tears falling down your silky skin, soaking in all of his intense emotions as they seeped down your skin. He held onto the back of your tank top, his grip so strong you felt as if he was going to rip it. 

You ran your fingers through his short hair, you didn't want to say anything at the moment. Just let him get it out, you hoped that he would one day share the weight of what he was carrying with you, let you help him with that greif. 

"I never wanted them to die like that...I could have done something...(Y/N), I could have saved them."

You hushed him, massaging his scalp gently. 

"It's in the past darling, you tried your best but things don't always work out as intended."

"I just wish it wouldn't have ended with them...Dead"

He broke into another rage of tears. The memory broke him down, stripping him of that strong and unbreakable demeanor.

"I know..I know John." 




You held him for the rest of the night, comforting him in anyway he needed you to.  

"You'll survive this one, you always do."

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