Shut up.(Soap)

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(Requested by someone :) I'm too lazy to find their @ )

"It was a fucking accident John! Quit making it such a big deal, i'll fucking pay for it if it really means that much to you!" 

You snapped at him, opening up the back door and taking out your bags, closing it and glancing at the scratch on his car. It wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be.

"You could have been more careful! I just got this car a week ago and it's already damaged because of you."

Soap waved his hand at the scratch as if you didn't know where it was, he was being really annoying about it. 

"MacTavish. You know what here."

You broke out your wallet and grabbed the cash you had inside, around 200 dollars. 

"If that doesn't cover it just come to me and ask for more, since a paint scratch is such a big deal."

You so badly wanted to flip him off but you refrained from doing so. It would make everything worse if you did, he was already mad and so were you, what's the point in making it worse.




"What's going on between you and Soap?"

Gaz leaned over the couch, watching the soccer game you were watching. You stiffened at the question, turning to look at Gaz. 

"He got mad at me."

"For what?"

You sighed and leaned back, your arms crossed over your chest.

"Scratching his car. It wasn't even that bad! It was small, my backpack scratched it when I opened the door."

"His new car?"


"No wonder he's so pissed about it"




"Where have you been?"

You stood by the door, watching soap take off his shoes and place them on the rack with the rest of them.

"Why do you wanna know?"

You glared at him, was he just trying to make you mad with this petty back talk?

"Because I want to know MacTavish."

"Yeah well I was somewhere making our problem better."

He walked past you and into the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of beer, it was a Friday so it was usual he drank when he got home. Just not this late.

"MacTavish, just tell me where you were and i'll let it go"





"'re getting on my nerves. Just fucking tell me!"

Soap rubbed his temples and sighed, standing up and tossing his empty bottle away. 

"I went to fix that stupid scratch you put in my car. Okay? Are you happy now?"

You stood there relieved it wasn't what you thought. 

"Annoying, you could have just said that long ago and this would have been over. Goodnight John."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

Bland, monotone. 

"Sleep on the couch tonight, I don't want you in my bed after this."




"I will."

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