Uncomfortable (Gaz)

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I think I need a life or maybe nine...

Away from everyone.

You tossed your belongings into the back of your friends truck, looking back at your boyfriend. The look on his face was one of anger. You knew what you said was horrible, but you didn't mean it in the way he took it.


"Drop it, I don't want to hear it. You've said enough."

"Kyle, you know I didn't mean it like that. I love you so much."

You wanted to walk over to him, be closer, give him a hug, a kiss, just anything to feel closer to him.

"I don't know if I can say the same."

You heart ached at his words, they stung like a hot blade on your skin.





"He hasn't even tried to text me...or call me. I dont think he wants me back home."

You stood up and walked out of your friends house, you were ready to just go find a apartment with the money you had saved. You had enough for a down payment and everything else, but you didn't want to do that.

You just wanted to be back with the man you loved so dearly.

You should go try and make it up to him

But did he want that, did he even want you near him anymore?




You sat on the soft couch, snuggled up to your best friend, it was the most comfort you had gotten all week. They helped you through it all, a place to sleep and come home to, everything you needed. They were the best you could ask for.

"I'll help you move into the apartment when you get it. Just like, are you sure you both can't work this out? You've been though things like this before."

"I don't know, he isn't talking to me so I have zero clue."

They shrugged and pulled you closer, holding you like a child who was about to have a break down, and they were right.  You got lost in your mind again, all of your thoughts and worries making your eyes water. The tears falling from your eyes just started flowing. You couldn't stop it now, it was too late.




Your phone rang thought the room, it was too early for someone to be calling you. It was like 6 in the morning, who even needed to talk to you. You grabbed your phone off of your nightstand, picking it up and answering it in the most awake voice you could muster.


"Hi sweetie, can you come home now?"

His voice was so calm and loving, the way his voice was so smooth though the phone made you just want to agree with him.


You mumbled, your heart fluttering at the name he called you. Your heart always gave into his sweet nicknames, it was like a drug you couldn't resist.

"Good, I'll see you at home soon. Don't make me wait too long, I've missed you darling."

The phone buzzed as he hung up.

You got out of bed and collected your stuff, ready to go back to your lover.




And when you get back home.

The cycle repeats.

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