I missed you(Keegan)

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He unlocked your apartment door, shutting and locking it behind him.

He went straight to your bedroom, shuffling his shoes off and his cargo pants. He opened your closet and pulled out one of your oversized hoodies.

He pulled the soft fabric over his head and his shoulders. He held the sleeves up to his nose, taking in the scent of your laundry detergent and your body spray.

It smelled so much like you, god he missed you so much. You had just been gone a few days but even that was too much for him. You were always with him at night, cuddled up with him in the warm and weighted sheets.

He scurried over to your bed, lifting up your blankets and getting under them, he didn't care that he had his own place, he just wanted to be closer to you in some way and sleeping in your apartment was good enough for him.




"I'll see you at work tomorrow. I know, I'll bring drinks after too."

You unlocked your door, throwing your bags to the side once you were inside. You hung up the phone, setting it down on the couch.

You headed straight for your bathroom, you hadn't showered properly in the 4 days you were gone. Gosh you couldn't wait to scrub your whole body clean, you felt so nasty right now.

You dragged your feet all the way to the bathroom, you didn't even care to close the door behind you. It was your apartment and no one else was there with you.

You stripped yourself of all your clothing, sliding the glass door open and closed once you were in.

The water was so hot against your skin. Just the way you liked it, washing away all the soap you had lathered up on yourself, along with the shampoo and conditioner.

You would definitely need to moisturize after this one.




You held the towel together with one hand, flipping the switch to your bedrooms fairy lights. It was too late to use the main light so this should do. You grabbed a set of underwear and one of your loose fitting undershirts, putting them on and tossing your wet towel over your desk chair. That would go into the drier later.

You stretched your arms over your head and walked to the end of your bed, tripping over a set of cargo pants. You groaned and kicked them out of the way, taking them into no account.

You climbed into bed, curling up with the heavy blankets. You felt the bed shift next to you, fear flowing fresh through your veins. You moved the blankets down, your fear disappearing once you saw who it was.

"Keegan...when did you get here?"

A smile pulled at your lips as you fixed the blankets again. You placed your hand on his chest, taking account of him wearing your hoodie.

He sifted over a bit, his eyes slowly opening and looking right at you.

"You're home...? I missed you so much."

He mumbled, his arm draping across your waist, pulling you closer to him. You nodded, your leg doing the same to him, resting over his waist.

"I'm home."

You whispered, your hand finding it's way into his hair, running your fingers through his semi knotted strands.

He looked up at you, his eyes glazed with sleep still. His hand moved to the back of your neck, pushing your face closer to his.

"Gimme a kiss.."

He muttered, his eyes basically closed now.

You rolled your eyes and kissed him, letting him decide when this one would end.

You both stayed like that for a while, pulling away for just a second to breath before connecting once more.



You pulled away from him, his hand gripping on the skin of your neck. A fait whine coming from the drowsy man in front of you.

"You still want more? You're practically asleep... tomorrow Keegan, I promise."

"just one more...?" 

He mumbled, pulling your face back to his again, a slight pout on his features.

"Fine, one more and then we're both going to sleep."


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