I'm at your feet (Price)

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(The Title is pretty literal) 





You moved your hand around your bed, picking up your phone and answering the call. 


You cleared your throat and rubbed your eyes, trying to wake up your mind. It was way too early for someone to be calling you. 

"Good morning lass! Is your 12-hour nap going well?"

You groaned and sat up in bed, looking at your clock. Shit.

12 pm

"Yeah, going quite well till you called me."

"Well doll face, head out to the training mats. Price isn't happy about it at all."

"I swear. You could have woken me up" 

You groaned and got out of bed, holding your phone up to your ear with your shoulder. 

"Yeah, he got this whole list of things he wants you to do. Planks, pushups, rope climbing, log squats, water jug laps, jump rope, bench pressing backpacks full of water. Oh my god, you're going to be here for hours! The list just goes on and on"

You scrambled around your room, changed into your workout gear, and grabbed your water bottle. His chattering made you so nervous while you tried not to forget anything. 

"Thanks for calling me Soap, I'll be there in 10."

You hung up once he said goodbye, running down the halls and towards the building next door. You opened the entrance and ran for the mat room, you stopped at the door. You caught your breath, you would need this break because you knew he wouldn't give you one the second you stepped onto the mats. 

You opened the door and braced yourself for what was behind it. 

"Good morning maggot." 

You kept your gaze low, eye contact would make this worse and you knew it. 

"Good morning Captain."

You could feel his eyes burning dagger into your skull. Well shit.

"Look at me when I talk to you. Drop your things and start pushing."

You looked up at him and nodded, putting your things down and dropping into pushup position. The first 50 pushups were easy, you were used to them over the years. Your arms trembled and you slowed down. You looked up at Price who stood over you, his arms crossed. You kept counting out loud, getting to 78 before you couldn't go down anymore. 

"Who told you to stop?" 

"No one sir." 

You muttered and went down for another but your arms gave out, making you lay there before him. 

"Get up, that's pathetic. I thought you were all rested up, pick up the water canisters, I want you doing bicep curls." 

"Yes sir."

You picked up the 40-pound canisters, struggling to do what he asked. It hurt so much, the pushups making you feel it burn.




"Get the fuck up! You should have thought about this before you slept in! What happened to your discipline?" 

You picked up the backpack and held it above your head, bringing it back down and back up. What number were you even on? 120? 150? It was all the same to you, the never-ending soreness burning in your arms, legs, basically everywhere. You really regretted sleeping in now. 

"Yes sir! I'm sorry!" 

You were sweating bullets now, your clothing soaked from it. 

"Lemme hear you!" 

He was right up in your face, the pain so obvious in your eyes. 

Am I going to pass out?

He took the backpack from your hands and pointed at the bar that held 180 on it.  Fucking squats. You nodded and walked over to the bar, getting in a good stance and picking it up. Setting the bar comfortably on your shoulders behind your head. 

"Squat till you can't feel your legs soldier! Move!" 




"Yes sir!" 

You watched as drops of sweat hit the floor, your hair soaked and sticking to your forehead. It seemed like you were going to die at this moment. 

God, I hate planks.

Price grabbed the back of your sweaty shirt after a few more minutes, moving you onto your knees. 

"Get your ass to a shower. I hope you learned something." 

You nodded and got up, your legs burned as you walked to the locker room. As soon as you sat down on one of the benches you closed your eyes. 

Everything hurt so bad.

"Never again..." 

(This was basically what happened to me today, hated it so much) 

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