Special Forces.(Alex M!)

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"Alex, there's a rookie I need you to look over, he seems to be a possibility."

Captain Price said with a sigh as he slid the personnel file over so he could take a look.

"On it, Captain."




You stood at attention with all the other soldiers, like always, everyone was sharp and ready to serve.

You were trying to keep your eyes from looking around but it was so hard when your superior was staring you down.

You could basically feel him staring holes through you. You wanted to tell him off, tell him to quit it but you really couldn't do anything about it right now. Stupid discipline.

"At ease!" Alex commanded, his voice strong and clear for every soldier to hear.

You were internally scared but didn't hesitate to execute the command.

"All of you will go on the 10 mile ruck tomorrow. I want all of you in formation and ready to go by 9:30. Sharp. Clear?"

The whole platoon answered with a synchronized "Yes sir!"

"Fall out." He said in that same commanding voice.

Everyone fell out of formation and left to go on with their day.

10 mile ruck. Easy day, he wasn't pushing anything, it was a warmup.




You sat at the chow hall with a few of your battle buddies, just talking about random things such as the mechanics and how you caught some of them sleeping under the humvees holding onto the underside to make it look like they were still working.

You were having a good time, just eating and laughing.

"Private (Y/N)."

Your higher-ups voice said from behind you. It scared you to be honest, making you quick to stand up and salute him, just out of habit.

"At ease."

He dismissed your salute, a soft smile on his usually serious face.

"Can I see you in my office in 10?"

You relaxed a bit, thinking through all the things that you could have done wrong to get called to his office.

"Yes sir. I'll be there." You nodded.

"Good, and don't worry you didn't do anything wrong. Relax." With that he left the chow hall.

His words made you totally relax, the worry of being in trouble washing away.




You stepped into Alex's office, taking a seat right in front of his desk, glancing around his offices he had photos of classical marine moments, also some cool photos of automatic rifles.

Ones he had probably operated before.

"You've been doing some good work, I wanted to congratulate you personally and tell you that I have some high hopes for you." He said as he pulled out his laptop, pulling up a marine school you might be interested in.

"maybe you would like to think about special forces?"

He showed you a few websites and requirements.

"It looks..nice but I really don't know." You said, really unsure of the whole special forces thing. You never thought your superior would think of you for something.

"Trust me. I think you're one of the best in your platoon, shit out of this whole season of new recruits." He said with truth in his words, he was being sincere about this all.

"I don't know if I could handle it." Your voice got a bit lower as you admitted your fear.

"What if I offer you a spot on Task Force 141 if you go through special forces training and pass with flying colors?"

A spot next to him?

That sounded like a wonder.


"I'll sign you up as soon as I can."

(Yuh what up 😝😝😝)

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