Chapter 2 -Restaurant-

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Chapter 2 I have changed it a lot. Please enjoy this chapter!~chocolatefriend111


Gray Pov

Juvia has just fainted and was laying on the floor. Everybody was very worried about her just suddenly fainting. I decided to go visit her and walked to her house. She decided to move out of Fairy Hills. I saw a big trunk with two men taking out boxes still. 

"Juvia? Are you here?" I was at the front of her house knocking on the door.

Juvia popped her head out of the window. 


Well, at least she is alright I was getting really worried about her. 

"Oh Juvia are you alright?" I called out to her.

Juvia rushed down stairs and hugged me.

"Gray-sama, please come in Juvia will be very happy if you will!!!!"

Juvia  Pov

Omg Gray-sama, is in my house! Well he has been here before but still I am really happy that he came to see if I was alright because Juvia had fainted.

"Actually....Juvia did you hear what I said before you fainted" Gray blushed and nervously scratched his head. 

"Uh....Juvia does not remember" I lied to Gray-sama who sighed in relief. 

I feel horrible that I had to lie to Gray-sama, but I didn't want to tell him just yet. After all it still breaks my heart that he loves Lucy and not me. 

"Alright. Do you want to go get some drinks with me?"

"Sure Juvia would love to come"

Yesssss! I am going to the drink store with Gray-sama maybe this would help me forget about him telling me that he loves Lucy. 

But, I still cant help but think about what he said..... he loves ......lucy......

We started walking together until we stopped to reach a small stand of a guy selling drinks.

"Hi..." Gray-sama spoke to the guy. It was quite small the drink stand. The man turned around which was surprising Lyon?!

"LYON?!" Gray and I jumped when we saw him. 

"Yeah...yeah whatever. Now what can I get you? Looking pretty as always Juvia-chan" Lyon winked at me and my face grew red. 

"Pfft, I don't even give a crap about you Lyon. Just hurry up and give us the drinks AND DON'T CALL JUVIA 'Chan' it's stupid" Gray snapped and Lyon rolled his eyes. 

He gave us our drinks and I thanked him.   

Gray is walking Juvia home while we are drinking our drinks.

"Oh that reminds Natsu and Lucy invited me and you for dinner today at a restaurant"

"YES Juvia will be there!"

I waved good bye to Gray-sama  well I will be seeing him tonight with Natsu and Lucy.

(Few hours later......)

I was getting ready to have dinner with Lucy,Natsu and of course my darling Gray-sama. 
I putted on a pretty flowing blue dress which had flowers on the straps and putted on my long black boots. I really hope Gray will like my outfit! I grabbed my hand bag and putted on some Lip stick and light pink blush. Now I am ready to go. 

Grabbing my phone and putting it inside my handbag I was now all reading to go. 

I got there pretty early the only person I could see was Gray-sama. My love!!!!

Gray pov

I noticed Juvia waving and walking towards me. 

"Hello Gray-sama,Juvia is finally here!" She said and spun around showing her dress.

"Oh hi Juvia I guess Natsu and Lucy aren't here yet"

We then saw Natsu and Lucy arrive. Lucy was wearing a pretty blouse shirt and shorts with sneakers she looked really pretty even though it was what she always wore most of the time.

They got out of their cab and I could see Natsu holding her hand which made me feel jealous...very jealous. 

I think I must have looked really stupid or something as I was day dreaming. Lucy looked so pretty I would love to kiss her right now but she is with Natsu. Juvia looked at me and holds my hand. 

"Lets go in Gray-sama! Juvia wants the best spot to have dinner with her friends!"

"Oh yeah sure of course we will get a good spot"

We sat down on one of the tables and a waiter came to take our order.

"So what drinks do you guys want?" Natsu asked us.

"I will have lemonade please" Lucy said and smiled at the waiter.

Oh, I wish Lucy had smiled to me like that.

"Juvia would like some healthy water!" Juvia looked at me and smiled.

"Uh....I would get some pepsi then"

"Juvia changed her mind she would like pepsi as well!"

Juvia kept looking at me and smiling. What was with her today? She was acting sort of strange like she does this all the time but something was off about her. 

The waiter took our order and walked away. 

Natsu had gone to the restroom so it was just me, Juvia and Lucy. Lucy looked really bored the whole time Juvia just kept starring at me.

"Hey Gray can I talk with you for a moment" Lucy asked me and stood up.


I wonder what she wanted to talk about. We walked outside and went behind the restaurant.

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now