Chapter 11 -Fishing-

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(Gray pov)

Juvia has been ignoring me a lot ever since then and Lucy has been hanging around with me a lot. Last time at the restaurant she kept telling me how much she cared about me and everything but all I could think of was Juvia.

We all were having lunch at the guild. Natsu and Lucy were sitting with me, I don't think Natsu knows yet. Master stood in front of us and was ready to make a announcement.

"I have decided that we need to learn about each other more. So everyone will have a partner which they will stay with for the whole entire day and then tomorrow you will come up and tell the whole guild what you learn't about the other person"

Everyone was very interested.

"But, I will pick partners"

(15 minutes later)

"So go on and get to know each other" Master called out and everybody went with there partner to do something.

Wait I don't have a partner!

"Master, I don't have a partner"

"Oh you can be with Juvia"

I looked at Juvia and smiled at her she didn't smile back she just starred at the ground.

We walked out of the guild together and headed towards the park we did not look at each other or spoke.

We sat on the bench and just looked at the sky above us.

"So, Juvia I really miss you"

Juvia ignored me and didn't say anything.

"Are you happy to be Lucy boyfriend?" Juvia asked me but she still looked at the ground.

"I am not Lucy boyfriend! I still know she likes Natsu anyway. Juvia just please can we at least talk to each other"

"We are aren't we I am just going to find James"

"No your not, your staying with me Juvia!"

"Do you want to go fishing?"

"Nothing else to do"

Juvia looked so sad and depressed. I really want to make her happy I want her to be my friend again or even more because I really do miss her and this is my only chance.

I quickly got two fishing rods and bait from the nearby fishing store and we walked near the ocean was and we found a fishing spot and sat there.

"I have never fished before" Juvia said quietly.

"Don't worry I will teach you. Now I am going to put the bait at the end of the hook and you throw it out in ocean but still hold the fishing rod, got it?"

Juvia was holding the fishing rod she was still looking really depressed.

"Now just wait for the fish to come. I will help you"

I put my hand and her hand on the fishing rod. She blushed a little.

"You ok Juvia?"

Juvia just nodded.

"Look, I am really sorry and I really miss the old Juvia who spoke in third person and fussed over me all the time and would always care about me"


Suddenly the string on the fishing rod was moving, a fish was trying to eat the bait.

"Come on Juvia we got to pull the string out of the water"

This fish must have been so big because it was really hard to finally get the string out of the water. We had enough of fishing and went back to the park and rest. I returned all the fishing equipment. I told Juvia that she could keep the fish we caught but she wanted to let it go back in ocean. Not only is she really pretty but she is really caring and kind too

(Juvia pov)
I can't believe I have to spend a whole day with Gray but I gotta admit when we went fishing it was pretty fun. I wish Gray had feelings for me but he doesn't.

"Juvia what do you want to do now?" Gray asked me. He just came back from returning the fishing stuff.

"I am not sure"

"Well at least you are talking to me"

Gray smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile at back. I can't stay mad at him forever.

A\N: I am sorry I don't know a lot about fishing and I only did it once in my life. I hope you like this chapter thanks for voting and comment! (≧∇≦)/

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now