Chapter 5 -The Plan-

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(Juvia pov)

I was at home getting ready for the picnic with GRAY-SAMA! This is a dream come true! I opened my closest looking at all the outfits I have. I took out all the outfits which I might wear to the picnic and put them on top of my bed.

The outfits were:
A simple blue dress which has a sparkling top, a white jacket and long brown boots.
A short pink skirt with a blue tank top and brown boots.
A blue collar top and matching skirt with high heels.

I wondered which one I would wear and choice the short pink skirt, blue tank top and boots. I putted my outfit on and smiled. It was nearly time to go soon.

(Gray pov)

I kept wondering and wondering WHAT SHALL I DO!!!! Juvia will start crying for days if I tell her. Suddenly I saw Lucy come up to me with a worried face.

"Gray what's wrong. Aren't you having a picnic with Juvia soon?"

"Uh..... about that I need to tell you something Lucy"


Lucy and I walked behind a building where nobody was around.

"Lucy to tell the truth I don't really like Juvia and I don't want to tell her that because its going to break her heart"


"Lucy I don't know what to do"

"Gray don't worry, I know something that will help you but its a secret!"

Oh my gosh Lucy sharing me a secret! I really wanted to tell her my feelings right now But it wasn't really the time for that right now.

"Ok in the forest if you head to the right direction over the bridge. You will see a little cottage its really old but there will be a old woman inside the cottage. She sells magical potions but these potions aren't like the ones you get from the shops or stores in fairy tail, these potions last forever! There is a potion for making a person not love you they will remember you but they won't have that love feeling for you"

"Wow really! Does the potion cost anything?"

"Just a ruby necklace!"

"Oh I don't have a ruby necklace"

Lucy reaches something from her pocket and hands me a ruby necklace and smiles at me.

"Do this for Juvia" Lucy said to me in a really soft voice.

"Thanks Lucy your the best!" I say to her kiss her on the cheek and run off to the forest.

I didn't turn back I just kept running to the forest.

(Juvia pov)
I looked at the clock again I had taken a little nap. It was time for the picnic with Gray!

Hi you guys! Hope you liked the story so far! Please vote, comment and add it in your library! Sorry for the error mistakes. Thanks you guys for reading this story! I will be doing chapter 6 soon!(^_^)

.Love Hurts. (Gruvia) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now